You do realize that averages out to like 8 Obj kills a game then, right? I don’t really think that’s as impressive as you may think it is…
In fact, according to Overbuff, it’s technically slightly below average.
I can see your profile.
9% Crit accuracy compared to overall 30% accuracy sorta speaks against that.
Like, I wouldn’t say you’re bad. Lord knows you’re a better Hanzo than me, but all of your stats seem to say “slightly under average,” not “excelling and carrying every match” like you seem to present them.
Um, actually it DOES add up just fine when you consider that part of the problem in Gold, as I and others have previously pointed out multiple times in many threads, many players don’t actually fight ON point. One of those heros being Widowmakers, Hanzos and Torbjorns who are usually off on the sidelines and back lines. And maybe thats also because many of them are eliminated BEFORE we get on point which in reality is the more ideal scenario.
Again, looking at a SINGLE stat by itself is insignificant. The whole must be compared to the sum of its parts.
Most of all, when the matchmaker is trying to make an even match. It will toss someone who’s been losing on your team if you’ve been winning. But often, these losers are throwers and leavers. So pretty much, if you win “too much” you’re punished for it and purposely dragged down by the system. It happens over and over, every single season for two years straight. Horrible experience, and the entire reason for the toxicity in this game.
Part of the problem, especially with all these otehr people and their crappy attitudes, is that they take things far out of context. They focus on 1 detail at a time like “my winrate” and pick it apart instead of looking at the WHOLE picture. Classic troll maneuver.
Skill is completely subjective. I can have 40 elims and be Silver medals and still be EFFECTIVE. But even if 5/6 people are effective players you can still lose the match because one player is feeding, directly sabotaging the match, or just being plain incompetent with their hero.
That is what everything hinges on. Winning the match. Its not always the fault of the good hanzo who hits his targets, gets picks and makes call outs. Yes I am making plays and getting picks, but if the rest of the group doesn’t take advantage of that situation we don’t win.
Winning is not exclusively synonymous with skill. Someone who played better than the whole group can still lose in a TEAM based game because 1 or more players are not as good as you are despite what these trollish people say. They ignore the fact that some people have different experiences overall.
You lack a basic understanding of how skill ranking systems work. They are essentially reductive in nature. In a standard system, win rate really is all that matters. In Overwatch, things get a bit more complicated, but for most discussions you can safely ignore that complication. If someone has a > 50% win rate, they rise in rank. If they have a < 50% win rate, they fall in rank. At every stage, players are matched with players of equal rank. Once their win rate is around 50%, they have the proper rank. Once everyone has about a 50% win rate, they have a similar rank to people of similar skill, on average. Individual games don’t matter, only averages.
The average person in your games has the same average skill as you. You focus on your best play, and your teammates worst play, but that is not what matters. What matters is the averages.
To see more about the philosophy of skill ranking systems, read Computing Your Skill, up through the section, “Let’s talk about chess”. After that it gets into the technical details of Microsoft Trueskill, which are not relevant here.
P.S. Calling people trolls when they try to explain things to you is not particularly helpful.
“At no point in MMR calculations do we look at your win/loss ratio and win/loss ratio is never used to determine who to match you with or against. We are not trying to drive your win/loss percentage toward a certain number” – Jeff Kaplan Overwatch Forums
“I’ve seen comments like “I just won three games in a row, so the matchmaker put me in a bad stomp to get back to a 50% win rate”. It doesn’t do anything like that at all.” – Scott Mercer Overwatch Forums
Okay, I’ll bite. We have comparable stats. You are about 3700, I am in gold. Explain.
The real problem, is if you are good, MM identifies you incorrectly as a smurf and throws you into an endless number of unwinnable games that it thinks you should carry in.
You would be carry, if the enemy dps were gold, but they never are in my games. So that means I have to carry a team that is struggling against high plat and low diamond smurfs that go out of their way to do anything it takes to kill me because I click heads (something none of my gold teammates can do reliably to save their lives).
This is an even easier task when the enemy smurfs run comps to dish out junk damage with sym turrets, torb turrets and moira orbs that they know the actual gold supports won’t heal enough or in time. And if that’s not enough, a booster runs reaper and waits for me to engage on something and that holds M1 in the back of my head while my support runs away.
It literally does not matter what hero I play, I get hard focused into oblivion by mccrees that can instantly 180 flash head shot me (something I can do to others as well).
So I have to play Tracer for sustain and then the enemy team changes their entire composition to literally counter me, so tell me - what can I do?
You have your stats playing against below average players, he is able to produce the same stats as you playing against players who have much better movement, game sense, positioning, aim, ult economy etc… If he were in your rank his stats would sky rocket
You keep saying this below average player nonsense as if you don’t believe that gold is plagued with high plat and low diamond players using new gold accounts to body kids who can’t aim. If I was facing actual gold players, I would win almost all of my games and skyrocket. I’m not facing gold players. How hard is that to understand?
The supports don’t heal dps in this elo, dps is designed to require heals. It’s a simple concept. If the supports are not plat or diamond level, they won’t know to prioritize keeping the dps alive. A diamond elo head shotting mccree that doesn’t belong in the game can easily outdamage whatever flippant heals you do receive from your gold elo supports. And if the tanks are bad and they never commit to a push, it’s gg.
if someone didn make any mistakes, he wouldn be in a lower rank. There could simply be too much dependency on your team in the current game design (hard counters etc.). He never claimed to have to be perfect. Your post was unnecessary.
Dude. When there is a PERPETUALLY SPEED BOOSTED WALLRUNNING LUCIO ON DORADO CLOCK TOWER FOR THE ENTIRE MATCH…I STRONGLY beg to differ that that person is anywhere NEAR my skill level or game sense.
When someone says a 50/50 chance to win, that has to do with how the SYSTEM MATCHES THE TEAMS based on the IDEAL 50/50 MATCH UP!! The system will match you, with someone else who has a lower MMR in order to even out or BALANCE those odds as CLOSE as it can to 50/50 CHANCE as it possibly can!! So YES!! The system is EFFECTIVELY handicapping you by placing you into a team with players who have lower skillsets based on their MMR!!! The system DOES THIS in hopes that the players with HIGHER skill will help bolster the LOWER skill player, when in REALITY, the bad player drags the others down!!!
Imagine a horse drawn carriage if you will. It has a 6 horse capacity. You start trotting along only to notice that one of the horses is DEAD!! That is what it feels like having one of these players on your team. It feels like dead weight that must be gotten rid of for the good of the rest of the team because they are pulling extra weight that isn’t being done by that 6th horse!!!
So YES!! He is absolutely CORRECT when he says that the system will RECOGNIZE that someone is bad, and will place them with other GOOD players, because the SIMPLE MATHS favor that ideal 50/50 CHANCE of winning, but it does NOTHING to account for who that player is, what that player does, and WHY they are bad!!!
That is potentially the most FATAL flaw of the entire system!!
More like mid-Plat and high silver boosters as well. I get those ALL the time and the Silver player has a lower skillset and does not deserve to be in a mid gold match around 2250 when they are 1700ish. And because of that, I gain less SR when I win, and lose more SR when I lose. That is why the system is horrible.
Yes, player skill is the only factor when people don’t climb. If you play plenty of games and can’t get out of your rank, then that means you are at the rank you should be.
Gold is below average. Smurfs who are “so amazing” will move out fast due to PBSR and it gets way too difficult to maintain a Smurf below diamond. It’s also funny that you mention that, because my whole point was he gets the same stats against much much better players. You probably see the enemy low level and think “gg guys”
Srs question because ive been wondering. Doesnt your teams and opponents behavior influence those stats to a certain degree? Wouldn that have an effecct on your PBSR gain rate?
If you use those stats to evaluate performance, you’ll expect a certain behavior of a player.
Ive been wondering for a while now, how PBSR is actually calculated and havent found anything about it yet. Not a huge fan of it though.
It does have an affect to an extent, one game isn’t going to kill your SR gains/losses. I’ve never seen someone lose a ton due to it. If on average you are performing better, you will climb. For instance, I had a season where I fell into gold, after a pretty substantial time, I was finally able to bring my SR back to a 50% from a 30%. In that time I gained 350 SR, you can climb while losing more than you when if you consistently perform better.
As this guy about it if you wanna know more about exactly how it works, he spends a lot of time studying the system.
They soft throw to avoid moving out. It’s easy to mask because average gold players feed anyway. So nobody sees the Lucio that speed boosts in alone and dies (they like to throw on Lucio especially). What else you got?
Most of them are hard stuck in plat because they can’t really aim, so it’ s not like their accounts are climbing, and i’m sure they are getting dumped on by higher smurfs there, so their solution is to humble bundle and pub slay low elo for lulz.
Sorry, but this whole system is broken for players that actually don’t belong in gold. The only hope I have is to one trick Tracer and ignore my team while playing for PBSR gains. Is that what I should be doing in my games to climb? Should I not play with my team?