I just want to point out that the system isn’t specifically putting all the leavers, throwers, and bad teammates on your team, and always putting the good guys on the enemy team, so points 1 through 4 are sorta null and void.
Sure, that stuff happens and it will set you back here and there, but they’re not preventing you from climbing overall since you’ll win matches due to the exact same reasons as well because, again, the system isn’t out to screw you over specifically, so the enemy team is going to lose here and there for the exact same reasons.
I honestly think the big problem comes down to 1 major thing: People don’t want to put the time in to grind out an overall climb, either because they actually can’t because don’t have the time, or they’re simply too impatient and demand immediate results.
If you play enough, and play well enough consistently, you’ll climb, regardless of all of these outside factors “constantly trying to keep you down”. They legitimately don’t happen often enough to .
I also just want to say I feel like a lot of people seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how the ranking system works. The point is to find where you belong so you can comfortably play games at your level, not to constantly climb the ranks and max out your score. If you’re gold, you have to hit plat. If you’re plat, you have to hit diamond. If you’re diamond, you have to hit masters… And that sort of mindset is horrible to have, and is why so many people think the system is broken.
Gold is average. And with most people being average, that’s where most people will find themselves “stuck” at. Which is fine. Need to stop obsessing over ranks and just play the game for the game itself. If you naturally get better and happen to climb as a result, then so be it, but don’t make it your life’s goal to constantly climb above everyone.