Top 5 Reasons Why People are Stuck in Gold Rank

No I think you’re missing Superfuse’s point.

IF you do not personally throw, leave, feed or be toxic in your games, that means there is one less ‘slot’ on your team that could potenially be one of those players (filled by you).

So he’s right: Assuming you’re not a problem player yourself, there is a higher chance of a problem player appearing on the enemy team than there is on your team. Specifically with the ratio of 5:6.

That means that for every 5 bad players you get on your teams, the enemy team will get 6. So the odds of getting “good” teammates is ever so slightly in your favour.


Odds are just that. A probability.

Comp is quite literally a coin flip. Coins have 2 separate sides with different images which have different dimensions. Neither side has the same weight distribution so it’s center of gravity is displaced to one side. As a result, the coin will land on one side more often than it does the other because of how that uneven distribution of weight effects how the coin spins or flips on a particular axis.

This also depends on what coin is flipped, spun or tumbled. Different coins have different images, made of different metals so they will spin, flip or tumble differently than any other coin.

The point being, the odds are not always in your favor, and they are not always in the other teams favor.

That is literally what Comp currently is. A coin flip. It doesn’t matter where the bad player ends up. They are effecting someone elses SR gains both positively AND negatively. They give a negative to the team they are on, and a positive to the team they are against. Often times the bad player you avoided mere minutes ago is now on the opposite team. Yes that might make you win, but you will not gain the same amount of SR you lost due to them, and the other team is now losing more SR due to that players repeated activities.

We should be focusing on fixing the problem, not debating the chances of it happening or denying that it is the cause of why some people lose SR despite performing well in a match.


Has a smurf ever made a game feel unplayable with how easily they dominated your team?

You can do that exact same thing if you practice your mechanics and game sense :slight_smile:


If I didn’t have decent game sense, I would clearly not be on the forum complaining about people who do.

Good game sense: A Mercy who stays out of Sniper sight lines.

Bad game sense: A Genji who dives healers and gets stomped by a brig or Winston.

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Well then maybe focus on your mechanics?


Top 5 reasons you are stuck in gold rank.

1: You are a gold level player.
2: You think you are better than a gold level player, but you really are just a gold level player.
3: Because you think you are better than you really are, you never actually improve and become better than a gold level player.
4: You blame everything except yourself, as evidenced by your list, and never acknowledge that you’re really just a gold level player.
5: You are in the right rank.


I don’t think anybody is contesting that comp isn’t a coin flip. It’s just stupid to claim problem players are what’s preventing you from climbing the ladder, because over a long period of time they actually work in your favour. You’re not stuck in Gold just because you keep getting throwers on your team.


You have never spectated me so you have no proof of any of that. End of story.

I have been on the verge of (literally within less than 10 SR) Platinum half a dozen times only to have it snatched away by leavers, throwers and griefers when one match would have elevated my rank and by extension shifted the odds into my favor.

Just accept you are average lmao, that’s the reason most of the player base is in gold. It’s a bell curve.

You have 2-2.5 elims per life against average players on your top 3 heroes and they are DPS. Stop deluding yourself.


How many Lucios do you see running on walls doing nothing??? I see at least 10 of those a day.

How many DPS Moiras do you see on your team throwing damage orbs into team fights? That happens almost every other match unless I decide to play a support myself.

How many hours do you actually invest each day? I’m curious.

Your most played hero is Rein, you won 6 games and have a 63% winrate. Your total play time on all your most played heros is 7 hours.

That is what smart people would call statistically irrelevant data. You are not better than someone else simply due to your rank coupled with minimal amount of effort. Accept that.

Look at my profile and see some of the other stats. You have double digit objective kills. I have TRIPLE DIGITS already this season over 800 objectiove kills as HANZO!! Do NOT accuse me of lack of skill and game sense.

it is also crazy that you think a 2.25 elim per life is a bad thing!! You played maybe 1 match with Roadhog and have a 13+ elim per life. Big freakin whoop. You realize that all those high numbers are on your LEAST played heros right? That’s BAD!! If your BEST STATS aren’t on heros you actually PLAY then those stats and by extension that RANK mean absolutely diddly squat man.

Blizzard needs to make it so that any hero with less than 10 games or 1 hour played cant be used as data for any MMR calculation. That would even the scales some.

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On dps heroes you should aim to have at least 3 to slowly climb. 2.25 is not awful but it means you are right about where you belong.


867 Objective kills as Hanzo THIS SEASON! So I beg to differ man.

Winrate is due to horrible players. If I am getting elims on point and my team doesn’t folow up, that’s NOT on me and not MY lack of skill!! Nuff said.

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I just want to point out that the system isn’t specifically putting all the leavers, throwers, and bad teammates on your team, and always putting the good guys on the enemy team, so points 1 through 4 are sorta null and void.

Sure, that stuff happens and it will set you back here and there, but they’re not preventing you from climbing overall since you’ll win matches due to the exact same reasons as well because, again, the system isn’t out to screw you over specifically, so the enemy team is going to lose here and there for the exact same reasons.

I honestly think the big problem comes down to 1 major thing: People don’t want to put the time in to grind out an overall climb, either because they actually can’t because don’t have the time, or they’re simply too impatient and demand immediate results.

If you play enough, and play well enough consistently, you’ll climb, regardless of all of these outside factors “constantly trying to keep you down”. They legitimately don’t happen often enough to .

I also just want to say I feel like a lot of people seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how the ranking system works. The point is to find where you belong so you can comfortably play games at your level, not to constantly climb the ranks and max out your score. If you’re gold, you have to hit plat. If you’re plat, you have to hit diamond. If you’re diamond, you have to hit masters… And that sort of mindset is horrible to have, and is why so many people think the system is broken.

Gold is average. And with most people being average, that’s where most people will find themselves “stuck” at. Which is fine. Need to stop obsessing over ranks and just play the game for the game itself. If you naturally get better and happen to climb as a result, then so be it, but don’t make it your life’s goal to constantly climb above everyone.


Context is important.

If that’s over 867 games, then that’s pretty bad.


You’re trying to use my hours and stats to discredit simple maths? What a joke.


Anyone can get this, especially with how much time you have.

Wasn’t mine due to luck according to you :thinking: what about the fact that it’s now above 50% every even more gameplay, is that still luck?


He has 207 games played this season. The problem in not lack of play. It is lack of effective play.

For those 207 games, you have a 52% win rate. That is enough games to say, in a statistically significant way, that you belong in gold. If you belonged in plat, it would be 60%+.


He also has a 47% W/L ratio on his main hero that has a significant portion of his time on.


So his rank would probably be a bit higher if he switched mains. But rank is determined by the heroes you actually play, not the ones you could have played.


Probnably a little more/less than 100 games give or take. 18 hours on Hanzo this season.

Like I said, its not lack of performance, its lack of follow up on the teams part. I make call outs, “Widow down, Zen down, Moira down” literally within maybe 30 seconds of eachother…and the Rein sits there…not moving forward. Why you ask? Well thats because usually that person is not in VC to hear those call outs so we don’t push quickly enough to capitalize on those picks.

So then, minutes later, because the other DPS, healers or tank have a poor perception of whats going on, I get accused of being the bad player yet the KILLFEED says othewise. And I am getting flat KILLS not just eliminations. I normally average 30+ elims and nearly HALF of those are cirect head shots and Killing Blows against full health Zenyattas, Mercy, Moira etc.

Look at ALL the stats alongside eachother and look at Hanzo specifically.

Stop picking ONE stat and downplaying my entire effectiveness based SOLELY on that stat. The stats mean nothing independently.

In the end, it doesn’t MATTER how effective you are ON YOUR OWN…when you LOSE the match!!!

I get 30-40 elims PER MATCH…on the OBJECTIVE…18k damage…and we STILL LOSE…not because I didn’t do MY JOB as a DPS…but because other players are NOT on the objective, not healing, not holding shields up or other such nonsense.

The ONLY aspect of ANY of this that matters is WIN.,…AND LOSS!! You could have 70 elims and it STILL doesn’t matter when you have a team full of inept players who do not fight on point. PERIOD!!!

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