Top 10 things i like/annoy me about OW

i started playing at the end of dec 2016 so this marks 2 years of me playing the game…thought id share my top 10’s with everyone…happy holidays people

lets get the bad out of way…things that annoy me (i dont want to say dislike because i love the game and things tend to annoy me more than anger me):

10 - overextending teammates - trickling too…but im talking defending team that thinks the proper way to defend is to be somewhere between the objective and the enemy spawn (sometimes at THE spawn)…usually leading to 1 or 2 of us being picked and the enemy team bumrushing the point and us losing objective

9 - leavers right before the match ends - like why? especially in arcade where people are mostly there to get their boxes…and then promptly miss out on the exp that also leads to boxes…it just makes no sense to me

8 - comp - no i dont think its broken…i just dislike comp in general cause the goal is not to have fun…its a heavily toxic environment…dont play more than like 20 games a season and i think it has a lot to do with why i enjoy game so much

7 - forum community in general - sorry but one glimpse of this place at any given time of day and its basically the same thing over and over again…everything is broken, game is dying, devs dont care…blah blah…weve heard it all…youd swear there were millions of people playing all who play the game BECAUSE they hate it…and yet here i am

6 - gold in lootboxes (epic/legendary) - not the idea of it…just if i still have epics or legendaries that im missing…i shouldnt be getting gold imo

5 - inflexible teammates - speaks for itself

4 - being afraid of choke points - the attacking team that will NOT walk through a choke point unless they already have 3 ultimates lined up…like you ever wonder why so many points are taking during overtime? its because you finally decide to attack the objective…so annoying

3 - revert mercy - i can live with rework…the mass rez crowd…its silly…its gone for a reason

2 - “THE META”/balance - couple of things…A) some people think the game can exist without it a META - there will always be one…because we decide that…B) characters not being meta somehow meaning theyre not balanced…just means theyre not meta…not everything has to be BROKEN…but balance in general…everyone has a different idea of what it means…frankly i think the game is ok right now…though i do hope whatever characters they introduce next dont enhance the current META…cause good lord it is cheap/boring

1 - hero stacking in Mystery Heroes - this might be pretty unique to me i guess…but its my favorite game mode and why the devs thought that it could possibly work in that game mode is easily the most aggravating thing to me MH + Hero Stacking = Broken...any chance we get alternate version? (game log included)

honorable mention: doomfist cratered achieve…come on…

top 10 things i like about the game

10 - funny moments - if youve never seen one of dabacabb’s videos id check em out on youtube…but in general all the funny stuff that happens while playing

9 - lucioball - i know many hate it but i actually look forward to this puppy and the other events in general…like yeah it would be cool to have new stuff but i enjoy the short breaks we get from the normal game and as a soccer fan lucio ball is easily my favorite (archives right after)

8 - OWL - meh you can slam if if you like…i love it…not a die hard fan…but i have enjoyed watching those guys play this game at the level that they do…cause lord knows i will never come close to that…heres to hoping this season isnt all GOATS (slim chance…i know)

7 - the forum community - wait what? yeah i know its up in the dislike section…but on occasion you guys make me laugh and/or make my day…its a love/hate relationship :stuck_out_tongue:

6 - The dev team - no im not trying to kiss up to them here…but say what you want about your game experience or lack of changes you specifically want…the graphics, sound quality (god bless those voice actors who are characters on their own), all the little subtle touches they throw in to the characters and maps design…its still worthy of my praise…they can always do better…but usually I notice some small detail every day that impresses me

5 - nano boosted sombra/bastion/orisa - i just love the sound of the guns when those 3 (sombra in particular) are nanoed…its just so satisfying to hear

4 - mystery heroes - its just my favorite mode…i like the constant change in playstyles…the challenge that presents for me…its just for fun and theres next to no toxicity…i recommend it (just keep #1 in the other section in mind)

3 - daddy jeff - ok now im kissing up…all hail our dark lord and master!

2 - "VICTORY!"

1 - my OW friends - the people i play with who are awesome and a huge reason why i still enjoy this game…some of which ive met while playing game…

would love for others to share!

happy holidays and happy new year folks