Top 10 Game Needs REVISITED - how did you do blizz (15k posts edition)

so i posted this list when i hit 10k posts almost a year ago (that worked out kinda nicely :sweat_smile:)

today we hit 15k!! (ty ty)…its time to go back and how you did blizz…lets see:

10 - nope
9 - featuring some at blizzcon isnt the same thing…
8 - nope…still gotta go 1 by 1…
7 - HUZZAH!!! good job!
6 - profile yes…but other than that…no
5 - yeah i wasnt expecting this one to actually change (technically not blizz though)
4 - ECHO!!..
3 - i mean outside of another sweep a few months ago…nothings changed on this front
2 - most objectively broken thing in game remains BROKEN
1 - they did get rid of hero/map pools…so at least there was recognition…and we do have OQ now…so id say this is a win

OVERALL SCORE - 3/9…better than nothing i guess…still think they can do way better (community score: 0/1…big oof :pensive:)

BONUS - since we’re at a new milestone though (and they addressed a couple) i think ill throw out a few bonus ones (though im not sure where they go on list)

NO to f2p! - given that its pretty much a foregone conclusion i am eager to see how they go about it…its bad in general…but they can at least mitigate things depending on how they go about it

new hero/map - not a NEED per say (and personally would prefer the map over the hero)…but would be nice given current situation…maybe blizzcon offers new info

COVID erradicated - blizz can do this right?

anyway…get back on the horse blizz…you still got work to do!!!


Sounds about right…

That’s an interesting “quote” :sweat_smile:

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this is something that I can definitely get behind

give us no limits permanent competitive mode