Can we have a character that sprays acid as a mean to destroy armor ?
So we can make this game great again ?
Thank you !
Or we can just turn reaper into the armor shredder he was meant to be.
What this man said ^^^
Adding something like acid to counter armor could be just what this game needs. Right now it’s like rock-paper-scissors except there’s no paper available.
What is the acid supposed to do? Ignore armor? Make the armor disappear like EMP/shields?
Maybe make it slowly decay when contact is made with the acid.
Basically a DoT to armor like venom mine, but only to armor.
Honestly we just need to update Reaper’s passive so he ignores armour. The game’s tank buster has a weapon that’s countered by armour… like wat?
We need a Hydralisk or something.
Besides, that’s diversity !
in general the idea of some heroes having weapons or abilities which are more effective against certain types of health is something i find quite appealing
sombra already does that to an extent
reaper is no tank buster
he is designed to get behind the lines and assassinate someone quickly
hanzo junkrat and pharah are way more suited to kill tanks (outside of tanks, the best tankbuster is probably roadhoag and dva doe a great job too)
It’s called Bunker comp
Yea I agree with that.
If we’re talking about how these characters are played then yea Reaper is a bad tank buster considering the stun meta, getting up close is death.
Brigg just poops all over him to be honest.
I’m glad they listened. We needed an anti-armor hero.
They also gave Torb a skill I listed in there (firewall) :
You would just have the acid totally ignore the armor and take off health first and then melt away the armor once all the health is gone. If shields were present it would need to take out the shield first, maybe with decreased damage against shields.
It’s an ult and not that large of an area so it’s not going to be amazing. Will be good to lay in a choke or on a small point. Maybe around the payload during overtime.