Todays devs response to powercreep is Heartbreaking

About GOATS… I know that you would hurt people’s feelings saying this, but between me an you, we both know Brig caused a sh*tload of problems and it was a HORRIBLE addition to the game when she was released back then. Maybe you didn’t have the power back then to stop her release and literally rework her kit, and i understand it, but without Brig things would be much easier to balance the year pre - Role Queue.

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I mean, all three of them shoot and except for Mei only really function by shooting; Baptiste even goes double or nothing by having two different shooting methods for different functions.

I get where you’re coming from on TTK but I don’t really know how that can define a game more than its method of play.

Thank you for stopping by the forums. I hope you guys stop by more often and check out our advice. We have a great deal that can be offered from new ideas to balance suggestions.

I will make sure everything I suggest has a purpose and a reason explained in my suggestions.

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And what is the point of it?

The problem is nothing near of overwatch felling like a Moba or a Visual Novel.

Yeah right now Ow feels more like a shooter, that true, but saying that there is no excessive powercreep because ow still feels like ow, doesn’t have logic.

The power creep is in the shooter aspect right now.

This shooter have some dps heroes with extremely high damage and CC that forced the shield meta, and shields are still must picks, and off-tanks are still considered throwing.


  • Hanzo was overbuffed
  • Mccree damage is a lot greater than last year
  • Mei’s CC is a lot more powerful than before
  • Reaper, Hog, Baptiste, etc.
    Almost every Dps and some others have received dmg buffs, even torb, and what HP buff tanks have received, what heal buff healers have received? I just remember the shield nerfs and healing reductions of Moira, mercy, etc.

And you said there is no excessive powercreep. Like wtf



Some of you takes this game way too seriously.


I’m also seeing a lot of Orisa in your post. Maybe Mei is simply enabled because people still aren’t breaking barriers the way they are supposed to; can’t tell you how many matches I play where the teams refuse to break the barriers even when we’re loaded with damage.

He didn’t say powercreep doesn’t exist, in either post, he said that he doesn’t feel it’s at the histrionic levels the forums certainly seem to think it is some days.

Also, with the shield nerfs most of the tanks got compensatory buffs, Winston was straight up buffed across the board in the patch just prior, Roadhog has extra ammo and also has received damage reduction and free movement during his heal since launch, plus all the tanks except Hog benefitted from the armor revert. Your post smacks of ‘No True Scotsman.’

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I’m a Sigma player now, but I’ve also got a very high win rate with Orisa, Reinhardt, Winston, and Roadhog. I say Orisa because it’s the best tank for interacting directly with Mei. That doesn’t mean I can’t barrierdance with Sigma or hook her into a pit. Just a matter of combined team-based responses having Orisa as the best answer for directly interacting with Mei. It’s not rocket science, Orisa has fortify.

I’ve been a hard advocate for tanks since season 1.

Also I think it’s hilarious that Chipsa despises Orisa. It cracks me up every time I see him rage about her.

Hey Josh. I have been very thankful that you have been posting and keeping open and honest with everyone in the last 24 hours. While I primarily work to help with tech issues and answer general questions as a forum MVP, I too have been reading a lot of the perceptions of the community. The one thing I think these threads and community feedback have been missing is specifically how certain heroes get more “value” due to their easy-to-use-gameplay versus that of heroes that have a lot of impact but require a higher amount of skill to use. Here are a few examples that the community (from what I have read) perceives:

Mei’s left click is very powerful in many ways and works to punish players by freezing them and leaving them vulnerable. So she should be good at the close-range fight, but vulnerable to long-range heroes like Widowmaker and Pharah. However, her ability to resist and block damage, heal gives her a tank-like ability to force the teamfight to where she wants.

Hanzo has been showing to deal more damage and has less risk of retaliation versus the other popular one-shot hero, Widowmaker. I know it has been said that Hanzo’s arrows are one of the smallest projectiles in the game, but there are times I still feel like he is a lumberjack throwing logs versus the pinpoint accuracy of Widowmaker’s hitscan shot. His ability to spam damage, climb walls with no cooldown, and leap great distances at a small cooldown gives him enough mobility to disengage from being dived by tanks like D.Va and Winston, unlike Widowmaker who only has her hook on a 12-second cooldown.

Orisa and Sigma despite the balance changes in 1.43, still have a lot of value. This is because of their crowd control abilities Halt, Accretion, and Gravitic Flux combined with defensive abilities like Fortify and Kinetic Grasp still are able to allow those tanks to dictate where and how a team fight takes place. Other tank heroes don’t have the “whole team crowd control” abilties to effectively dictate the team fight as these two.

Finally, Baptiste (which we know is getting changes soon) and Moira are still getting a lot of value in the support role. In my observation, Baptiste in a way has a mass rez on a cooldown. An enemy team can invest two or three ultimates (Graviton Surge + Dragon Storm, Nano Boost + Dragon Blade, EMP + Self Destruct are some examples) to effectively win a team fight if they do it right, however, Immortality Field is doing wonders to negate these powerful and high-cost ultimate combos as a single cooldown ability. The old Mercy (before patch 1.13) did the exact same thing, however that was an ultimate ability and executing it required a more predictive approach (anticipating it) rather than just reacting to the combo in progress (which Baptiste’s ability can do). I am hopeful that whatever change you guys have will address that. As far as Moira goes, her damaging abilities are getting more consistent damage versus that of other supports and her Biotic Orb really punishes opponents who attempt to retreat or disengage when they know they are in trouble by getting that last bit of damage to finish them off. While I don’t think her damage potential should be changed, I feel there needs to be a way to change how she deals that damage.

In short, these six heroes are the “highest value” heroes that I think the community perceives right now. They counter high-skill play too easily and deal enough consistent damage to make them more effective in most matches. Do you guys try to figure out which heroes have more reliable value than other heroes and try to adjust accordingly? I think this should be the perspective in balancing Overwatch that should look at. Thanks for reading.


IMHO things like “there’s too much healing” or “there’s too much damage” or “there’s too much barriers uptime” are not a problem, changing those things across the roster just changes the pace of the game, faster or slower, a game with a lot of, but short, team fights or a game with few, but long, team fights.

The real problem are individual hero kits. Some of them can get too much value, multitask value, more consistent (safe) than inconsistent (unsafe) value than other heroes, replacing those heroes with more limitations and being preferable to be picked, shaping up the meta to mirror matches (since there’s not much variety of overpowered heroes like those across the roles).

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I really hope the devs don’t listen to you guys complaining about Moira’s DPS, the amount of people who replied to him about MOIRA is just unbelievable and y’all are LYING at this point. She got 2 big nerfs.

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Maybe they mean in OW2 that Genji and S76 are viable?? :thinking:

I get it about Fortify, it certainly makes life easier when you have to close distances, but my comment on barrier breaking is about the fact that most any hero with range is a valid option for killing or at least neutralizing her. Obviously the tanks don’t have this barring Orisa either but that’s because Mei is supposed to be a tankbuster/disabler, she doesn’t have the damage potential to solo enemies and she has no mobility which means she’s vulnerable to most of the DPS and support roster that can outrange her.

Sadly, until people get back in the habit of breaking barriers I don’t see an end to her presence, and no reasonable buff to other heroes or nerf to her is going to change that because she works well in the ranges where people move in to bypass barriers.

My man calling it how it is :clap: :clap:

True, I should have said excessive powercreep. I wrote fast.

Winston bubble received a bubble buff, but he is still food for heroes like reaper, hanzo, hog, Mei. The buff was insufficient and the only reason his pickrate increased a little was because there is no bastion anymore.

What increase in raw healing output?

Mercy heals have been nerfed, Ana heals have been nerfed, Moira heals have been nerfed, Brigitte heals have been nerfed…

Please clarify where direct nerfs in raw healing output have resulted in increase in raw healing output. =)


Im glad you’re communicating at all, this gives US some insight too. Thank you for the time.

How about the Tank busting changes that crept in during Goats, changing entirely how tanking is played; hurting the viability of Tanks now you can’t stack 3 of them with 3 support?

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After reading this I have to ask what exactly defines Overwatch’s core gameplay as feeling like Overwatch to you. You mentioned that GOATs was an issue, because the game didn’t feel like a shooter and that made it less like Overwatch.

I’ve never really seen Overwatch as just a shooter game, though. Overwatch to me is a first person fighting game that combines elements of many different genres into a single title, so that it appeals to all types of players even if they don’t like shooters at all. The fact that it isn’t just a shooter is what defines Overwatch’s gameplay as Overwatch to me.

By this definition Overwatch is becoming less like Overwatch with every patch. Multiple reworks have effectively deleted some of Overwatch’s most unique hero designs, changes to tanks and supports are putting more power into their damage rather than their unique tanking and supporting abilities, and the remaining unique abilities are usually left mostly ineffective due to harsh balance changes.

If that multi-genre crossover fighting game isn’t what Overwatch was meant to be I can accept that, but if it’s not I’d like to know what it’s actually intended to be. Is it just another shooter game?


Josh, I just want to say really quickly that I really appreciate you coming to the forums to discuss these issues with us. Personally I love getting any kind of feedback from developers of a game I love so much, and though I might not always agree with what they said I massively appreciate their point of view. Not all game developers are so forthcoming in discussions, so it’s always a rare treat to hear from someone on the inside.

Keep up the good work! I hope you aren’t too discouraged from posting here in the future.