To the Balance Team

Nah, she usually does if you’re good with her, as much as any Ana or Moira. You play well, you heal a lot, she’s designed to be a main support.

…because she’s a main support.

Look, I’m fine with agreeing to disagree, this isn’t really what this thread is about. Screw labels anyway.

Well think about this, if everyone is busted then the game also isn’t fun when you’re getting spawncamped by comps like GOATS or double sniper.

The thing is, if the nerf DPS and healing equally then that means games are a lot easier to make sense of, which is also fun.

Man, I’m just sick of having to find new heroes to play. Might as well find a new game to play.

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I agree this period of nerf-only mode is gonna suck, but as long as they nerf DPS and supports equally, I’m not too worried. The problem is in order to make heroes like Soldier/Genji/Mercy relevant, they can’t buff them without making them OP. The only other way is to nerf supports. But in order to do that they need to nerf damage with it, which is what I hope they’re doing.

I hope they don’t make anyone suck as much as my favorite heroes do now.

At least dps aren’t being butched, but Brig nerfs? Hammond?

Whats next? Mercy nerfs? Hog? Definitely Rein :weary:

I’d take a break until things improve but my bro is finally getting back into OW. They’re about to nerf his heroes though.

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TF2’s golden age was exatly when most weapons were busted. They were bs to play against but extremely fun to play with, and nobody complained about balance back then, because everyone could have some fun. OW is making every hero unfun, every hero feels weak now. Doesn’t matter if they’re balaned or not, if they feel weak, people won’t play them.

Then may I ask why you are here? checking the forums for a game you no longer play seems like a bit of a waste

I don’t think Hog is getting nerfed. Rein… maybe. If the did, it would be one of his recent buffs. I doubt they’re nerfing him.

You meet so many of them i don’t even bother with that.

I hope not, he really sucked before, I hated playing him. I want tanks to get buffed so I can play more of them, not choose who I hate the least.

Btw, you ever try Destiny 2? I just got back into it and its really good. Its still free.

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I know, it’s a moot point but just letting them charge in here and dictate seems like giving up as well

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The labels do matter. It’s like trying to use as a main tank, of course you may end up thinking she sucks because you’re using her with characters she doesn’t pair well with.

Brig pairs best with Ana and Moira, while only pairing well with Lucio on occasion. Brig is an off healer, so it should come as no surprise if her healing takes hits in the balancing of the character.

Brigitte isn’t supposed to be the one making sure your team survives a catastrophe, she’s there to support your frontline to prevent the catastrophe from happening in the first place.

OW players: Power creep! Look at all these BUFFS!!! Everyone is overpowered! POWER CREEP POWER CREEP!

OW devs: Nerfs everyone

OW players: Wow my favorite hero got nerfed. They weren’t OP. WTF Blizzard? This isn’t fair.

You usually need a barrier to be a main tank, a defensive ult to be an off-support. If you don’t think she’s a main support then fine, play her your way, but you’re not going to convince me that she’s better with moira than she is with Lucio.

I’m not OW_players, I’m Rocktopus.

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This wasn’t just pointed at you.

The point is. Everyone screams and moans when there was “power creep” because everyone was OP. Now the balance team, at the request of the players, is nerfing everyone to tone down the effectiveness of everyone a bit, and people are complaining again.

It’s a never ending cycle of complaining.

Oh we know why
YourOverwatch :clown_face: and Samito :clown_face: rallied their hivemind mob mentality hatefuel parroting clown army troops to come spam “Brig is broken pls nerf” threads this past week after they made a vid where they complained about her


They said they didn’t want to have hero bans because “removing a character due to balance reasons feels like a sledgehammer”, then proceeds to sledgehammer all characters they want people to just not play. I’ll say it again, sledgehammer nerfs are worse than hero bans, because hero bans only apply to ranked, but sledgehammer nerfs apply to all ranks and modes.


Lucio makes it easier for Brig to heal, but Moira brings that healing and damage to boot. They are way more consistent than Brig Lucio is.

A main tank doesn’t need a shield, but they do need to be able to survive sitting in the enemy’s face for an extended period of time and then also move back.

The labels we give were made with a reason because it gives the community direction. Not all tanks are meant to stand up front the whole game, not all healers are expected to keep you alive with healing explicitly.

Telling people that Brigitte is a main healer will just cause problems. People will expect her to be doing more than she can, and that will only generate more negativity towards picking her in the first place. Comparing her to Mercy or Baptiste just doesn’t make sense because she simply can’t keep up with their healing in every scenario presented.

The problem with supports and especially tanks with the recent nerfs though is that everyone is equal just means everyone is equally trash. It doesn’t make it better, it makes it so nobody wants to play those roles because you just get destroyed

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Yeah but I wasn’t complaining about “power creep” so I guess now its my turn.

I think she does, and so does pretty much every Brig I’ve met. From my perspective, most people play her as a main support and one of their issues is people saying that they can’t.

If anything, I think just calling her a support instead of giving her a subrole is most accurate, same with Baptiste, and Moira.

Btw, I’ve been playing Winston again, things have actually been going great

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I 100% agree, the last three patches have all been nerf patches with a measly three buffs, characters like Sombra and sym and torb and Winston and still trash and not getting any better