To the Balance Team

The last few patches and the one currently on ptr all feel like they’ve got a message to them:

“Don’t play these heroes anymore”

It almost feels like we’re getting told what to play at this point. I’m afraid to learn heroes because anything that isn’t already lackluster gets made worse. Reinhardt is the best tank right now because all his competition has been nerfed. That puts me in a situation where I don’t want to play the nerfed heroes because they are very weak, but I’m afraid Reinhardt will just get nerfed in a week so why bother playing him either?

It’s even worse for support mains, half the supports have been nerfed over the last few months. People don’t even know why Brigitte’s getting nerfed.

Can we get some “play these heroes again” patches?


Actaully, I think they have the mentality of “if everyone’s nerfed, then everyone is equal”.

This is how they are trying to make heroes like Torb/Genji/Soldier good again.


This is the right way to see it.


I’m curious what in today’s patch is telling you not to play anything. All of the nerfs were fairly minor, and all target very specific interactions for the respective characters.

Other than Widow needing some getting-used-to in terms of how much damage each shot will deal, I wouldn’t expect any of these to affect how or when I play those characters.


i mean…if thats what you wanna think

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By nerfing Hammond?

I don’t know man.

Its the last few patches.

Sigma, Orisa, Baptiste are all terrible now.
Now they’re going after heroes who aren’t even meta yet.

Reminds me of when Borderlands 3 went on a nerf frenzy.


Considering the complaints about powercreep from some forumgoers I would expect this to be more likely than some other logic.

I played im today and he seemed fine

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Considering they pulled back on a number of the changes they proposed in the other patches I think it’s a bit hyperbolic to conclude they don’t want you playing them.

Let us know how they feel in the PTR.


unfortunately sigma and orisa are in the worst spot. One can’t be good enough to stand on their own without bringing back double barrier. Unless, you know, role queue is gone and there will be more options to counter double barrier with heavier dps comps like 4-1-1

They only hero that got away was Doom but I guess that’s some hope there.

He’s really niche for me, he kinda lives and dies by Grasp but Grasp is a gimmick. I wish I could play him more but I don’t like using him against teams that make his abilities not work.

It’s not the first time they nerfed heroes for the sole reason to kick a comp out of the meta, kinda disregarding that certain heroes then still do not work outside of that certain comp.
I guess the roster is still too small for a diverse and/or more natural evolving meta.


They also pulled back on ThicCree as well as well as Orisa’s damage nerf (originally 11-to-9, live version 11-to-10), among others.

The new balance philosophy includes not just more frequent and dramatic balance changes, but also a greater likelihood that the changes we see on PTR aren’t the ones that will make it to live.

Yo what is in the patch? My client won’t tell me :frowning:

PTR, nerf to Hammond’s piledrive stun, widow chargetime, Brig healthpack overheal armor and hps, buff to sym’s secondary.

Wait what. Why nerf Ball? That’s wack. He’s not in a good spot.

I completely agree with you, I just picked up Brig about a week ago and I extremely enjoy her but now I’m scared about her state in the game. As someone who pretty much only plays support, I’m very scared about what I will have to do when every support hero gets nerfed.


The Brigitte nerf🤨
Widowmaker needed one :heavy_check_mark:
Wrecking Ball one :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Symmetra one: That’s ok
Sadly no Reinhardt nerf.

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Check out the PTR forum page, but first and foremost play the PTR of you’re curious about the changes, and remember that changes to live are more likely to be different from the PTR changes now.


Yeah. Me thinks it was supposed to be a nerf and the community was so unreceptive to that possibility that they decided to just not do it.

She still kinda dead though.

And now they’re moving on to Hammond.

Well yeah but we keep getting these sledgehammer changes that either need to get walked back or they don’t and they overnerf the hero.

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