To the Balance Team

Yo what is in the patch? My client won’t tell me :frowning:

PTR, nerf to Hammond’s piledrive stun, widow chargetime, Brig healthpack overheal armor and hps, buff to sym’s secondary.

Wait what. Why nerf Ball? That’s wack. He’s not in a good spot.

I completely agree with you, I just picked up Brig about a week ago and I extremely enjoy her but now I’m scared about her state in the game. As someone who pretty much only plays support, I’m very scared about what I will have to do when every support hero gets nerfed.


The Brigitte nerf🤨
Widowmaker needed one :heavy_check_mark:
Wrecking Ball one :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Symmetra one: That’s ok
Sadly no Reinhardt nerf.

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Check out the PTR forum page, but first and foremost play the PTR of you’re curious about the changes, and remember that changes to live are more likely to be different from the PTR changes now.


Yeah. Me thinks it was supposed to be a nerf and the community was so unreceptive to that possibility that they decided to just not do it.

She still kinda dead though.

And now they’re moving on to Hammond.

Well yeah but we keep getting these sledgehammer changes that either need to get walked back or they don’t and they overnerf the hero.

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These are wack. Yeah, let’s ruin ball’s potential thanks Blizzard. Oh, and yeah let’s beat up Brig who is utter garbage now lol.


The point is though that handwringing over changes before trying them out isn’t productive, especially since they ARE more willing to walk them back. The best thing we can do is clock time on the PTR, see how it affects them, then post back.

People are overreacting to the Brig nerfs, they will hardly change anything about her

As for the hamster nerf, that one hurts more. It isn’t the end of the world, but when you compare Hammond to Doomfist, Hammond’s weapon needs the stun duration way more than Doomfist’s.

It might not be so horrible, but it won’t be great for a character who’s weapon is already kind of unreliable.

Sigma and Orisa have both seemed totally fine to me. Overshadowed by Reinhardt, certainly, but not weak on their own.

I didn’t play that much Baptiste before or after the changes, so I can’t really comment from that perspective. I can say that everything else definitely feels better without the lamp-behind-the-wall problem, so I’m glad they solved that in any case, but this isn’t likely to be the last of his changes.

To some extent, you’re right, though. “We’re going to be targeting the meta with balance changes” could be rephrased as “We’re going to make people change what they’re playing more often.”

they ruined every single hero i liked to play… i deleted the game, i’m obviously not welcome in it.

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I used to but ptr is always so dead. Besides, we’ve been seeing what their changes do to heroes.

She shouldn’t even be nerfed

Neither should he.

Man, they nuked the last meta, people only play Rein, Ball, and now, and now they’re going after Hammond.

People shouldn’t have to drop their heroes every month because they keep getting sent to F tier, thats terrible balance.


Hammond’s nerf definitely makes sense, it’s consistent with other recent nerfs and with Doomfist’s comparable ability.

Brig’s is random, but again makes sense. I’ve been saying she’s a sleeper pick that can dish out quite a lot of healing over a match, even enough to overtake the main healers in an especially good match. I think the developers realize this despite how the community thinks. I’d say be thankful the nerf wasn’t more harsh than it is.

I mean faster changes, as well as more dramatic changes, is what people have been asking for, so now Blizzard is giving it.

The fact that they’re more willing to revert stuff means that feedback based in actual testing, rather than speculation, is going to be more important. Also consider that half the reason PTR was unpopulated was because it was the same conservative changes for more than 2 weeks. With the way the past month of patches have been, and especially now with them trialling the hero pools on PTR, you’re practically getting a different play experience every day on PTR.

I wanna say to the balance team stop listening to DPS otherwise you might aswell scrap tanks/healer & turn the game i to COD, DPS have ruined the fame enough stop with the stupid nerfs to tanks/healers & nerf the crap out of the DPS


Not if he’s already balanced though.

She’s a main support, she’d be terrible if she wasn’t.

I don’t think it’ll be more populated but sure, I’ll try the ptr.


Nah OP, more like:

Blizzard is losing money in OWL, we need the OWL to be faster paced with more kills and more DPS kills for money and views. Let’s make sure Tanks suck except Rein, and make sure Supports get solo’d by all DPS. All of these changes help OWL retain and attract more viewers. You as a consumer, don’t matter at this point. Best to just join the DPS queues.


Brig is not a main support, her healing per second is not high enough or consistent enough for that to be true

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Yes it is and yes she is. That was the point of the rework, most Brig players run her as a main support now. Her armor packs are basically Mercy’s beam and then that cranks up with Inspire. Brigitte can’t compete with Zen or Lucio, her ult isn’t strong enough.

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