To everyone talking about overwatch going for 20$

So, people seem to be talking about Overwatch going for 20dollars instead of 40 now, like it means something so incredibly much. While in reality, its most likely just because overwatch is getting old.

You got to remember, overwatch is almost 3 years old now, and games nowadays dont cost that much for that long, and with the raise of F2P games, if overwatch kept its 40dollar price tag, it wouldnt get anywhere anymore.

And to everyone saying that overwatch is a dead game now, because it went cheaper, let me point you to the direction of CSGO, a game with a healthy playerbase, which just went F2P, it didnt have to, but its smarter to go cheaper now that the game isnt bought as much as before.

And i saw someone say that “well csgo is more popular than Overwatch”

i would argue that with player statistics but blizzard doesnt give those out, but i can point you to the direction of the sales of both games. Overwatch has reportedly sold over 40million copies to this day, and CSGO had sold about 25million in 2016, so its safe to say its maybe at 30million now. So its still behind overwatch, a game that came out far after CSGO.

pubg going free

yeah but pubg is a direct competitor to fortnite, ow is not

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Thats not really the point of it

point of what?

pubg going f2p? well yes that’s exactly the point then

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It going F2P wont change that fortnite will be more popular.

Paladins is F2P and isnt as popular as Overwatch, pubg wont be as popular as Fortnite before they make a better game.

Folks rather go for conspiracy theories than thinking logically. Every change the company does immediately means the game is shutting down, like, tomorrow.

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Overwatch 2 for mobile confirmed insert illuminati meme


Tbh I wouldn’t mind that if it’s executed well. Gives me an excuse to not pay attention in business class. :grin:


i don’t care, the point i was trying to make is that pubg is going f2p because it is a direct competitor to fortnite, basically the same game different skin

overwatch is not so the price change is not to get fortnite players to play ow, while pubg is trying to do that

The game of the game is surely the main reason for the lowered price but how long until it goes f2p anyway?

  1. Bliz gives a number for overwatch about logged in accounts. Not copies sold. It includes all free accounts on trial weekends plus smurf accounts on consoles.
  2. CS:GO 30mil copies sold are ONLY for steam. They don’t include console sales. This number doesn’t come from the company itself but steamspy.

I guess overwatch is behind cs go on sales. Or at the best scenario on equal levels. But it doesn’t really matter, active playerbase does.
Anyways it should had been f2p already. Little Tommy will play fortnite instead cause he won’t have to ask his dad for money. They could lock competitive mode with a one time pass for 10 or 20.

CS:GO manages to stay afloat becuase of their case openings and betting on skins. Valve has changed their view on how to make profit, and it’s a very scummy way. Comsmetics that cost up to $2.60 and the betting of said cosmetics.

PUBG is a game that should be free in the first place because it plays bad, looks bad, has bad mechanics, art style, balance, netcode, reused assets, and lacks any content whatsoever.

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It’s not a big deal, heck it’s been pretty much $20 for an account on and off for a year now. My main I paid full, my two alts are $20… they make their real money on loot boxes . If thats goes away thanks to navel-gazing in the EU, expect everything behind a paywall.

I don’t know their economic model, but its a free game accessible for everyone on equal terms. Pricey cosmetics are alright and overwatch is not much different with lootboxes. And its a side-source of income, owl is the main by far.
The main point for going f2p is that you stop or vastly decrease the actual development in the game. This has already happened with overwatch, they don’t deliver or plan to deliver major updates that can actively bring new players. Aka fresh stuff that reshape the game (beyond additions of 1 map 1 hero). Here it takes them one year to balance the game cause they added Brigitte.

I guess. But, I’m an old salty man who played Half Life, DoD, and TFC. To see Valve step down to a card game and making their games f2p hurts my heart. It kind of means that Valve isn’t working the same way I knew. Making games that had tons of time and effort put in by a small team.

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Hopefully never. That’d be the same as just outright pulling the plug on the servers. Trolls, leavers, cheaters, OTPs would be filling every game of competitive.

I’m fine with the new price tag. Anything’s better than F2P.

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I bought the game last summer for $10 and have never bought a loot box. I don’t get why anyone would, I only played for about 90 minutes this morning and got 3 of them, I probably average 1 every 45 minutes or so when you take in to account the arcade and endorsement loot boxes in addition to the level loot boxes.

CSGO 30mil copies sold is my estimate for this day an age, as it was 25mil in 2016, as CSGO is now F2P there are tons and tons and tons and tons of new accounts because of that, so the number is boosted because of that aswell.

next to that, csgo has probably just as many smurfs as OW, half of the accounts who play until MG are probably someones alt accounts, since its so easy to do.

i wouldnt say so, overwatch has been a bigger name throughout 2016 and atleast 2017 than csgo, and sold far far more than it did for many years, mind you csgo has been out for far far far longer than OW has, so it doesnt even get as many new users, aside form F2P users.


good, we dont need more young children making the game more toxic because they dont understand the concepts of team work, or even english.

Remember, theyre just cosmetics, you can open 5 lootboxes for about 5 dollars. where as in games like CSGO, you only get cases randomly throughout when you level up, you might not even get any. And you need to buy a key. for about 2-3dollars per case. So youll have to spend about the same amount for 2 cases, as you spend for 5 lootboxes.

Next to that, overwatch lootboxes have a higher chance of getting something good, and they have 4 slots to get that good from.