To "complaining" Mercy mains

I know it seems kind of dumb to say this, but I wouldn’t like many opinions on this post. I’m not on here often, so I don’t check replies and don’t want my notifications to blow up.

To people complaining about her state.
I understand that you guys like Mercy and her playstyle, but I would think why not pick up another hero instead? I used to complain about her state but I didn’t want to quit the game since I still am fond of Overwatch. I tried new heroes like Soldier, Lucio, Ana, and Zen (though tbh, I still play my fair share of her (cute spray lmao)) and things work out where in the past they didn’t with Mercy, which made me less salty whenever something went wrong in the game which leads us to a defeat, because I knew I did something helpful to the team (not that Mercy can’t, but it seems some Mercy players believe so in the forums).

I see Mercy players complaining then complaining that the devs never listen to them, but I don’t seem to understand. Since the forums are basically filled with forums about Mercy (well, you know what I mean), maybe that’s one reason? I don’t know, reply to me with any disagreements and I’ll see if I should change my opinions.

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Because “lol just quit” shouldn’t be the final answer. I’m tired of our feedback being blatantly ignored for over a year since the failed rework first hit live. “We feel it’s a success”, “we feel she’s fine and she doesn’t need any changes”.

14 nerfs later, here we are. ._. Yeah, I’m glad our voices mattered so much.


We have picked up and played new heroes.

It hasn’t made us any less upset over Mercy. We still miss playing Mercy as she was. We want Mercy to be fun again, so we can add her back to our hero pool.


“Instead of fixing the problem, play another hero and ignore it”


This. This is what I hear when I’m told “just play another hero.”


I tried but they screwed sym and sombra up too ;-;


I play Mei, Moira, Lucio, Winston,
Pharah, Junkrat, D.Va and Brigitte - quite a few of these heroes I actually picked up before Mercy.

And I still hate her current state. Not all Mercy mains are one tricks.


I get peeved everytime I see this because it heavily implies mercy mains dont play other heroes. Because they do! Just because mercy mains can play other heroes which in fact they do, and in more so just because they enjoy other heroes doesn’t and will not suddenly change how they feel about mercy’s current state.


Id say just play a different hero, but for a different reason:

If enough people didn’t play mercy and played moira instead, devs would see that data of mercy not being picked and then buff her.


Lowering your sample size isn’t a good idea.

I think when you start asking people to just walk away from their main and ‘pick somebody else’ you also have to take into consideration that there is not a single character in the game with a similar play style.

If Hanzo was suddenly graced with 14 nerfs there’d be at least three solid sniper substitutes. Mercy? Not so much.

It wasn’t just the hero that was ruined, it was the play style and the experience that a huge body of people specifically played the game for.

Mercy mains deserve to be angry if they want to be angry. I personally haven’t played her for more than ~20 hours since the third nerf, but there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t wish that I could without being reminded of how painfully broken she is.


See what gets me is I made my peace with the crappy rework til the healing nerf. Like it was unnecessary.


You go out of your way to hear what you want to hear which has been the one consistency with crying Mercy mains since even before the rework went through a year ago


Meanwhile people like me only play her now because guardiant angel is bae.

You can ignore reality, but you can’t ignore the results of ignoring reality.

Everyone that liked Roadhog back then complained about his damage being lowered to 150, people moved on or gived up and as a result we have a Roadhog that nowadays is boderline a troll pick.

If we just adjust and ignore everything the accursed balance team touchs, the game will slowly become avaible only for the most popular heroes, since we have to give up on Sombra, Bastion, Mei, Torb, Symm, Phara, Mercy, Hammond, etc. I don’t want a game where we are stale on some viable hero and just give up on everything that is ruined by the dev team.

If anything, i want this game to become the way some Moba games are, where people can’t repeat heroes if the other team already have it, but for this, not only we need to have More characters, but making the current ones in par(or close to it) of viability which each other.


Didnt you hear? This really only applies to salty DPS mains when their characters are forced into mediocrity or otherwise made irrelevant.

If you don’t like how the balance of a hero just play another hero, If a games not balanced, why not just play another game. Why even have forums if every thing can be solved like this! /s

No but on a serious note. Some switch and still don’t like the balance of Mercy, I seen even non mercy mains talk about her.


But she wasn’t fine,she had a 97% pickrate in the OWL lol.

For most of us this isn’t a case of just being Mercy.

For me:

I started playing Overwatch primarily as Ana and Lucio with Mercy mixed in when playing with friends.

Ana was nerfed due to her dominance in the top tiers of competitive play and ceased to be viable for me to play so I had to stop playing her for the most part.

Due to a mix of Lucio’s dominance in competitive play and the passive style of play some players used Lucio was reworked to have a significantly smaller healing radius. I could still play him effectively but, the design made it so instead of getting to focus on the objective I was frequently putting most of my effort keeping my allies in my circle as they ran all over the place.

At this point I swapped to playing Mercy primarily and my friends quit around this time.

Mercy became dominant in competitive play and players in competitive were hiding and resing. The developers then reworked her in a way that significantly altered her play style and made her significantly overpowered. They got thousands of posts on the PTR and they blew the majority of them off.

Around this time, an individual came on forums to complain about a ban. It turns out, they’d been reported over two thousand times and the lead developer felt that it was a you got owned moment rather than a wow my report system is failing.

It turns out the lead developer has a history for being significantly toxic (You can look it up by searching for Tigole Bitties and yes, he still goes by Tigole so even a decade later he still hasn’t gotten past it) which perhaps has compromised his ability to deal with toxicity as he may not see it as a problem until something else like bad press forces him to do so.

The staff was slow to adjust Mercy and they stuck with their design despite it’s significant issues. When interviewed in November? the lead developer stated that nobody had pointed out that reses were occurring more often/they were more powerful. This wasn’t the case at all and suggests the even after things went badly nobody bothered to read the PTR feedback thoroughly.

Fan Sites had data showing that Mercy’s stats were significantly overpowered within days of it being live. Either the Overwatch team failed to collect proper data on the PTR or the lead developer choose to ignore the data and push the changes anyways.

Here’s some of the stats a fan site had three days later. (The fan site had only a limited sample and only had access when it hit live servers

In addition to the increase in reses her healing was also up 7%

We’ve had over 100,000 posts about Mercy and they’ve kept going on their own little path despite it all. We’ve gone from a hero with good movement, solid healing, and a big potential ult to a hero with good movement that stops once you want to use your ability, healing that is significantly below the other healers in burst, and with an ult that is a slow burn.

The developers also shifted a portion of the resources off of the regular game to OWL and it appears that the balance approach has also moved in that direction.

When one of the staff was asked about the balance on Sombra a hero that’s done horribly for most of the population since her release we found out she’s not getting further buffs because she’s having success in Contenders despite the hero being non-viable for probably 98%+ of the population.

I quit TF2 after over 2,000 hours because the game decided to chase competitive and change the matchmaking system entirely killing the vanilla community servers I played on and making it harder to get into a full Valve server match. (They also started reworking the balance around competitive)

The lead developer has also mentioned on two occasions that the staff was split around 50/50 on decisions and that he’s decided to go with it anyways. With a skin that’s not the end of the world but when you do it with a hero that you put out a significantly limited number it’s deeply questionable.

The not listening by staff extends also to multimedia efforts. If you look at the negative feedback for Rise and Shine cinematic from last year you’ll quickly see many of the complaints revolve around people feeling that it didn’t really show much that was new.

You’d think that in the next year you’d put in some effort to ensure that people didn’t have that complaint but, of course they didn’t bother and that complaint was even louder in response to Shooting Star.

The top comment on reddit was
"Our new lore for the year:

D.Va has a friend."

The animation and the sounds were phenomenal again but, because certain staff wouldn’t bother listening the cinematic got a significant amount of criticism.


Mercy mains play other heroes too. I still concider myself a Mercy main, even though I pick up just about any other hero way more now than Mercy these days. I just checked now, and across my accounts, I have a total of 1471 logged hrs on Overwatch, most of them on Mercy. That’s not taking into account custom games, which I have had my fair share of (scrims, matches and such). I played Mercy through all the changes to her, and I know for a fact I’m not the only one willing to adapt. Before the last nerf though, I found her boring to play. I got sleepy quite easily while playing her, because she was so little engaging. Now she’s even worse, and I feel helpless trying to support my team. Yes, we can pick something else. But for how long? Shouldn’t we be able to pick the hero that fits best for whatever comp we’re going? Please keep in mind that we only have three main healers to choose from, while DPS has 15 heroes.

Should we just sit back and not say anything when we feel ignored? When we feel like there is SO much they could do to her to make her more fun, engaging, BALANCED and not frustrating to play? Is that really too much to ask? There has been SOO many good suggestions on this forum. Full reworks and stuff like that. Have a look, they’re really well made. They’re literally being handed free solutions to all the problems surrounding Mercy. And they never even acknowledge it. Just because she’s been in the spotlight for quite some time, that doesn’t make it okay to ignore our voices. Or do you disagree, mochkati?