To "complaining" Mercy mains

Gee, if an entire chunk of the playerbase can agree that Mercy isn’t fun to play, maybe, just maybe, she’s not fun to play.


Haven’t played her for more then 5 games since the January Nerfs even though she was still OP
I bought this game to feel like a hero (or a dastardly villian when I play Reaper) but Mercy is just the sidekick and if Blizzard gives us the 55 HPS then she’ll be a balanced sidekick but still horrible design

Just because I’m enjoying playing other heroes does not mean I don’t want to be able to lock in the hero I fell in love with playing during season 2 and feel like I have power and not just the teams little sidekick


That’s my point, dude. Mercy’s rework is a failure, but the devs continued to insist that the rework was fine. It’s just arrogance, they can’t admit they made a serious mistake with Mercy.


Nerfing it like they did was better then reverting to mass Rez IMO.

People like to deny it, but there was nothing wrong with Resurrect as an ultimate. A failed rework that is only “finally” balanced after 14 freakin’ nerfs is not better at all. It’s putting a bandaid on a self-inflicted 3rd degree burn.


There are people who enjoy playing Mercy, so you’ll have to argue why your fun is more important than theirs.

This is why “not fun” is such a weak argument. We all find certain heroes unfun. That’s why there’s more than one hero.


Why wasn’t the fun of Mercy players more important in the first place? Why were whiny players who couldn’t be bothered to actually think about when to use their ult, prioritized over Mercy players?

Tell that to Blizzard who reworked Mercy because she was ‘unfun to play against’.


Reworking Mercy to please the players who don’t have fun with her anymore won’t affect the fun of the people who have fun with her now. I’d even argue that it would make them go, wow, mercy’s a blast to play now! What an amazing upgrade!"

People who have fun with her now like her for Guardian Angel and her lock-on beams. Not a single rework suggestion that’s been put out messes with that.

“Unfun to play as” isn’t the same as “unfun to play against”. You can just play someone else in the first case, while you can’t do anything in the latter.

This is why you see so many Blizzard patches trying to fix the latter (Mercy, Roadhog, McCree, Genji, D.Va just to name a few), and for the former you have… the Lucio rework, and nothing else as far as I can remember.

Stopped reading after you said you don’t want any opinions on your post.

If you don’t want opinions, don’t post on discussion forums. And if you don’t care about our opinions, chances are we don’t care about yours either.


I don’t see Tracer being reworked because she’s unfun to play against. And she’s hell on wheels in the hands of a good player.

I don’t see any other hero in the game getting their ult changed just because it was unfun to play against. Because that’s the point. Ults are supposed to be unfun to play against when the enemy team wins the fight with them.

Why hasn’t Graviton gotten deleted? Why hasn’t Earthshatter been scrapped? Why is Dragonblade still here? All of them are unfun to play against.

If you say “it’s because they have counterplay” I’m going to have to feed you a sock. Mass rez could have easily been tweaked to that effect.


You can counter the ‘unfun’ character.

I mean, in Mercy’s case, there were such simple things that you could do to counter it. Like, not blowing 5 ults at one time. Or, saving an ult for rez. Maybe focus the Mercy if she’s that big of an issue.

But no. That’s too hard for people.

Wait, when was he nerfed for being ‘unfun’ to play against?

Pretty sure he was nerfed because he was OP?

There was no reason for the Mercy rework. If there wasn’t enough counterplay, throw a cast time on it. If Hide and Rez was that big of an issue, put a LoS requirement on it. Then, buff her kit. Easy solution that doesn’t lead to her being OP for about a year.


Degrees. Most heroes are “unfun” to some degree, but that doesn’t make them equivalent to something like a 400 armor D.Va, 150-damage bodyshot Widowmaker, Hook 1.0, or mass rez Mercy.

That’s largely because nobody hates any ult in the game even half as much as people hated mass rez.

And this is where I relish in throwing the phrase that’s been shoved down my throat for the past year in your face:

“Fun is subjective.”

I’m pretty sure rez was most hated by the people who spammed ults and forgot about the Mercy. Being countered sucks on ice, but it’s your own fault when it happens. Mercy countered careless play.

If you weren’t careless, mass rez and Mercy herself was so easy-peasy to counter that she was considered a troll pick above platinum. It’s called: sic a dive hero on Mercy. Hold at least one ult for easy kills after Mercy uses rez, or bait out a tempo rez by killing the secondary healer or main tank early in the fight.


Wasn’t she OP at that point?

Again, she was OP.

Wasn’t he being played as a flanker? Which, for a tank, wasn’t great design. I mean, it’s not like they removed parts of his kit though.

Which wasn’t an issue. I mean, she was a troll pick for most of the time that she had Mass Rez.


Isn’t it better to try and get heroes balanced and enjoyable rather than abandon them for a potentially better balanced and enjoyable hero?

He’s played more as a flanker now than he was then, owing in part due to the Take a Breather changes later. And even during Season 4 he was played the exact same way. Even as a Hog main I can concede that hook 2.0 came about because getting hooked from behind walls absolutely sucks for the target.

Well yeah, being unfun to play against isn’t a huge deal if you’re terrible. You can bet that if Sym 2.0 was actually good, there’d be a colossal outcry about the shield generator. Likewise about molten core if Torb actually saw playtime.

He’s barely picked at this point, because he’s an awful tank.

You’ve basically just said that ultimates are unfun to play against.

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I’m not sure what creative interpretation you’re using to get that.

Mercy was only “un-fun” to play against if you ignored her until she ulted, and didn’t practice good ult economy.

Seriously, Mercy is breakfast for any dive hero. But you had Genji/etc. players insisting that focusing the Mercy “wasn’t their job.”

It’s like a Mcree or Widowmaker insisting that taking care of the Pharah isn’t their job.