To buff bastion they need to nerf bastion

Hey guys, someone’s been popping off on the forums spamming buff bastion threads which has put put bastion on my mind.

I really like the character but I find it funny that people that play him think they can just buff his numbers with out totally breaking the character. He’s going to need CD on his turret form if he’s ever going to be viable. I have a whole rework written up for him but it usually just causes rage because most players can’t imagine a bastion that doesn’t sit in one place with infinite turret mode.

One QoL change/ buff I would like to see as a console player is the ability to rocket jump at a button press on console because it’s essentially impossible to do it correctly or at least I’ve never been able to do it.


At least this post is a constructive one. Thank you for actually putting in effort and clearly stating what you want. I hope for a better Bastion too.


Remember when we wanted to nerf Bastion cause he was too op?
Buffed him instead and ppl were mad, but now he hasn’t been nerfed and he’s dumpster tier.

So it’s not always the state of the character itself that defines if it’s a valuable pick or not. So we need to look at alot of different factors.

Now off to the main topic, i think it would open some possibilities.
But in my opinion i don’t think this is something required.
(I don’t play console so i know my vote is a bit inferior)
But how about allowing you to change your sensitivity for Tank mode?

This would make the hero unplayable… ngl.

Constructive post yes.

Not helpful sadly.

I’m telling ya, give Bastion his shield in turret form, BUT make it so it only lasts a few seconds (like 6 or so seconds) with a cooldown of at least 10 seconds (and it doesn’t start until you exit Turret form)

At the same time, nerf his damage in turret form. Cause let’s face it, it’s what makes him overpowered yet underpowered at the same time, since at times the turret form makes him pretty much a monster, but since that’s all he has, he can’t move and his hitbox is giant, he gets killed easily if you get the drop on him with a burst character.

Just by placing a cd on his turret does not make him unviable. It inherently shows a misunderstanding of balance. If bastions primary did 2000 damage but had a Cd on turret he would be OP.

Think outside the box. If they put a 12 second CD on bastions turret what compensation buffs would he be able to get to make up for a rather lengthy Cd?

This is the issue… he needs his Sentry* to be available at any time he sees fit, it’s what makes playing the hero pretty much worth it over playing Soldier: 76 or Mccree.

If we just buff other parts of his kit, he’s a fat Soldier.

But the moment we restrict Sentry?

“Bastion used Sentry, push in 3…”

And you’d be in the spawn room every. single. time.

This doesn’t make him more viable, it makes him more viable in bronze, and nonexistent in coordinated play.

And yes, to add to this if we make Sentry stronger, it would be strong but people often forget it’s major downsides, because… we’re so used to them.

You’re literally unable to move which is something mostly only ever seen in other ultimate abilities… and is even a major downside to those.

And as for a primary fire, it makes you more of a target than anyone else in an instant… you’re going to be focused, and the only way to avoid it used to be being more dangerous… and forcing the enemy to think “Wait, if i run directly in i’ll die… maybe i should try something else” In the same way that a Widow makes you think…

it’s not unbalanced, it’s a skill check.

Cool down on sentry mode would ruin the character. It would either be ridiculously OP or useless. It would be so easy to bait out and people could just walk out of his line of sight and then he would have wasted his ability. He’d be a joke at higher tiers and at lower tiers. Its just to restrictive for an ability that cannot move. Maybe a resource meter but not a cool down.

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A 0.25 second shield would be fine, it could block CC but it would be hard to use. Make it small to, that way you can still hook him if you do it at the right angle.

I’d be fine with them nerfing turret mode’s clip size if it meant he could have other things buffed, like Recon’s clip size. His ultimate especially needs some attention, between his turret mode and ult, his ult is actually a sidegrade at best.

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Revert the healing nerf from a few monthes ago (should never have been added, especially as compensation for a QOL buff) and have tank mode restore all lost hp at the end of the transformation. Now if you are at low hp the ult can actually be used rather than you waiting ages to heal.

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You are patently wrong, putting a cd on something does not instantly break a character. What if the cd was 1 second? What if it was 2, what if it was 5 minutes.

Putting a CD on 1 ability does not make it useless, bastion hardly ever uses turret form in a 1v1, and if “baited” then he could literally sit in turret form in the prepared position until the enemy had to come to him.

Limiting a characters power in one aspect means you can move that power to another aspect of their kit. In this case bastion has all of his power currently in his turret form. If you want to change him to make him better without nurfing him into the ground (see iron clad) you have to shift power away from turret mode.

You clearly didn’t want a 1 second cool down on sentry mode, you wanted at least a 5 second cool down.

Bastion does use his sentry mode in a 1v1. Find an oppurtunity to use sentry mode and then use it. Go around a corner and transform or jump down high ground and transform. Or better yet begin the engagement in sentry mode. If Bastion has been baited then he’s dead because he has set up in a poor position. Say you chase bastion round a corner, hear him transform and then just leave. He’s going to be destroyed without sentry mode, or he’s going to be made into mush without sentry mode or have to go into hiding, even if you buff recon. Best he could do is peck people at a distance. It would also mean that temporairly using sentry to kill or pressure one target would be a dumb decision. Recon shouldn’t be much stronger, we don’t want him to be better than soldier 76, he’s already doing bad enough. Maybe buff its survivability but it doesn’t need more ultility or damage. Maybe lower spread a bit.

Bastion has all of his power in sentry mode? You underestimate recon mode, it can do alot of damage with head shots. It needs a little buff but nothing major, recon should never be the focus of bastion’s kit, the day it does is the day he dies and we get a new hero in his place. Sentry mode his gimmick and he is the gimmickest hero in the game. It shouldn’t get weaker. Making bastion less unique is not the way to go. Recon mode has its time and place, there are alot of situations where it is better than sentry.

Kolorblind is the highest ranked bation player and if they think it would make him super UP then it probably would. Kolor plays by baiting people to attack him and then repositioning to kill them by surprise. This playstyle would be immpossible with a cool on sentry mode or at least very difficult.

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That is the opposite of viable.

It ALL boils down to a very very simple calculation.

“Bastion used Sentry, dive in 3… 2… 1…”

Which would end in the player’s death and long walk back from the spawn room, 100% of the time, every single time.

Kolorblind is a proactive bastion player. He doesn’t sit around waiting for plays he goes and finds them, using surprise and high dps to get picks.

My point on cd is a general balance principle. If you want to add power somewhere to a characters kit it needs to come from somewhere, just increasing their power level leads to power creep and breaks frustrating hero’s.

Bastion is not UP, you mentioned yourself recon is powerful enough, so is turret form, it’s too powerful actually. His ult is lack luster.

My suggestion has consistently been add a CD to turret, move tank mode to an ability with a slightly longer CD so he can have follow up after he breaks barriers, and give him a self steroid ult.

Until bastion players are willing to give up power in turret mode we won’t see a viable bastion, he’ll be relegated to the niche pick he has been since launch

It’s just… Bastion’s core design is flawed, it forces him to mediocrity since buffing him would make him far too powerful.

If they want to make him better they’d have to scrap Bastion entirely

So bastion should never be able to be dove? What other character has the ability to never have down time?

Do you think baptist should have 100% up time on imortality field? Do you think mercy guardian angel should have no cd and let her zip around? CD give bursts of power that then become unavailable as a resource. Bastions only resource that runs out is his self heal and a short reload time. His dps is 450 a second, for over 5 seconds. He can break any barrier in the game with one clip, he can outlast a dva dm and still demech her.

Bastion has the power in his kit you just need to be willing to take it from turret to move it else wear

I don’t talk to people who speak in extremes.

Never did i claim he “Shouldn’t able to be dove”
I said he would die 100% of the time if he had a cooldown to his only defensive ability.

How is he’ll lose 100% of duels if he has a CD not an extreme. Also if he had a second CD (his tank mode) maybe he wouldn’t.

He’d be at a distinct disadvantage when both were on CD but so is torb when his turret is destroyed and his overload is on CD.

Think outside of pirate ship and bunker. Bastion is not the turret hero, he’s the transforming hero. He changes modes, let’s make him do that more often.

“Think outside of team fights, and choke points… Reinhardt is NOT the shield hero, he’s a charging hero… let’s make him do that more often”

Is not a valid argument.