To all the people crying about Mercy

Mercy is fine but she cannot save you from a grav or dva bomb or rip tire or tac visor, or blade, where Soundbarrier can, you see where Im going with this? Ask any popular OW youtuber, (Stylosa, Your OW, OW Central, BLC, Blizzard guides) They all say Lucio is the hardest support to master/ play at the highest level. Soundbarrier is never used offensively anytime, ever, it is a defensive support ult, meaning used for defensive. Ana’s nano boost is an offensive support meaning it assists offensively . HELLO QP IS THAT YOU? Say what you will about Sty he is one of if not the most knowledge ladder youtubers out there.

Appeal to Stylosa: the oldest logical fallacy in the book.

they did and it is arguably worse!
also they added a bunch more to the list clap clap

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Yeah to emphasis why you don’t use Mercy ult in the same place as Lucio ult

no i don’t see how it’s harder to master! whether you wanna defend with Valkyrie or defend with beat you have to foresee when they are going to push! that’s my point!

he’s not! and since you’re saying youtuber like they matter in this argument im just gonna drop this here

yes it is! when you need to push but you can’t out heal the damage they’re going to do you need to use beat to have a successful push

and nano is sometimes used defensively to negate their nano!

i don’t care what he thinks?

If the youtubers where bad then they wouldn’t be reached out to for interviews with players and even JEFF! You don’t drop beat as soon as they push, you use it to counter grav or other ults, Lucio is the hardest to master and I would like to see who you think is, that Ryan guy thinks Lucio is easy mode in GM sure dude. That type of soundbarrier is only used on the last push when everything else failed. Nano being used to negate an OFFENSIVE NANO, Sty wouldn’t have gotten an interview w/ Jeff or been asked to be the General Manager of team UK if he didn’t know lots about the game.

this is as anecdotal as it gets

also here’s a clip of beat being used offensively

This post is still going. yikes

tell me about it this guy is as persistent as me…

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No fear of Grav or team wipe ult, and is last fight so makes sense everyone presses q

Just unbelievable at this point :joy:


As is the last fight on point so there is no reason not to use beat, you will never see it in this meta.


Omg y’all still going at it. It’s 11 o’clock pm where I live. Y’all just stubborn :joy:

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While true in this sense, it was the last fight and there was no fear of grav so there was no reason not to use it. OK this guy is prob right you say we just end it here. U type (Shakes guys hand) I type the same we like each others post and call it even, were both wrong and right in places? @minty

eh only if you say one tricking is fine! and mercy takes skill
(i totally forgot this is what this whole thing was about…)

You really gonna do me like this? Me too, we went way off topic

Shakes Guys Hand

uhh… yes! yes, absolutely

Yes one tricking is fine(but not all the time)

Shakes Guys Hand