The small problem I see with Baptiste

After playing around with the hero I noticed something minor not major. due to being the only hero in the game with an alternate fire using its own ammo. The automatic reload is triggered when you run out of ammo whether it be primary or alt fire. This causes the whole mag to be reloaded, so what I see is what if im playing Baptiste and I have just finished off the enemy genji with my last burst of ammo.(In primary) this triggers the auto reload causing me to not be able to use my entire weapon during this reload. So say I realize my rein is about to die to the enemy rein, but I can’t shoot my heal grenade because the auto reload was triggered by my primary being out of ammo. So now what, I killed the genji but my rein died do to the auto reload.

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Wait, the primary and alt ammo are not shared like Mei’s ?

Odd . Didnt know that.

No, they run off 2 different mags that are forced to reload together.

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That is weird, way to catch something we all slept on bro chacho

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I don’t see an issue with this. It’s just resource management and thats part of playing support. If the rein needs healing heal him before you trigger that auto reload. As a support you should be prioritizing healing over damage dealing.