To all the people complaining about no ow2 news

Mercy was there for the Storm Rising mission, and the enemy was Talon (primarily human beings)

True, but eventually they are gonna copy what Valorant did with the beta access codes as random drops for watching streamers.

I really hope that their idea of higher difficulty = more bullet sponge with higher damage and better accuracy only.

To me, higher difficulty do some of the top that I have mention, but it should also introduce new mobs to change the approach when comparing to the previous difficulty. Not just doing the same thing but with less room for mistakes.

I was not playing during that event. Did Mercy actually shoot a human in a cutscene or was acknowledge in any way that she killed another person? Just curious.

Probably – OW is in a weird state on twitch since they decoupled OWL with twitch and went to YT gaming, but still do events/drops on twitch.

Because it would seem they still haven’t figured out YouTube drops without watching on the OWL website or OWL app.

didnt she light up and cause a car crash?

Yeah IDK about that, I just leave it on the official OWL website to be safe.

I doubt it will be very complex story. OW characters are basically cartoon characters with guns, so I’m expecting a story on par with an afternoon cartoon.

Although, some recent cartoons are pretty good lol.

From a player who loves playing Half Life, I don’t mind waiting.

Same. Funny thing this, I was mentioning “do it through an official Blizzard website” before Season 3 barely even started.

✅ Blizzard can start OWL token drops

It still annoys me that you either boop a person away or suck them in. I get this both being charged at and playing as Rein.

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Well, there’s the part where she flys right in front if a car, blinding the driver… they crashed pretty badly

if they do this i will be really really dissapointed…

whats blizzards obsession with streamers…?

It took 18 months from announcement of Overwatch at Blizzcon to actual release, in an atmosphere where there wasn’t a global pandemic and the imminent release of new consoles from Sony and Microsoft. People expect too much too quickly.

The one thing im glad they decided not to provide news is they dont hype the players. Remember how the D.Va skin turned out? Or No Mans Sky when released?

I agree with this. There isn’t anything that blizzard could do to make the situation better. However, the route they have taken is more for their benefit, and not the player’s. At least if they had brought in the content over the years instead of waiting to release OW2, people playing the game now would have content to enjoy. However, they’ve taken the “benefit blizzard” route, to save all this content for a new game.

Now, like you said, from a financial standpoint, that makes sense, but, people who play games are never a fan of cash grabs. Developing a game should be players first, company second. You’ll engage more interest in the game - meaning potentially more twitch viewers, more people buying your lootboxes, more money. Engaging your audience makes the money. Staying completely silent about your new content pushes people away.

As a diehard fan of the game, I’ll be getting OW2 regardless. But I can’t deny the fact that many people wont even bother coming back to the game, because of blizzards bad handling on the first one.

No, no news for over a year is simply preposterous, no excuses what so ever.

This is one of their biggest flaws for this game. In the pursuit of perfect balance they made plenty of horrible decisions like butchering entire hero’s such as sym with their reworks. Designing perfect counters to entire team comps like brig and so on.

It really hurt the game from a casual perspective. And it even screwed over their competitive market

No game dev should announce anything if -at least- the release date isn’t confirmed as well at the same time.

Also,the whole pandemic thing is no longer a good excuse considering how much content other games get :man_shrugging: