To all Mercy's ‍ ‍ ‍

Aww shucks, thanks for calling my cute :relaxed: < 3. But yeah im mad about the unprofessionalism on Blizzard’s part too, but when you whine about something that is kind of not too bad without going into detail is ridiculous.

here’s all detail you could ever want and more.

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And I kinda wish she got her Gaurdian angel replaced with a 4 second cooldown ability that is a bit slower but allows you to control the direction you are in, and lasts for 2 seconds, maybe called doctors orders, or make GA 3 seconds… It is kinda annoying playing against a get out of jail free card every 2 seconds and hoping your team is positioned correctly. Maybe her E can be an ability called Valhalla that empowers heroes, gives you a healing buff or something else, idk for sure but its just something I thought.

:kissing_heart: no problem mate…

At this point I think the whining is completely acceptable as again these nerf will only affect just a small percentage. This nerf barley took a toll on Mercy, and well people are still going complain.

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Nobody likes being nerfed… it’s pretty common to see outcry on the forums when a hero is nerfed but it’s been pretty chill imo.

Everybody has been screaming at the devs today, and I think rightfully so.

This patch has numerous problems with it (not to mention the rocky start it had with the servers being unstable at first)

It has just been a mess with a half baked event. I’m just getting the D.Va skin, maybe zen’s and im outtie. Lucioball is still bugged, is the same boring gamemode and nothing else new was added. let’s pray to daddy jeff that they step up their game

I enjoy lucioball but I just wish the maps were at least more diverse in actual structure.

Getting a couple of skins, some 30 second production time profile pictures, 2 highlight intros, and ONE EMOTE, a reskin of a simple, small map, and the same broken gamemode is such a letdown. At least we got the D.Va skin that wasn’t a failure. But even then how can I say no to a D.Va skin?

I don’t mind the lack of cosmetics as much as there could be various reasons behind it like a bigger content patch coming or perhaps something else altogether.

HOWEVER the things bugging me most are all the bugs,reins unfinished ult animation, and probably a lot more issues that I haven’t seen yet.

Quality assurance was asleep at the wheel that’s for sure.

Hopefully, I’m looking forward to a D.Va Halloween or Christmas skin. These are some of the top events and she hasnt gotten a skin for them, so I hope she gets something!

if u r talking about the 10hps removed u will not feel it because u dont play mercy that much but when u spend 2 min ahealing a dva it will be nice for all tanks players

This thread is going to start conflict with mercy mains lmao.

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