To all Mercy's ‍ ‍ ‍

Stop whining about the 10 HPS they removed, you are lucky that they didn’t change anything about the broken kit you have. Like any other Mercy nerf they have given her, she is still going to do good. Now start rioting to the devs! WE WANT THE GOOD OLD DEV TEAM WE KNOW!


It’s actually been relatively chill on this issue.

Haven’t seen a single thread get locked on the subject.


I’m pretty sure the Mercy mains WANT changes to happen to their kit tho lmao?


It feels like nothing, but it’s big. I can… barely outheal Moiras? Idk, just my experience.

But yeah. Don’t nerf her kit. Nerf Rez.

-160hr Mercy main



thats why most of us are mad.

too good, which is the problem

we have been omegalul


True. I thought the forums would be a blood bath with mercy posts, but it was chill this time. Probably because everyone was Shtting their pants about the unacceptable event.

Or because the other support buffs are really fun, and Hammond’s place in the meta isn’t known yet, which had some intrigue.

Give it about a month it will probably start back up again.

I don’t think that they should’ve released him into Competitive play. Nobody really knows his place, I wish they gave us more time, by S12

Wow, you sound like a great person!


You crossed the line

I’m joking (20 characters)

Have we been bamboozled? ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍

Right, our whining is totally because we didn’t want her nerfed and for her to stay OP, not at all because it’s the wrong nerf and all of us asked for a nerf to her res or even valk instead.

Yeah you totally got us.


For most discussions I have seen people talk about how the nerf is pointless and never brought up the res nerf. shrug

I think it’s because saying “I hate this nerf” is easier than going into detail on why they hate it and why it should have been her res. I am 100% sure though that mercy mains would take a res nerf over this heal nerf any day.

Also, be it simple whining or actually constructive criticism towards the nerf it does nothing, developers don’t give a sh** about what mercy mains think anymore. If they did, they’d have scrapped this version of mercy a long time ago.

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That is why many are whining though… This nerf didn’t change a thing. It didn’t fixed her problem, meaning that in the near future they are going nerf her again because she will still be superior as the devs even said it that she is suppose to be the go to support for raw healing.

LOL, but I find it cute that you had to make this thread just to express all this… in fact I don’t think many really care at this point. I think more people are worried about the lack of professionalism on Blizzard part when it come down to this year summer event and the lack of acknowledgment of properly listing every change on the patch note.

But this post was funny to say the very least.


bUt ShE’s A cHoRe To PlAy.

Couldn’t agree more about devs not giving a sh*t. Idk if a res nerf is the right thing though, I do think it is extremely annoying to have a kill you worked for just taken away, but Idk.

Reworking valk, giving her a new weak E and removing res is the right thing. But that ain’t happening because devs have some twisted fetish for “hero’s identity” even though mercy’s identity was always healer first, res bot 2nd. So we’re stuck with this unbalanced mess.