Time to Remove Genji's Training Wheels

lol, you must be jesting, I have been killed by my own bullet by a Genji deflecting while I snipe with Widow over 150 meters away. I have been assassinated by my own shot using Deadeye from over 120 meters.

Now you understand…I hope.

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Deadeye doesn’t fire 120m away from a Genji it’s locked onto…

And that is your argument about “balance”? I meant balance in gameplay, not in character selection.

Ohhhh that’s what you mean. Yeah that’s irrelevent. Deflect cannot be used to protect teammates anywhere near as reliably as Defense Matrix and Defense Matrix can block a Widowmaker shot from “150 meters away”

If he wasn’t balanced he wouldn’t have a C Tier pickrate, it’d be much higher in the OWL


SSB is one of my favorite games of all time though… COD & Halo aren’t. Not to mention it’s lasting success.

If anything your post indicates they’re heading in a good direction

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or Just deal with the 2 seconds. You want a work around for one of his abilities, but that sets a precedent for the same being applied to whoever you play as…

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Deadeye has no range limitation or falloff. Yes, it does fire 120m or even longer ranges as long as the target is on screen.

Genji is fine as of now


Block is fine, damage reflection is not. If the OW dev team would get rid of that “reflect” effect on a “deflect” ability, I would be more than happy.

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So you’re saying you were physically positioning 120m away? It’s almost as if the shot you fires travels and hits the deflecting Genji

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Reflection is only as powerful as YOU make it. Sure a few shots would get reflected as the average human reaction time is .25 seconds but when you see Genji reflecting you STOP SHOOTING! Do you continue to spray at a D.va who’s using her Defense Matrix?

I have legitimately never seen anyone complain about Androxus’ reversal in Paladins as they are very similar abilities. Do people in Overwatch just continue to spray bullets into places where it would hurt themselves?


So you want reflect to turn into defense matrix essentially? It would have to be comparable otherwise it becomes useless.

Try thinking of it like this- reflect should reflect because of the offensive nature of genji. It is something you can either bait out be baited into, but for it to eat damage means he has a tank-like ability that is useless to other teammates. Therefore, the solution is to play around his deflect knowing it is supposed to be a way to deal damage


Maybe let the knockback effect him through deflect, but not the damage. That would make sense.

Yes, that is what I am saying. Yes,it happens, yes, it’s not rare, yes it’s not lack of skill, yes Genji’s kit is overloaded.

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It is rare and it is a lack of skill. If you see Genji reflecting and you shoot into it you deserve to get hit.

A kit being overloaded would imply that if you remove an ability he would still be fine but if you do that to Genji he would be ruined.


Then I would suggest the dev team to change the name of the skill to “Reflect”, because Deflect is an entirely different thing by definition. That would stop the confusion and frustration around this ability.

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No it isn’t, you’re so delusional…

If you fire a shot at a D.Va with DM up from 120m away it gets eaten too, if you fire a shot at a Rein shield from 120m away it’ll get blocked, it’s not something only Genji does…

Genji’s kit is fine, if it wasn’t he wouldn’t be a C Tier hero in the highest level of play which has the best Genji players in the world.

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A “don’t shoot” mechanic on a game centered around shooting is such a backward concept though.


ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! This is now what you’re complaining about? This literally devolved into semantics.