Time to expose myself

I think there’s a lot more of us out there than people realize. Some are just better at hiding it than others.

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99% of the time I only play to fix houses. I never really play the family stuff. :rofl:

I HATE small talk…hate… :woman_facepalming:


The amount of money I have spent on games is well over 10k or more honestly. No shame.

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I feel more sorry for your kidneys than your wallet to be real

Its a good battle tag. Not sure why I like it…

Hey, my Autistic Brother! (Yes, eventhough we ain’t legit bros, I’m gonna call u a bro, since it ain’t every day that I meet a player who has Autism. We a rare bunch when it comes to gaming, just based on my experience. And Yes, I have Autism too!) I completely understand ur situation. I would usually sit for hours on end just for a single name to be created! Especially when it comes to WoW, Oh God, u have no idea how many hours I’ve spent, just thinking of 1 f***in name for a single character over the span of making a bunch of characters just for WoW!!! Even for OW mains, not everything is settled and I try to main the perfect set while still maining the characters I like, and try to keep a certain system and such in my mind that just makes sense to me and follow the system in the process and… Yeah, u get the idea. Trying to find what fits for u, even if u have to take hours and hours on end or follow certain rules and systems and such that can help u find the perfect set-up and figure out what works for u. I understand that whole thing very well.

I wouldn’t be surprised if u changed the battletag again, honestly! Because of how our minds work. And no, ur not stupid. I highly doubt ur stupid. Ur just letting ur brain do it’s thing and trying to find out what works for u. That is going to be the reason y u spend over $400 just on battletag name changes, likely. I’m just curious on this one, personally, what characters do u main in OW, Tess? I am ok to give u a nickname, right? R should I just, not do that? I’ll do my outro I usually do just because of this super rare occurance I just had meeting another person with Autism like myself! I normally do it for super highly long posts, but I’ll also do it for special moments, like right now.

Thanks 4 ur time,
The D.va, Brigitte, Tracer, Orisa, Mercy and Genji main at ur service,

Even tho i’m agender (not that it really matters in this convo) you can still call me bro haha :blush:when i was going to start playing overwatch it was pretty difficult for me to find a battletag that i really liked and even before the current one i’m using i had two others and when the name Tesshin came around i was pretty happy that i actually picked that one out becasue the name holds a special place in my heart.

I guess i wanted to switch btags because i wanted something better, and i had different interests and i wanted to have names from those stuff but i quickly grew tired of them and almost wanted to switch the day after i did it, it was a real pain in the a** honestly, and the reason why i switched back to Tesshin (i had it as a btag before) was because it was quite iconic, some guy on yt made a two part videos about me on his yt channel (some random guy) and i was in a swedish guys reaction video, and i dunno i just really like my current one and i was stupid to switch away from it.

i really hope i won’t change it again because of how special the name is for me, if i ever think about switching i think i have to pinch myself or something to keep that thought away :rofl::rofl:but thank you for not thinking that i’m stupid and that you pretty much understand my whole situation, you’re very kind.

Yeah it’s totally fine! You can call me tess :blush: i don’t mind, i really hope i answered most of your comment, i don’t want to seem rude if i missed out on something haha, but thank you for your reply, i meant it!

My mains are:
Tank: D.va & orisa
Dps:Ashe (she’s like my main main xD) Soldier, Junkrat, Hanzo, Sombra, Echo & Widowmaker.
Healer: Moira, Mercy & Ana

I have been using this gamertag for like… 30 years.

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Funny. I have the exact same Tankline as my mains! “Great minds think alike.” - Albert Einstein.

And yes, u have answered legit everything here. I had no idea u were agender. I’ve never even HEARD of the term, so I’ll make sure to research that one. I’m just glad I didn’t offend u by callin u bro or Tess. I understand y u want to keep ur name though. It’s just like my 2 gamer names, past and current, Eader and Marcane. Eader was when I was a child, and I personally felt that it was a cool name, so I kinda stuck with it for a long time. Then, while playing Diablo 3, I was trying to make a Wizard, and after hours of thinking, I came across Marcane, and the name felt so special to me, not only cause of the amount of hard work and thinking it took to get to the creative name, but the special meanings behind the name of Marcane held such a special place in my soul, I just accepted what would be then and forever my gamer name. Eader is still a very special name to me, especially because it reminds me of one of the very few positive things I had in my past. So, I don’t downgrade my other name by any means, so I give both names a fair amount of respect when I can.

I’m surpised u were able to get ur name shown across Youtube and such. That truly makes ur name special, because of the reconition, which I’ll point out, I don’t have that and potentially will never have the reconition that u have. (Yes, my spelling’s so bad! lol) I’ve done nothing to get my name out there, even when my little brother sees my D.va and Brig as if they are legit the best Brig and D.va in the world, above even the current best Brig and D.va players in the world like Hanbin (On the leaderboard of OWL, #1 best D.va in the world) and Violet (#1 best Brig in the world). I’m real good at them, best Tank and Healer respectively, but even I don’t think I’d place myself at that calibur of gameplay for my D.va and Brig!

But yeah, I can see y ur name’s so special. It’s very clear when u showcase the describtion and a bit of history of the name. Mine was because of the flexibility of meanings of my name and the symbolism of my name. Arcane being Intelligence and Creativity, and M being whatever, Magical, Mythical, Miracle, Master, Mage, the list can go on and on really, as long as nothing negative and dirty is put in the M, it can basically work. So the amount of flexibility and meaning behind my name of Marcane is incredible. But even with the bit of history I spilled, showcasing how I got the name of Marcane, with the flexibility and meanings and symbolism of the name, for me, the name holds it’s own speciality, even without being known into the world. I’m powerful and special in the shadows of my own darkness, I guess.

With how much the name holds a special place, I recommend trying ur best to keep that name if u can. Cause sometimes, u shouldn’t fix what ain’t broke. I don’t know the exact sayin, but I think u get the jist of what I’m trying to tell u here. I’m a kind guy. I know that. Everybody irl tells me that, from family to even random others. I don’t think u were rude to me at all by any means, which I can respect. I don’t like people who are evil and cruel. You are anything but. :slight_smile: Ur also not stupid. I do that sometimes too, call myself “Stupid,” because I believe I did something, well, stupid. Even if it was something very minor or something I don’t fully understand, like an example of something minor, at least, would be “I missed my Whipshot again u stupid idiot. Stop missing those because hitting those is so vital!” I can’t hit every Whipshot, but sometimes, something that that will come out, but that’s purely cause of how my mind works. I think I did something stupid, hench calling myself stupid, but it wasn’t stupid when it’s just human to not be perfect.

I make a mistake, or think for a long time with nothing coming to mind, and I can start calling myself “Stupid,” when reality is, I’m not stupid! My brain is actually highly intelligent, being by Zodiac a Virgo and having Autism and coming from a family with smart parents. I was even believed that I wasn’t gonna graduate from school, and I proved every bastard wrong, who told me or thought I wasn’t gonna pass because “I have Autism.” I defied the odds and the words of what the world tends to believe from me. Yet, I’m still underrated! Like, I legit basically proved the entire world wrong, and…That was it, I guess. I proved it wrong, and nothing else. Just go back to what I do best or what I like to do. (which both are the same thing 4 me, what I do best is what I like to do, which is gaming and singing) I’m an underrated guy with some talent at least. So reality is, calling myself Stupid? That is a fat lie. U can’t really prove the world wrong if ur completely stupid, unless u rely on luck. So I believe u work the same way when u call urself “Stupid.” U just need to let urself know that “Hey, I’m not Stupid.”

This way of thinking I have, because of Autism, is the biggest reason Y I would like to main Sym at somepoint in time, when she’s in a better state. I like her story-wise, but gameplay-wise, it’s a tough road to ride. Some people are dedicated to take this route, but I already have a crap ton of other characters I’m good at. I don’t have to learn how to play Sym just yet. So that was a little fact I wanted to spill there. But otherwise, from here, I think I answered everything here, some of it in a very deep and personal manner. I hope u can understand everything and where I’m coming from with the things I’ve said here in this post.

Thanks 4 ur time,
The D.va, Brig, Tracer, Orisa, Mercy and Genji main at ur service,

(U exposed urself, I guess without realizing it, after reading my own post, I guess I kinda exposed myself some too! I’ll have to be more careful in the future, but I’ll leave things as it is because I’m using the information to get my point across :wink: )

Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.
Forum Code of Conduct

Omg what? That’s so funny :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:! Yeah i play d.va mostly on attack and orisa on defense because honestly shield tanks are boring but orisa i guess is the most acceptable tank with a shield i can play :grin: since sigma is too hard for me and rein is too boring.

Okay cool, i tried answering everything that i could haha xD oh i bet by now you’ve already lokked it up what it means but basically it means that i don’t feel like a male or female at all, it’s like i just exist kinda haha but i’m still comfortable with people calling me a he/him. i’ve been called bro on other platforms like twitter so it’s totally fine by me, you don’t have to worry at all by that :blush:

That’s really cool tho! the two names sound really cool as well, Mine (Tesshin) basically comes from an anime i was (still am) obsessed with when i was a child and the anime is called “Ginga nagareboshi gin/ginga densetsu weed” and i really don’t know why that anime is so special to me honestly lol maybe because i really like dogs and akita inus have been my favorite breed ever since then, but Tesshin was a really cool and bad*** character from that show even tho he didn’t have much screen time i just really liked him as a character and i actually wanted to have a fitting name from that anime as my battletag and for some reason Tesshin really spoke to me so i decided to pick that one.

I even have a tattoo with the animes name on my arm in japanese (銀牙)

I think it’s just really cool when you find a name you really get stuck with and it really speaks to you a lot and have a deep meaning to it as well, like it really does grow on you as well overtime.

I mean all i really did was send in a clip to his email when it was possible (This was back in 2018 i believe) and he is also a swedish youtuber so i don’t think he got THAT many views but it was still something, and that other guy just posted those two videos of me and pretty much had a toxic attitude towards me just because i was bronze at that time and was also a new player🙄 + i had taken his main as well so he pretty much threw the entire game as well.

I’m sure you can get your name out there somewhere! I mean i’m even sending in videos to a youtuber called “stylosa” who does a few series on yt with clips sent in my his viewers, and it’s really fun to watch as well. Maybe you should give it a try sometime :grin:I even have my own yt channel where i post my POGTs or just other random clips but i hardly get any views since i’m pretty much bad at knowing how to manage a account and do the right thing to even get views haha.

Yeah i’m gonna try doing that haha, i’m not sure if i get it? kinda like you mean we shouldn’t judge people and accept one another? is that it haha. I know i’m a kind person as well but past demons so to speak has made me kinda unapproachable even tho i have 1 IRL friend i think that’s enough for me, i don’t want to be social or meet new people becasue i really hate doing that and i’m just so awkward in general. Just thinking about it makes me want to disappear.

I totally understand about the whipshot, i’m like that all the time. I yell at myself for doing dumb decisions and i can even sometimes yell at my teammates for doing something they shouldn’t have, not so they can hear or know about it obviously but you get my point.

From what I’ve heard most people with autism are good at different areas like what type of interests they have, i’m good with video games anime and those types of stuff but i hate numbers, letters and math, it’s not my cup of tea at all. I don’t really believe in the zodiac signs and all that but i’m not judging :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s awesome tho! that you could actually prove them wrong and do your own thing! I really didn’t have high standard when it came to school, i was always thinking about getting through it and not caring about high grades. School was always a pain in the *** for me because i got bullied most of my school years, my two friends i had at the time left me for some reason i just wanted it to be over quickly and i’m happy i’m out from that toxic space now.

If i’m being honest i’ve been thinking the same thing about sym! I really think that she’s a very cool character and her having autism and showing how you can still manage to succeed in life really matters to me, like having autism shouldn’t be an obstacle to accomplish something you really want. She basically is like a role model for me imo.

Sadly her kit isn’t that good to work on most maps, and i really wish they could do something about it because i would really love to add her to my main list i told you about earlier xD

You seem like a really cool person Marcane! And i hope i get to speak to you some other day haha, i really liked talking to you and i hope even i could manage to go through everything you said since it was a lot haha (Difficulty in taking in too much info and all that) but i tried my best to answer as much as i could

I always thought Orisa was super chill, and unique, while still enjoying her gameplay, while it also complimenting my D.va well by being a passive playstyle, which throws other players off really well, so I can say it’s a good shake-up to go from D.va to Orisa. D.va, on the other hand, I liked her so much, and she relates to me so well too. I am able to understand her, at least. But being a gamer like me, listening to music like me, and her hitting the highlights of popularity where I can’t go. She’s totally a character I like to play so much. I mean, I legit have hours on end on her if u check my career profile. I don’t think Rein’s boring, he’s fine, maybe a tab bit too powerful with his hammer, but he’s fine in my opinion. I just like Orisa more than him. Sigma, I wanted to be unique. D.va-Sig is expected. Not so much for D.va-Orisa. I think I still like Orisa more than Sig though anyways, so…Yeah. Things just work out. My tankline is probably the most stable thing out of the 3 roles.

I’m glad that isn’t a concern then. That is an interesting backstory as to how ur name came to be. I’d be planning to get a tattoo in the future myself, but things r still in the air for that. I agree with ur statement here entirely.

To the youtuber stuff, that just wasn’t cool of that toxic youtuber to do. Some players in Bronze r actually there not cause they deserve it, but cause they r stuck there from other players deserving to be down there. So ur caught in the net of fish who are suppose to be caught, but not you, in a sense. U need to get out of the net of fish to roam to the place you belong in. Some players can’t do this, so they get stuck down there not for their skill, but from the other player’s. Swedish guy representing u is better than nothing, in my opinion. At least ur name got out there, u know?

Stylosa is a highly popular youtuber, and from when I last saw him, he seemed like a jerk, honestly. But to this day? No clue. I have heard of ways to send ur potgs and clips of gameplay and such to do this, but thing is: I’m bad at editing. So, I was going to start up a new Youtube channel with my little bro, but the name of the channel is not going to go by either one of our names, more like a mash up between our names. Since my little bro knows how to edit (or is dedicated to learn, idk which), we would be a good duo for this. But, neither of our names would be out there, not rly. Cause the channel itself would have it’s own name, the naming representing the powerful duo my little bro and I actually r. The name is the duo, not fully my own. Although I thought up of the name, the ownership of the name would go to the both of us bros, my little bro and I.

What I meant by the saying is if the name works fine, then don’t go seeking for another name. Another name might come to you as time goes on, but that should happen naturally. So for now, you should stick with ur current name, since it is a good name for you, and not try to search for another name when you already have a name that works for you.

I get u though. Being a kind person, the past effecting you as a person, having to not rly talk to people, and being an awkward person overall. I am awkward myself! But I embrace it. I might come off as an awkward person, but I’d rather be myself than be concerned of the fact that I’m am awkward person. I don’t let it get to me. My reasons y I don’t rly talk to people irl is cause of the stranger danger sorta thing. I would rather be safe and know that than go talking to every person on the face of the planet, end up talking to the wrong people, and end up in a sticky situation. I’m not stupid. So, I stay safe by being very highly careful, and for those who are evil and cruel, I have my ways to scare them off, whether that’d be just by how I naturally look, which by look, I’ve been called a killer, when I haven’t done that. I just looked like it by design, or by acting scary, so like a little jitter of the neck will freak people out, a tactic to not move ur arms while walking does freak people out too, etc. I don’t speak to people for more intelligent reasons, I guess.

Being a kind person is just naturally the direction you should go I believe. I’d rather be myself, which tends to be a kind guy, than something I’m not. My past was dark, I’ll admit, in a number of ways, which is kinda part of me, and I can’t change that. Like Yes, I have the power of time, and with the snap of my finger, I can go back and fix some of my mistakes! No, I can’t do that. Whatever mistakes I’ve made have been made. What’s done is done. What happened just happened. I have to try to not let the past haunt me, even if I can’t fully prevent it.

And the feeling to dissapear, that is so relatable in a number of ways. I feel like even when I’m not trying to be, I am invisible. People don’t see me. They don’t really talk to me. I just walk through a crowd like a ghost and nothing happens. I leave them be, they leave me be. That’s kinda the natural thing for me. In moments where I want to dissapear, yeah, maybe if I don’t want to talk to others because I’m trying to keep myself safe, yes, I want the dissapearing act to trigger plz! I don’t wanna chat to the random stranger that could be trying to plot a murder on me, I wanna just leave the room. Let me take Sombra’s cloak of invisibility and just walk/run away. That’d be nice. That’s something that probably can’t change, because that’s who we are as people. We are the ones who hide in the shadows or are in the shadows just doing our thing.

Yeah, I get u on the Whipshot thing. I also do the same thing because “Guys. Can we not be so passive and showcase some aggression? Show some passion that u actually want to win plz!” Yeah, but sometimes, u just can’t deal with stupid, right?

Yeah, that’s true. I’m kinda just good at my gaming and singing and just kinda stick with that. Do what u like to do, not what u hate to do, u know? School was a pain for me too. I just wanted to get it done and over with, cause I’d get yelled at if 1 grade was slippin. And I felt like some of the stuff could fix itself naturally, but when it didn’t, then I had the dedication to step in and fix it. And another thing, some of the bad memories came from school, like bullying from Kindergarden to 2nd grade. I couldn’t even speak for half that time cause of Autism! I was betrayed, bullied, lied, broken. It was rough. I’m glad the nightmare’s over for that. But then u get told “That’s just the beginning.” Excuse me? I just walked through Hell and back, and ur telling me I’m not done yet!?! Damn it! lol. But yeah, I proved the world wrong. Diploma and tassle to prove it too.

Right? I only known in video games her to be the only character in the face of the planet to be a character that has Autism in a video game. It’s part of what makes OW so unique! To be able to have a character that has Autism in a video game to represent to people how Autism can be is really nice. Personally, I wish we could get people to understand Autism more. Maybe output a game like Celeste, but for Autism, to output an example of something. I highly doubt any1 would do this, but if it could happen, I’d be grateful. If people were to ask me what was wrong with OW, the top 2 things I’ll tell u is Bastion-Sym. They both need some dire help, and honestly am surprised that there isn’t more talk about those 2 and asking for something. I mean, I now know that for OW2, Bastion’s suppose to get some aid, but what about Sym? Blizz, u have plans 4 her? Buffs, rework, something? I’d be sad if Sym got left in the dust.

I’m glad u think I was a cool person. I think the experience was unique and really cool for me too, since I’ve never met another person who could think so similarly to myself, so this was very neat! I know I do end up talking a lot sometimes, but I’m just trying to get the info and thoughts and such across, and that’s y I put it in long posts like this to output that information out better instead of trying to send in little by little. It’d be difficult to do, hench the long posts. I’m glad we were able to talk, but I think I’m gonna go play OW now. Hope I’ll meet u again, Tesshin!

Thanks 4 ur time,
The D.va, Brigitte, Tracer, Orisa, Mercy and Genji main at ur service,

Honestly i’ve always hated tanks especially shield tanks because it’s boring to stay behind a shield doing nothing, but orisa is quite the oposite even tho it can still be hard to play her i enjoy her the most because you can still be pretty useful with her (if they don’t have a junkrat on the enemy team :laughing:)

D.va was pretty much easier for me to pick up on and be good at directly when i started playing her, i play kinda agressive on her and fly up in peoples face to give space to my dps even tho it can be bad sometimes and i lose my meka :yum: but i still ofc try and prorect my team as much as i can with her.

She’s literally the reason why i ended up in plat too lol.

Relating wise i’m not the same, i don’t relate to any of the heroes in the game except for sym ofc with her autism but that’s pretty much it honestly.

Oh really? What tattoo are you planning on tho? Rn i have two, the one i told you about and also just a simple dreamcatcher :blush:

Yeah i totally agree with your whole statement on this issue! I’m not in bronze anymore tho so that’s really good, i’m trying to get back up to gold in dps but it can be hard :confounded: it’s not really that hard to climb honestly, you just have to learn the heroes and abilities and i’m sure ppl can climb in no time!

Ikr! Even tho it was back in 2018 and he pretty much moved on from overwatch it’s still pretty special because back then he was the yt channel i watched the most when it came to ow stuff.

Noo sty is really a chill and funny guy imo! I love watching his videos and seeing how much he really loves overwatch and also cares about his community on yt, i’ve never seen him at least in videos being mean? Even since i started watching his series he has become one of my fave ow youtubers alongside bro you wack :grin: i love those guys!

And about the editing thing, you don’t have to edit the clips you send in to him, it’s more like you copy the code for your gameplay and send it in to him.

I really love the idéa with you and your little bro! It’s really cute how you want to do something special eith him that both of you can really enjoy doing! And i really hope things goes well with the channel! How old is he btw? Does he also play overwatch?

Ah okay haha that’s for clearing it up a little bit :blush: but yeah i’m totally gonna do that! I might not change it ever again but thanks for your advise tho. I will try and remember that.

I also agree to that and that you need to be yourself rather than fake because it can really be annoying having to come across as something you are not.

I do know that my other relatives knows about my autism and that everyone accepts me for it and are pretty welcoming as well, but i just can’t deal with having to be with them and being super awkward and not even talking to them either. That’s why i pretyy much avoid them because i literally have nothing to talk to them about and i feel like i’m not even interesting enough as well :pensive: if they ask me what i’m doing i always say that i’m playing video games and have a pretty boring life, like i don’t work or go to school and i don’t really have that much of a social life either. I don’t even want to go out either, like i really hate how my life pretty much ended up like this and it’s just sometimes really hard to think about.

I try my best to be kind in the situations i’m put in to meet people but it’s really hard sometimes because with my autism it’s hard to understand peoples feelings and read them.

Sometimes i even feel like a robot even tho that’s a hurtful word to use to ppl with autism, it’s like i just don’t care man! I’m living my life day by day and stuff happens. Ofc i have feelings obviously but i dunno how to explain it but that’s just how i feel.

For me it’s super hard to control my emotions to past events, they will haunt me forever and i just can’t get rid of it either.

In my country it pretty much is like that lol if you talk to someone and try to be nice they think you’re crazy (i live in sweden) like it’s not normal to be kind where i live so the invisibility thing around strangers is pretty easy, but not when you need to go to like the dentist or whatever haha but i still feel like i want to dissapear from there too and other moments.

I just find it strange how many ppl are always saying that humans are a pack animal and we need each other to survive etc, but then there are ppl like us who refuse to be social and hate being around other ppl. It feels like that saying is a complete lie, like why wouldn’t i want to be around them then? It really makes you feel like a crazy person or that something is wrong with you, if that’s the natural way for humans to live.

Honestly i’m pretty much done talking with my team lol, if they can’t figure out having two off tanks against a enemy reaper is bad then it’s their fault for not thinking in a logic manner.

Because often when you start talking to your team and telling them what to do you’re screwed. They will literally throw tatrums like the jumped back in time and became 12 or some ppl will leave the game because they can’t handle the truth.

That’s so cool that you sing! Are you just doing it for fun or want a job out of it? What music do you like singing to? And what music are you really into and really like?

Me myself pretty much listens to kpop, visual kei & regular rock but it’s mostly a band i really like called “black veil brides” :yum:

I’m really sorry uou had to go through bullying :pensive: i mean i was pretty much a outcast, alien and a weirdo at that time my friend even had a nickname “ufo” on me and i didn’t even know what it meant :pensive: and pretty much my class and everyone stayed away from me even my 2 close friends at the time did too. But yeah i’m glaf i’m out from there and even tho i relive the memories in my head it’s better at least that to still be in all that mess.

Is that true tho? That sym is the only video game character to even have autism? I’m sure there has to be more characters out there otherwise that’s pretty weird imo??

I don’t know what that celeste game is about but i do agree that peoole need to know more about autism! It’s pretty clear to me that this needs to happen because again back in school when i was a little older (it’s really hard to explain how the schhol system works in sweden) some ppl in my class really wondered why i got so much special attention i guess, not having to talk infront of class when needed etc but once some experts came to my school and talked about it they all understood why.

About sym and bastion i seriously agree! I haven’t heard about bastions aid in OW2? Can you tell me what you know about that? But they seriously need something to get them going!

Because with bastion like we all know he’s not op in high ranks etc etc, but in low ranks he can become a real issue and ppl down there don’t know how to handle him? Even i think it’s hard.

It’s also very annoying when the enemy team literally pulls a bastion at the end of the game just so they can win and my team have to time to react to that switch if we only have a couple of seconds left on the clock.

About symmetra i feel like for me at least she has become more difficult to play so to speak, because i literally use her tp as her old one when it was her ult and i have 0 game with that thing! Like ult combos and all that stuff.

Her tp is probably my biggest issue but i still wish they could do something about her kit to make her playable on all maps and not just 2cp.

Even tho your text was much to take in i’m very glad to have been speaking to you like this! It really was a cool experience to meet another chill person who function like me :blush:

Go out there in ow and play and have fun! I really do hope we come across each other on the forum again sometime! :blush: