Time to expose myself

Trust me, this is not an “autistic thing” solely… my wife and I are both perfectionist leaning. I cannot count the times I have backed in and out of a spot to line up the tires with the markings :slight_smile:

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Aw thank you! You’re so nice :blush: yeah i do agree that there are far more worse you can spend tons of money on and that ow names isn’t THAT big of a deal but it’s still super annoying lol.

Being perfect plays a big part of a autistic persons life tho as well, like fixing the way a tv remote lies in the table or you know stuff like that :grin:

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Thing is, it really complicates my study and work interactions and overwall lowers my performance, cause often I get overwhelmed and anxious and can´t focus on anything. Also I have my own methods to study and learn - such as: I have to scribble or do scetches, when listening on lessons, cause that´s my only way to keep my mind focused on the lesson and memorise things via my scetches or by memorising a certain music I was listening during study, or certain smells (like coffee) or certain colours (I often have to play with something, observe things while listening others) - but I got punished and judged for doing this, Teachers forbid me to do my little scetching, cause they think I am rude. I tried to explain, but people don´t seem to understand…

I strongly suspect I am on the edge of the spectrum, but my wife says no.

Indeed there is. You are ok man. Wish you luck in the matches! Hey if you keep changing your Battle.net tag then people can never remember you in matches :joy::raised_hands:

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Ugh such rude people! :roll_eyes: it’s super annoying when you try to explain something and ppl never listen!

I have issues with being social so finding a job is very hard, rn i’m not even looking for one. When going to work places via school to learn i had multiple times where i would just sit in the breakroom because i didn’t want to go out in the store and work, and one time i even cried because of how horrible it was.

Now if i have to do stuff like that i always have to talk to the ppl and really inform them of my autism and how i personally work.

I think communication is key when it comes to autism and you have to inform the people around you on what it means, some ppl will just tell you that they think they know but then fail to do so.

And ppl with autism are all so very different as well.

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Idk how your country, but here people think beying autistic means that you are stupid :woman_facepalming: so I hate to talk about it.
And yes, most work places are like “we look for communicative, flexibile, person, who likes to work in collective and loves work with people”. Yikes… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I think in sweden is pretty much accepted of autistic people because there are places where i live at learn that can take you in and help you for a while to get ready later to get a job and such.

I’m really sorry that you have to feel pushed down like that and getting called stupid, because you’re not stupid and i hope you know that!

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I bought both the Dva chair & statue. I dont even care about the hero that much and I’m not really that good with her either.

It’s your money at the end of the day. As long as you’re not putting yourself into any financial hardships, do whatever makes you happy.

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Yeah, I heard that Scandinavia is pretty much open minded and they even have education system following a special needs for people…
I am from Slovakia, lol…“mental disorders” are here pretty much still tabu or offensive word. Even doctors are not doing much effort to educate them selves about it.

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Yeah haha i’ve been thinking about that alot and there aren’t even that many ppl with the btag Tesshin so i’m good! I at least haven’t seen any other Tesshins around the forum so that’s good :grin:

Omg that’s cool tho! Is the d.va chair comfortable? D.va is my main tank and i really like playing her but for me the statue is a little bit too much for me haha.

I’m always careful about money tho and i never want to buy too much stuff, a little bit at a time :yum:

I’m so sorry :pensive: i wish there could be something done about that because it’s super annoying how some countries ignore stuff like that and having it being tabu :roll_eyes: i can’t imagine how terrible it is for those having it worse :grimacing:

But i’m here for you, i hope you know that! At least i know you’re not stupid, i hope you believe me :pleading_face:

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Damn, Asperger’s is a lot more common than I thought…

And to think, people in middle school called me a freak, lol


yeah, I was always “weird” for people, mostly on highschool.


I don’t even know what that is.

I’m happy for you! Congrats!

Basically it’s a character from an anime i really like :blush:

This entire topic just made me feel better about my financial carefulness.

Is your PC garbage or do you play w/ a half way decent setup while dumping all that money down the drain?

I blew over $4,000 on Knighthood [ Mobile Game ] while being away from home as a Trucker driving cross country.

I bought an Alienware Area M51 $5,000 for such but it became such a hassle setting up & putting such back away when I’m working 14 hours per day that ended up just playing on my cellular Mobile gaming.

You’re right. As long as you’re satisfied & not going into bankruptcy then money comes & goes.