Time for Genji changes

Besides the pickrate statistic, i can assure you that the power level of the hero is nowhere near focused on his base kit at all. His lack of neutral game and base kit is very underwhelming with how the game’s general power level has increased since then. So the only thing he can compete now is the heavy reliance on a support known as ana for her nano and yeah you get the point. Nanoblade.

Nanoblade is the only thing that at least keeps him relevant in this game’s current state and its quite pathetic how that alone is literally his only feast/famine trump card that lets the genji play the game for 6s every 2-3min. Now then, what should be the reasonable approach for this? a powershift? Sounds good. The fact that they changed genji last time was a good step in the right direction. Less ult and better firepower in base kit is what we all want. But the tradeoff was not enough and his viability has actually dropped a bit considering how he cant get blade fast enough while not outputting enough dmg to compete. If 29dmg shurikens being the next step helps him be relevant while keeping his ult charge nerf and his fire rate buffs, then we’re fine.

As for now, genji is still unfavorable even in metas that are supposed to enable him. If genji was at least in the middle of the pack and actually had some use thats not just so heavily focused on “i can only try and see if i can get value from nanoblade and hope for the best,” then i’ll be quiet. Less blade, better and useable/average base kit, and Im fine.

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The worst part of discussing with Genji otps in general, aside the goalpost changing and Masters Is The New Scrub Tier™, is that I am also a Genji player that wants Genji changes, but not net buffs because I acknowledge how buffing a jack of all trades hero can easily make them too strong and nerfed afterwards.

I want Genji to be an assassin flanker, and Dragonblade is design-wise not conductive for such a role.

Also I understand 100% that muh Treizer is broken and the main reason why Genji has fallen out of meta so heavily, and that buffing him to compete with Ms. Broken is literally the most absurd levels of powercreep imaginable.

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A Pocket mercy is my approach. Blue beams are sexy.

I think this is the mindset of the playerbase moreso than an inherent issue of Genji.

So what happens when OW2 comes out and dps can more effectively flank and dive?

  • 1 less tank to peel for squished
  • DPS CC gone providing openings for highly mobile heroes
  • maps with more routes for flank/dice plays to be made

There may be reasons the devs are holding off on crazy changes to certain heroes.

If you remove the “GM microscope”, Genji is a middle of the pack DPS hero as far as pick and win rate is concerned. In the larger scope of the game he is balanced as the game exists right now.

The fact you’ve said this clearly said this makes me know now that you clearly dont understand how Genji works, and you claim to be a genji player saying hes some “jack-of-all-trades” character… Really?

Do you really believe that genji’s playstyle doesnt evolve all around nanoblade and that its a playerbase issue rather than a genji issue?

I was talking about balance wise, not gameplay wise with this question…

29 damage shurikens
0.7s firerate
15% ult charge nerf is what we asked. Instead we got 0.68s firerate and 15% ult charge and 0 freaking damage. I made TONS of suggestions and different routes

i suggested multiple changes and routes they could take. 29 damage, 30 damage, full revert in spread to 12, ult charge nerf, ammo nerf, deflect duration revert. We’re literally begging 4 nerfs FOR A BUFF while there are overperforming heroes receiving compensation buffs. You cant say “i don’t trust” if you dont even bother checking first.

and i’ll flex on your face with this post
From a biased Genji main: suggestions to fix new Genji where i suggested huge fixes to june Genji without gutting them.


Within pure dps? He definitely is, compared to ‘‘pure’’ flanker Tracer. Maybe jack of all trades was not the exact word I wanted, but he definitely is not purely a flanker assassin like most want him to be. He has an identity crisis just like Reaper and Doom, where he toes the line out of what I wish he was and into an nano ultbot.

Ehhhhh…[wobbles hand in the air] not exactly, but it’s kinda similar to how launch brig was so traumatic to tracer mains that everyone just collectively gave up on tracer for like 2 years even after brig had been nerfed into submission, then brig kept getting nerfs whenever a tracer main squealed about losing to a brig every few months.

Or it’s similar to how whenever you see Orisa + Hog, your first thought is “Halt-Hook.”

It’s also similar to how people collectively said “soldier is crap” last year and stopped even attempting to use him or damage boost him to get value.

It’s also similar to how many players just say “Sombra is trash” and don’t even consider her as a result, “because Sombra is trash.”

Hell, even when Mei was meta, I created a thread detailing her counters and was shot down and repeatedly flamed in that thread because people demanded that I give them an entire team composition to wipe out Mei or they thought she was an unstoppable monster with no counters. For example, when I listed McCree and other hitscans, people would just say “wtf Mei will just wall everything off.” Nowadays, people finally understand that McCree hard counters Mei.

I could go on and on, but what I’m trying to say is that the players of this game have difficulty breaking away from established norms and trying something new once those norms have been…er…established.

Since Genji is now collectively known as “Nano blade,” you don’t often see him receive much love beyond that, or other strategies except for nano blade.

And yet, it’s a solution.

It’s up to the players to solve some of their own problems because blizzard can’t do everything for you.

Unless powercreep is dealt with, and OW2 seems to be doing that, i and many others will shut up about genji changes other than bug fixes :slight_smile:. Because genji only became an ult bot considering how his base kit got severely outclassed and outdated with the crap ton of additions that were made into the game, including balance changes, and now we’re stuck with nanoblade bot boi :slight_smile:. Again, until they deal with powercreep, its the day that i and many other genji mains will shut up and be on our Mary way :slight_smile:

and i’ll flex on your face with this post

Here, have fun.


LMAO what


Im gonna be quite frank with you. Trying any other strats with genji is literally suicide at this point and youre always seeing yourself resorting to nanoblade as an option to at least deal some dmg or kills. Hardly ever you see genji do work outside of blade unless the genji player is blatantly a lot better than the other team. A genji trying to do “typical genji things” such as flanking or trying to get in the backline is literally suicide now that youre best off standing back trying to get some hits in and build blade.

Unfortunately you cant do typical genji things in diamond+, and the higher you go, you start to see him suck. You can pretty much only do genji things in plat and below where theres so many misplays and mistakes happening down there and it works. I had fun in those ranks because i can do genji things. Now i just see him being nanoblade bot and not doing anything other than that. Thats what genji resorted to. People are not even scared of genji outside of blade anymore because hes actually not that good and theres so many options to just shoo or even kill him so easily nowadays.

For context:

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But what if he did it with a blue beam?

Mercy + Ana is a viable support duo. You have no major defensive ults for burst resistance, but you know…the pair has good offensive capabilities and hella heals.

Ult charge nerfs are terrible and just move the issue to his ult instead of fixing the whole kit. Decommissioning Dragonblade is just a terrible idea. Dragonblade flat out needs a rework into something that fits an assassin, something with a similar role that Pulse Bomb.

Not only that but ult charge nerfs always are partially countered by damage buffs.

And yet you want Genji to be powercreeped into Tracer level just because… he isnt picked as much in the 0.1% tier?

The funny thing is that most meta heroes right now are launch heroes, not those ‘‘powercreep buzzword buzzword buzzword post launch broken heroes’’. Scary Scary Brig is the 2rd least picked support. ‘‘Stops you from playing the game’’ Sombra is trash and never played for all of us. ‘‘muh no skill moira’’ sucks big time. Healing and defenses have gotten nothing but net nerfs for the last 2 or so years, specially post year 1 heroes.

Nanoblade has been a thing since Ana got released. And I hate it, as I have said several times. And I have said several times that Genji does need changes, just not powercreep buffs just to see him being played in GM for the satisfaction of people who dont even play there.

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Also Tracer needs nerfs. Adding counterpicks to her insane mobility will only hurt heroes who are in a worse place, like Genji and Doom, who she overshadows.

We are way past the ‘‘Tracer doesnt need nerfs’’ non-sense.

Didnt realize that asking for a fair suggestion such as 29dmg shurikens is making me want to shoot him up from bottom 5ish to top 5ish in a blink of an eye :slight_smile:. Goodness, you need to calm down if you really think such a small buff is suddenly gonna make him up to tracer status of viability. Thats such a hyperbole. Tracer is still gonna be a better pick than genji even if he were to get 29dmg shurikens. Calm down.

Well guess what? Game is balanced for the top whether you like or not, even though blizzard makes… questionable changes lately. Either way, its still bound to change a hero when theyre not good at the highest level of play as its an indicator for even the less skilled players to lose that incentive to play certain heroes that they know are underpowered, bad, etc.

And i’ll say it again: If they address powercreep and nerf, then genji needs no changes because thats gonna be a huge overall nerf to the top half of heroes, including tracer. But if they dont address powercreep as theyre notoriously known for adding powercreep, then powercreep genji. Idc at this point how they take their game with. Its either buff genji and weaker heroes to help them compete, or nerf half of the top heroes so that genji and the others have a reason to be played and reliable.

Im pretty aware of his known favorable supports. The issue is how hes so… attached or babysitted by them which is pretty sad how he heavily relies on them just to compete. Although im only advocating for one buff such as 29dmg shurikens to make him a bit more independent. It wont cause any mishaps like what June did. Although june genji was a huge problem specifically into blade being charged insanely faster than usual with his increased dps and no ult charge nerf at the time.

I personally like that Genji needs a helping hand to do his job more effectively.

I dislike the notion of making Genji more independent because he’s already so good at assassinating and finishing off weakened targets.

Even in original dive, Genji was always going in with tracer or Genji or dva or Lucio when he wasn’t on a random solo mission to outplay the widow or nuke an isolated support who had little in the way of fighting back (I’m referencing the time before moira and brig launched to counter Genji and tracer dominating support lines without contest)

Tracer was the main issue why moira and brig were created in the first place… Genji had a fairer fight to play against as a support… Tracer was actually the main reason why dive had so many counters in the first place. At least you could put up a fight as ana or lucio when up against a genji. I mean sure you can with zen but genji obviously should have an advantage. Flankers in general should have an advantage over supports, while they still have a chance to fight. Not the other way around like what brig did for a while against dive heroes that hard countered an entire comp, and even non-dive heroes at the time.

Pretty sure flankers werent left uncontested by most dive heroes as they had fairer matchups, but tracer being the main issue in that regard as shes the trickiest one to fight against.

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