Time for Genji changes

No they do not. If you check Genji’s last 6 months hes sitting at 0.80-0.90% but never 1%. He only reaches 1% on some weeks but then fall again.

That is so wrong that i don’t even think i should bother explaining. We never asked for deflect cancel, we never asked for spread, we never asked for deflect duration. They buffed spread and damage ON THE SAME PATCH when we only asked for 30 damage. It literally doesn’t matter the hero, if you throw 2 buffs at their weapon on the same patch they will be overpowered. Thats like increasing Widowmaker headshot damage while also increasing her consistency by giving her a faster 100% charge. He’d not be overpowered if we only had firerate and damage or damage and spread but the combination of the 3 is definitely overpowered. Stop with this “THE BUFFS YALL ASKED” when LITERALLY no one asked for 3 of the buffs he got, we simply wanted the shuriken damage.

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pretty sure doom is more of a rush hero than a dive hero that works better in that comp honestly… also pharah is an option with a very specific setup or map dependent if im not mistaken. not a go-to dive hero but shes just an option when it comes to slower-paced dive pacing.

If hes being picked the least, even less than some other heroes that arent supposed to be favorable in a meta that favors genji instead, that surely tells you that hes clearly underpowered. Im aware that theres other options than just genji for dive, my point is that he’s not picked as much as the other options or even close to them at the very least. Even snipers are favored over him :joy:

Clearly you havent seen any dive heroes being played such as winston, dva, (and sometimes zarya paired up with winston for double bubble dive), tracer, ana, mercy and echo, which are supposed to be the heroes that also enable genji. But apparently, yeah. Those heroes are not supposed to enable genji or make some “genji meta.” Right…

This is clearly a huge over exaggeration as if this is supposed to scapegoat him from ever getting changed. Also you know what, since youre saying that… if hes only terrible for this so called “0.1%” of the player base where balance is meant to be focused on, then guess what? Proof that he needs to be looked at and get buffed. If heroes are supposedly terrible in higher ranks, then it gives you an indication that theyre bad everywhere else and theres much better options than said heroes.

However, since it doesnt really matter in plat or below as you can play whatever you want since nobody can play the game correctly or well, genji is gonna be good in those ranks. Its a no brainer like with any other hero, even bastion. Yes even bastion. The worst hero in the game is playable and useable in plat and below because the skill sets are so all over the place.


Sadly, fun isn’t meta.

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As I recall, Genji got pushed out of the first dive meta, not because of healers, but because Widow was a better fit alongside Tracer.


You see… stuff like this clearly indicates that a hero is underpowered when theyre even often replaced in metas that are supposed to enable them… but yet these people still think genji is somehow fine or doesnt need a buff…

But guess what? They were powershifting him last patch, but the tradeoff isnt enough. Now we ask for a little more and it should help him out at least be played in metas that are supposed to enable him.


Nah because widow was o with 8 second grapple and mercy was better with widow compared to genji. It wasn’t that he didn’t fit it was that widow was too strong.


You remember the couple weeks Genji had of being good? He pubstomped lower elo matches with ez nanoblades, everyone complained, and he lost most of his buffs lol.

Idk if people can handle Genjis every game. Too much “Mada Mada.”

Thats literally your opinion.

Do you know what ‘‘alternate’’ means? Genji being sub-1% is a relatively recent developement, and only happens in GM, who has such a small population that it isnt even a good sample for anything. Its extremely swingy.

Here is the thing tho. Genji got buffs too before those, and still they asked for buffs after that because he wasnt GM meta, despite being dominating to good everywhere else.

Honestly, that round of buffs that catapulted him to being ludicrously broken was a literal monkey’s paw moment. Remember when a Blizz dev literally came out to say ‘‘guys Genji is fine he is top 6 in all ranks’’ and it was met with scorn and whining? Yeah well, buffs were wanted and buffs were given.

I love how you literally didnt read my post.

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He wasn’t just good though, they overtuned him. If they try to find a middle spot I guarentee you that he will be balanced.


Check gm quickplay overbuff

He hasn’t been above 1% for about 9 months now, what are you even talking about?


All they couldve done was flat out nerf his spread and ult charge rate and we wouldve been fine with that genji. but nah, lets nerf the most important things that made him useful and now we gotta start from square one again to find the right changes for him. they only got 2/3 of it right though now… that 29dmg shurikens is really needed right now with how the state of the game is. and maybe, just maybe he’ll finally have a reason to be played, but not overplayed.


Pick rates are almost completely unrelated to power levels unless the hero in question was recently buffed or nerfed.

Pick rates don’t “clearly” show anything beyond how frequently the hero is picked by players with public profiles, and it baffles me how so many players use pick rates as a basis for their argument or as evidence for power levels.

Statistics can be made to say whatever you want them to, y’know?

I won’t deny that winston is an icon of dive comps, but to say that he enforces dive definitely might be missing another element of Winston: his versatility.

Winston works well with a variety of tanks, especially now that tanks sources of damage mitigation have been significantly nerfed and most other barriers are either on the same level or strictly worse than his.

Side note, you know that Winston (and beams in general) counters Genji, right?

That’s a valid point, but as far as I’m concerned it’s indicative of nothing beyond “Genji’s being picked less often.”

We want Genji balanced, fair and rewarding. June Genji was anything but balanced. You don’t speak for all Genji mains when u say “we want him busted” You can literally check my 218271632636365126 posts of Genji changes to make him balanced and fair.


People in Gm usually have public profiles, and Gms pick for strength, not for fun.


You know what i mean. You said he doesnt need net buffs when he clearly does. 29dmg shurikens isnt suddenly gonna make him busted if thats what youre thinking. They already nerfed his ult charge a while ago, they buffed his fire rate while keeping it worse than june state, so 29dmg shurikens being the next buff while keeping his dmg worse than June is fine.

The vibe im getting from you sounds like he needs changes where he can get a buff but still get some sort of compensation nerf (hence the “he doesnt need net buffs” comment). When a hero is underperforming/underpowered, there is literally no reason to nerf him for compensation. Why not just start off small with a buff??? Let alone the only reason why he was overperforming in june was the fact that in 2020, they gave him 5 big buffs with not a single compensation nerf. Now he got some buffs reverted and got an extra nerf within the ult charge currently and he’s still underperforming.

The amount of appeasement that factors into the balancing decisions for this game is disgusting.


Imagine thinking that GM pickrate is derived from fun and not meta. Not only that but gameplay power directly correlates to popularity, not many are going to play deficient heroes and have fun.

Not only that but GM is like a 0.1% of the playerbase. Anyone with a cursory understanding of statistics understands why using such a microscopic and easily swinged sample is a terrible idea.

But GM is the only place where Genji is terrible, so I guess its the only stat that matters now. Masters is the new scrub tier. /s

I dont trust forum Genji mains because your collective ideas of Genji Changes are almost always:

  • Shuriken damage increased to 30.
  • Ultimate Cost reduced by 1% (note: this nerf is cancelled by the increased damage).
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Besides the pickrate statistic, i can assure you that the power level of the hero is nowhere near focused on his base kit at all. His lack of neutral game and base kit is very underwhelming with how the game’s general power level has increased since then. So the only thing he can compete now is the heavy reliance on a support known as ana for her nano and yeah you get the point. Nanoblade.

Nanoblade is the only thing that at least keeps him relevant in this game’s current state and its quite pathetic how that alone is literally his only feast/famine trump card that lets the genji play the game for 6s every 2-3min. Now then, what should be the reasonable approach for this? a powershift? Sounds good. The fact that they changed genji last time was a good step in the right direction. Less ult and better firepower in base kit is what we all want. But the tradeoff was not enough and his viability has actually dropped a bit considering how he cant get blade fast enough while not outputting enough dmg to compete. If 29dmg shurikens being the next step helps him be relevant while keeping his ult charge nerf and his fire rate buffs, then we’re fine.

As for now, genji is still unfavorable even in metas that are supposed to enable him. If genji was at least in the middle of the pack and actually had some use thats not just so heavily focused on “i can only try and see if i can get value from nanoblade and hope for the best,” then i’ll be quiet. Less blade, better and useable/average base kit, and Im fine.

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The worst part of discussing with Genji otps in general, aside the goalpost changing and Masters Is The New Scrub Tier™, is that I am also a Genji player that wants Genji changes, but not net buffs because I acknowledge how buffing a jack of all trades hero can easily make them too strong and nerfed afterwards.

I want Genji to be an assassin flanker, and Dragonblade is design-wise not conductive for such a role.

Also I understand 100% that muh Treizer is broken and the main reason why Genji has fallen out of meta so heavily, and that buffing him to compete with Ms. Broken is literally the most absurd levels of powercreep imaginable.

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A Pocket mercy is my approach. Blue beams are sexy.

I think this is the mindset of the playerbase moreso than an inherent issue of Genji.