Time for a proper MMR reset

People shouldn’t have to buy a second account to bypass screwed up MMR.

I had friends that were stuck in low bronze all of a sudden climb higher than my career high (mid gold) just from buying a second account…it started them in gold after placements and now they are nearly diamond…how is that even possible?? I at least was able to climb my way by grinding day in day out to get to gold despite falling back to bronze while they never were able to even grind out of mid bronze to silver…My account feels like its in MMR HEdoublehockysticks but I refuse to buy a second account and losing all my unlocks and money I spent on skins like pink mercy.

and I know what some of the naysayers are going to say…but can you honestly 100 percent say its fair that simply buying a second account should allow you to climb easier than constantly trying to grind away on just 1 account? we have seen countless people having higher ranks on secondary accounts than their main. And even though I am happy that my friends surpassed my season high on their secondary account it still miffs me that I cant get back to mid gold like I was for several seasons despite my grinding while so many just bypass their accounts MMR by buying a second account.

After playing for so many years I am starting to think whats the point anymore


Yeah sure, stuck in low bronze and then nearly diamond. Very hard to believe.if that is true, they are over placed big time. And they will drop.

Low bronze player would have no clue what to do in gold.

If you claim that mmr is holding you in your rank, you are basicly saying that its you. Mmr is reflection of your skill.

But i would be down for reset, because climbing is way too hard with so many people who throw are are dumb. And even if you belong higher, its insane grind to get to your place.


Mmr can screw you from games played awfully when you first started lol


I was nearly diamond myself if you go and look at several of my previous seasons. now I am in the 1400’s…if it can happen downwards what makes you think it doesn’t happen udpwards? Its the year two thousand and twenty and you still haven’t noticed all the people who’s secondary accounts being higher than their first accounts/main accounts? Unless you are new to the game you should have noticed that already. Even the biggest streamers have multiple accounts with completely different SR’s. I guarantee if I got a second account It would start me at my career high after placements. It wouldn’t place me where I am now. I am sure if you looked through these forums you will find multiple people showing that their second accounts are hundreds of SR higher than their main which they can’t seem to get up or climb any higher on.

Its one of the reason most of the playerbase has multiple accounts.


Of course it would, since you can’t place in bronze. You’d likely fall right back down though.

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No, no, no, and more no.

It would just ruin matches for weeks or months until people end up where they were to begin with. I’ve taken my day 1 account, a tryhard alt after I got after peaking on my main, a silver account from a friend who stopped playing, a fresh account I threw placements on and started bronze, and more to within 50 SR of each other.

Short term losses are explained by random variance but after a while you end up where you belong and your old MMR is not holding you back. Thinking otherwise is just narcissistically rationalizing the fact that an algorithm says you’re bad.


I highly doubt that my friend. It has been shown over and over thread after thread video after video that a fresh start without messed up MMR baggage leads many people to have a better time. What you are saying would be like taking someone with overwatch knowledge and throwing back in time to when the game was new and them still losing…which wouldn’t happen. knowing the game as well as we do now and then having a new account without the current MMR baggage wouldn’t be has hard to deal with. Once your MMR gets jumbled it is extremely hard to bounce back. Especially when maining a team reliant hero. Overwatch, unlike other team based games, isn’t a solo carry game. Blizzard is trying to move it in that direction but its going to take some time before the game gets there. It is extremely team reliant which makes it even harder if you main a hero that already takes a good team to work.

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Post a replay of a close loss. We’ll help you get out of bronze.

Edit: Step 1: Don’t play Sombra. That’ll net you 500 SR.

a video of me isn’t going to help. You can already just see my stats 0_o and sombra is my best hero. I get like 1 death per game about 50 hacks and spend most of the time on fire

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Stats only really show me that you have very bad aim (bronze-silver). A replay will help show the things I can actually teach you how to improve on.

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Kudos to you for not hiding behind a private profile.

Looked at your stats on here and Overbuff. And to be honest, you look like you belong where you are.

Looking at Moira, you’re on a kd of 2.86 in low silver. I’m a 2.3k support, and likely at my current skill max, but:
I played a recent comp game at 1600 SR and I went 41-1 kd, and the one death was kinda careless.

When I climbed from 1700 to gold on support with 80% win rate, I managed a 44 kill streak with Moira one game. With Lucio I managed wins going 22-0 and 15-0.

How’d I manage that? Time grinding death match. Once you’re dueling diamonds and higher killing silvers and surviving vs them is super easy.

You’ll notice that my tank sr sucks balls. That’s a lack of mechanical skill. I’m working on my Dva and Hog mechanics to enable me to carry my way back up.

Mechanics are the engine of your sr. If your mechanics suck then you’re super dependent on team mates.

Likely why I find my support games easier than my tank games despite being nearly 900 SR higher. In gold I get carried as mechanics less important than staying alive to support (Managed 36% heals last game).

As tank at low elo you need to frag out as everybody on your team is terrible and they’re not carrying you anywhere.

TLDR: Grind death match and get good.

I doubt your review would do anything lol I already had fitzy review one of my vids and stylosa and 1 back when BTC used to do game reviews. but hey I will log in after I eat and record a video. not sure where I should upload it since my 2 youtube channels are for my 2 music projects but I will figure out where to upload it and then post it here so that you can see what I mean.


Just share a replay code.


I don’t ever really play support or tank though. I only pick those roles when I am frustrated in DPS so I wouldn’t really count those roles since I don’t focus on them. Except for Dva I guess since she is the hero I have the second most hours on. Sombra though I have 500+ hours on I think. She is the hero I spent lots of deathmatch time learning before taking her into comp and the hero that got me to my highest rank. My struggle right now I am honestly sure is my MMR. I will be lucky if I can even get a shield tank on my team. Almost every game my tank lineup is a roadhog and zarya combo which is terrible and we will be fighting against an actual shield tank. I get torb mains that never switch even if the other team has double shield. Torb and syms never seem to switch. And when we don’t have any proper shield I pick mei to try and at least cover while the stubborn tanks brag about having gold elims instead of making any kind of space or protecting the squishies. then they proceed to cry about not getting heals…its like…maybe protect the team instead of picking tank purely for faster queue and then not picking any barrier tanks. When it comes to me whenever I am being hardcore countered I switch…but people in this rank don’t. I also seem to know where the enemy is at all times and have to be the one calling it out constantly as everyone seems to have tunnel visions. But like I said I will post a video as I like putting my money where my mouth is. Even though you can easily just look at some of the videos and proof people have already posted on the forums of their second accounts SR vs their main accounts.

My next post (not sure when maybe later tonight or tomorrow) will be a video.


Alright, here are my two cents. First, MMR reset wouldn’t do anything but bring chaos into competitive for months. I personally have 3 different accounts (main, tank only and one to play with my bronze friends) and even though they all initially placed in different ratings, they’re all within 200sr of each other now. The game knows where you belong and it’ll get you there eventually, no matter what.

Second, get off Sombra. Honestly. Fitzy, while a credible source, is a T500 player. The level of coordination, communication and game sense in that elo is insane and there’s no way you’d be able to get the same kind of value in bronze/silver with Sombra.
Now, I’m not saying you should give up on that character altogether. By all means, play her when you get to high gold/plat, but she is an incredibly difficult hero to climb with.

Trust me, I’ve learned this the hard way - I used to one-trick Bastion. While it was relatively easy to get out of bronze and silver by doing so, people in gold actually have positive IQ and more or less know how to counter him, so I had to adapt and learn other heroes to climb. I’m a 2700-2800 player now.

Good luck with your climb!

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Should be done every single season, to be honest.

Of course, you’d have to make it where you don’t need to grind 100 games just to rank up. People who belong higher would get there fast. People who simply don’t leave matches or straight up throw would would start at the bottom and stay there, instead of ruining games for the full season as they “downrank” aka throw, cheat the system.


Dont need one, people will complain when they get top 500 players in there first placement matches

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MMR adjust pretty fast, you old history doesnt matter if you play few times for week.

Yes i know, thats why i am complaining about placement system for a long time. Its placing people where they dont belong. Low bronze player would have hard throw on new acc in 6 stack to be placed close to his true elo. But if he is lucky with team mates, he can end up in gold… Where he doesnt belong.

But thats why i dont understand why you want reset if you know this. It would place incredibly wrong so many players as every account would be acting as new and its just bad. It would be disaster with current placement system.

Your bronze friends are placing higher because placement system is bad, not because they belong there.

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Look mate I get terrible players on a regular basis. If my teammate Moira can get away by holding left click on an enemy Genji for two seconds so can his friend.

You know something I don’t get is why doesn’t Blizzard just CHARGE for a MMR reset. I mean they’re in theory already doing it. Buy overwatch on a new account, fresh MMR, stats prove the system screwed them. So why not just allow people to buy a MMR reset. Make it substantial, the same price as OW. So what $20-$30? This way we’d see much less of a gigantic swing and pool of players as most players who aren’t already buying second accounts will STILL not buy an MMR reset.