Time for a proper MMR reset

I dont know man. Not that long ago i had someone from low bronze on new acc in plat with lvl 26. Platinum omg and when i checked replay, he played like low bronze. Of course we lost, that guy with bronze 500 skill raised his team MMR by like 2000 points and thats bad.


That’s a big WRONG from me. The ladder is a low-pop nightmare during offhours. The few pockets of active players are isolated and sparsely clustered. The inability to create representative matches (correct sr and mmr) makes wait times go up and match quality go down. A reset increases mobility, incentivizes ranking, and fair matches become easier.

The only people avoiding a reset at this point are afraid of the work involved. The first week would feel like placements, but afterwards the match quality (and quantity) would go way up for most people for most of the rest of the season.

It’s frankly a no brainer.

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Why would you tell kaipurge not to play sombra? They are practically throwing on anything else.

Kaipurge you play sombra! Dont listen to anyone telling you give it up.

However, you are also wrong about pretty much everything you think about established accounts but im not going to go into something youve been told 1000x. If you are at 1400 its your rank no reset necessary.

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Reset would result in huge chaos for months because placement system is bad and placing people where they dont belong. Imagine all bronze players placed in gold lol together with diamonds, it would be insanity.

Reset = current smurf situation but on steroids

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Yeah see where they are in a years time.

Bet they fall right back down.

What do you mean by that?

I would love a MMR Reset, i could legally smurf for a couple of games, would be fun :smiley:

If the account is old and they are actually a Diamond level player, the MMR takes note of that and pairs them against other misplaced players while in Bronze (derankers, smurfs, other people stuck). It is extremely hard to get out of that situation. It doesn’t by any measure mean they are a legit bronze players.

Once they have played enough games so the system gets more of an idea as to where they should be.

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They really need to just remove MMR from comp completely. If you win you get SR. You lose you lose SR. Simple as that. Then every new season everyone starts in mid gold and climbs or falls from there. No need for placements. If someone is carried oh well so what. Its a team based game. If your team carried you then eventually they will start feeling the hurt when it becomes clear that they are constantly fighting 5v6 because you suck and will most likely stop playing with you.

They tried and then very quickly backpedaled on it as OWL tanks were getting placed in mid gold.

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What?! How does this make sense? So is player diamond or bronze? Are you saing that Diamond player will be in gaames with bronze players? or opposite? I have no clue what are you trying to say honestly.

MMR is helping smurfs to climb faster so they dont stay in lower elos and it helps keep boosted players out of higher ranks. So MMR is very good thing for ranks below Diamond.

MMR is your friend which will help you climb if you play well but have still bad team mates.

My very first account was stuck in low bronze. New account placed plat and climbed to Masters. Then Climbed to Masters on my old account in like 280 hours.
Where as the new account I climbed from plat to masters in a fraction of the time. Yeah MMR does hold people back.

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You will notice it easier to climb when you are not in bronze because most smurf accounts are usually in low bronze.
I noticed this when trying to get my friend out of bronze he is now almost dimond.

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It’s not even smurf accounts that are the issue. The issue is the game thinks you belong in bronze so the climb to get out is so incredibly long that most people with jobs/school won’t do it and just buy a new account. The SR gain/loss system is kind of out dated.


Please stop speaking as if you know how the system works internally, you’ve provided no meaningful evidence to back it up and always fall back on your small pool of personal experience instead of macro concepts.

MMR is potentially keeping artificially boosted or dropped players at the wrong SR for longer. By pairing them in games that are likely to be 50-50 despite their underperformance or overperformance, you drastically slow their mobility.

By measuring MMR based on stats, many of which will be dependant on the quality of your teammates, you create a self-fulfilling prophecy for these players. Unless you are at least 2 ranks better or worse than your current SR, you’re going to have an extremely slow climb or fall.


You’re telling the guy who just said he’s climbed from bronze on a bunch of accounts that they don’t want the challenge. Why else would I do it? That’s literally the only reason I do it–to try to climb from less than ideal circumstances, with off meta heros, or DPS only Ana, things like that. Random challenges to make the climb harder and still pull it off. It’s what keeps the game interesting for me after playing it so much.

which is it? does the system adjust fast or will it take months? you contradict yourself.


No it doesnt, you did hold yourself there.

Also can you open your profile so I can see if you are really masters?