Tie Rez to Valkyrie

In general, being rezzed should never function in a way that punishes the rezzed player. Let’s just leave it at that.


Somebody needs to get punished. And if it’s not the Mercy player, then who?

Any thoughts anyone? :slight_smile:

Well, certainly not the player who has no choice in the matter. If a choice has to be made it’s the Mercy, because she can choose not to use rez at all, although we see how great that is.

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So I guess we just stay with the current Rez then?

I mean, I don’t want that either. I’d say completely rework the mechanic from scratch if it’s going to stay as a form of E ability (although I maintain it’s not really balanced to have it there).

Agreed with this. If we are going to punish Mercy with slows self inflicting CC etc. It needs to be as grand as McCree’s ultimate as well.

I think this is the way to solve Mercy.

Just friken give her insignificant E ability and attach REZ to Valk.

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You aren’t necessarily wrong… but generally players hate when they can lose out of nowhere, or because of something they couldn’t possibly see coming. Battle Toads comes to mind.

It absolutely should be the Mercy player… just not a punishment that prevents her from moving or healing. Y’know… the two thing she was supposed to be known for after the rework.

Make the instant res end valk. Make it cut Mercy’s max hp to 100/120/150 for 3/5/8 seconds. Make GA put Resurrect on a 2 second CD. Make it so the enemy team can “kill” her souls before she gets there to Rez. I don’t really care what the downside to Resurrect is as long as it doesn’t go against her other two cores of healing and mobility and is fair and doesn’t make her a chore to play.

People tend to forget this is a SHOOTER. Death is a pretty good form of counter play to everything and is the longest (10 second) CC in the game. I will never understand how “res doesn’t belong in the game” but all the 1 button team wipes are okay.