Tie Rez to Valkyrie

:slight_smile: ?


Edit: Instant res is partial counterplay to all the instant hanzo headshots.

If you are immobile, stuck ina yellow glow animation. It’s not like you could move or shoot anyways.

So you would still have the same interval to gain your bearings.

That’s not what I meant.

If the person who just got Rezzed can take damage instantly… there’s potential for them to die before they can do anything.

Since the Rez Target isn’t the one who decided to be in that situation, that would be insanely frustrating when it happens.

Well, they could make it so that you get the same respawn timer, as if you were never resurrected.

They could, but I don’t think that would lessen the sting of the extra death that you couldn’t prevent much… if at all.

Also that raises other issues. Say someone dies… Mercy resurrects them within 1s. 8s later they die again. Do they then get a ~1s respawn timer? If yes, that’s a bit weird, if no, where do you draw the line on that mechanic happening?

Agree, 1 rez per ultimate, 60 hps, make her ‘E’ without valkyrie, a AoE insta heal. Like 50 health to every team mate in her vision.

50 hps is too low

They’d probably need a cutoff for the “get your old respawn timer”.

Probably 2-5 seconds after you gain movement.

So like instead of Mercy hiding to Resurrect you now want players to hide after they’ve been Resurrected. :thinking:

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Gives some counter play, without slowing Mercy down.

Also, no need to hide if you got tanks. Let’s imagine for instance, that Zarya bubbles would work on rezzed teammates.

Not to mention healing pocketing.

That might work. However… you still have someone who did not choose to use an ability shouldering some of the cost of using it.

Now abilities like that can work… if the two players have time to be like “Hey I’m gonna do this, you ok with that?” The two games I can think of that have mechanics that work like that are both turn based cooperative games. You have all the time in the world to be like “Hey, you good with this?”

Overwatch doesn’t exactly give you that time. Instead Mercy will be making a snap decision and hoping it works out.

And if it doesn’t work out, nothing is lost for the rezzed player.

Not much different than a Mercy starting to Rez you, then she dies/stunned/CC.

An extra death, extra fed ult charge.

Also OW players are not exactly the most level headed of people. This could easily get the Mercy player flamed.

More room for clutch plays, more room for botched plays.

I don’t see a problem with that.

Games aren’t games, unless they have a failure condition.

Personally having 60hps with no cd rez would be fine even without added mobility ability. I mean she already got bunny hop and they just need to make the super jump into an actual feature than a bug

Well they have 2.25 seconds of which Mercy could be healing them which would restore a 200 HP target to full, or indeed another ally could heal/protect them.

So instead of Mercy hiding other players need to hide? That doesn’t make any sense or solve any issues with Mercy. What a joke.

Is standing behind a tank, or getting a lot of healing, what you call “hiding”?

How does someone who can’t move, hide?

Vulnerable to taking damage. Meaning they can’t defend themselves while invulnerbale so they would have no choice but to hide to stay alive. Bad idea.

In the “Yellow Glowy state” you refer it as is 2.25 seconds long.

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Is standing behind a tank, or getting a lot of healing, what you call “hiding”?

How does someone who can’t move, hide?

Also they could lower it. To say, 1.75sec.