Thoughts on the new mercy buff?

Could be April fools but I honestly hope not.

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Mercy got a buff? Must be april fools.


Wait since when? There are no patch notes.

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Ptr patch it looks like

That’s an April fools joke I’m pretty sure :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


It’s 100% fake lol. People would rioto.


Imagine brig actually getting 300 HP

its fake

300hp brig would put genji mains on suicide watch


Aww, quite sad ngl I was hoping for that.

and tracer mains too

I mean, these changes are not all that bad though to be completely honest.

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The Brig,Sombra And Rein is a big
Nono lol. The Lucio is pretty SICK ngl. Even if theyre not real, some developer REALLY put in the time for Lucio because that doesnt look easy to code

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Lol could just increase a variable the longer you ult. Not that hard. At least I wouldn’t think so.

We shall see, like I said to me it does not look as bad.

what mercy buff? Is this an april fools joke

It said it was by Height but I could be wrong and it just LOOKS that way

I just got Carl to delete that misleading video. Was there no patch notes with this ptr update?

Well, get the Y component of initial ult position [A] and the Y component when you land [B]. So |[B] - [A]|, or the absolute value of [B] - [A], and multiply it to the barrier scale. I think that’s how it could be done, but I ain’t going to use my brain too much.

It was fake? Honestly thought it was an April fools update. Guess I got fooled…

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Wow i was really happy to see supports buff but yea it just a joke. Supports need to be free kills always…