Was there no patch notes with this ptr update?

Was this just a cosmetic update?

Edit: just went up: Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – March 31, 2020

Seems just cosmetic update… with maybe one fix…maybe not

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[Scrambles for nearest YouTube video]


Echo’s cosmetics are on ptr rn.

Edit: here lays a misleading video.


Probably just cosmetics as the PTR was updated last Thursday right?

there also this going on

But that really doesn’t matter to me.

(just more dancing around the main issues)

Sometimes when I look at people I don’t see the flesh and bone I imagine they are just brains with googly eyes attached to them, some brains are not as smart as others, some brains exert authority over other brains.

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Fake fake fake fake fake fake. This is 100% fake.

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It’s an April fools joke

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April fools I’m assuming. Though I like the sound of some things tbh

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I’m kinda salty because I would love an Ashe buff like that to reload her ammo on headshot.

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Carl delete this joke/ (don’t need this)


Yeah me too :frowning: A lot of people want it

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It was a good one c’mon

no. Lies are lies. And not a “good” joke.

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I’d love the changes for sombra
Even though they’re 100% busted

But all this is fake :frowning:

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I know goddamit
I edited the initial post. Don’t kill me now :joy:

(still delete it) (Don’t like misleading videos)(gotten banned for a week for such things)

Anyway I don’t get why April fools day exist anyway.

From what I remember about history, doesn’t really translate to pranking each other.

I guess it the reason it’s my 3rd most hated holiday.

Added this ^^^ you can’t miss it.
I’d still delete it if you insist, though.

Yeah I remember how you got banned over the “It’s not Doomfist :pensive:” thread.

(btw I saw the thread you made on that alt account after you got banned. Although you mentioned me and a bunch of other forum goers in that thread, I never got notified about it which was pretty odd. I found it by pure coincidence when I was taking a look at old threads on the #technical-support forum.)

Me too. I feel it’s pretty dated. Last time I “pranked” somebody was when I was 14 y.o. lmao.

(Actually I am talking about a different topic, where the person in the video, started making false claims.)

(Had to be careful how I post videos since)

(so please delete the misleading post)


If you insist. :pensive:

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