📝 Thoughts on overall hero balance at the moment?

OK first of all, Blizzard is deadass buffing the most Overpowered heroes and its ridiculous.
Mccrees Fan the hammer? really? thats all people do with flashbang. Might as well change his name to mcrightclick. Doomfist still too overpowered requires absolutely no skill to play. Bastions damage needs to be nerfed ASAP. Brigs self healing needs to be nerfed. Hanzo’s arrow damage also is way too high. lets not forget Reaper. Why would you buff reaper? 60% life steal?!!? He already does not die at all now you wanna make him survive ults too? Stop buffing the already OP characters please

3700 Tracer/Widow main

Goats comp is still broken even after the nerfs and they will probably take their sweet time again before making some more changes. Tanks deal as much damage as dps heroes and also have better ults. With Brig they now also have ridiculous sustain. The game will never be perfectly balanced but the way it is right now it’s just not fun to play.

Hanzo needs to have a longer ult charge, they never balanced that with his increased damage output. Sym needs 50 more sheild health to make her survivable, mei has 250 and invulnerable health recovery. I think giving sym some mei like sustain would help her enormously. Tracers pulse bomb shouldnt have been nerfed. All and all the games pretty well balanced. 2071 Sombra Moira Zen Roadhog.

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I think Mercy & Moira are weak compared to Anna & I don’t know what to think about brig right now. Zen & Lucio are fine with lucio being borderline OP in organized teams.

For tanks Rein seems too necessary in most games. And I would like to be more comfortable playing Hammond without thinking I’m playing too weak of a character.

I don’t play much dps & don’t have an opinion on them.

buff junk
nerf dva
nerf every sniper except for ashe
buff mercy
nerf ana
buff lucio
rework symettra
buff road
buff orisa
fix rein

With the exception of Ana, pretty much everyone OP is being addressed in the upcoming patch.

Most of the balance issues are from a position of the hero being too weak, not them being too strong, which is far better to deal with as a whole.

How about revert symmetra? 2.0 worked better than 3.0 does. We’ve seen what reworks do on a whole (Mercy, Torb and Sym) and it’s not good. I mean, I guess that depends on your opinion of Sym 2.0, but either way she needs a serious look at regardless.

Hmmm, I gonna put my 2 cent here and say that I hate the Junkrat buff the most.

Don’t get me wrong, Junkrat’s buffs were amazing for the heroes, and I am all down for heroes like him getting more playtime.

BUT, because of his easy game mechanics, my game is filled with bad DPS who uses Junkrat as a crutch to get ez SR, and they always got their butts handed to them in the end. And the best thing about that is they always switch to Junkrat when the team aren’t doing well, despite their team has a Zarya/D.va, Pharmercy or Widomaker, Genji or Hanzo.

And they never switched off. So it is either I have to switch from Shield/Main Tank or my other DPS has to.

I think LĂșcio is already real good. I don’t think he’s in need of a buff, to be honest.

  1. No one is too powerful, the one people claim are the most powerful atm should be the standart of measurement to balance the game bringing everyone else to their standarts of viability. Let’s say a Symm should be as strong as a Rein to be fair.

  2. 6.5/10, the balance team was doing good work on their buffs, but they cripple heroes too hard on their nerfs, they should reconsider about the nerfs they did for the last two year or so.

  3. It would to take too much time, i have some ideas, but making a wall of text here would fall on deaf ears, so i will not.

  4. Stop the nerfs, revert most of the nerfs you did to almost everything, and be FAR more conservative about it.
    What makes people stop playing is they seeing their hard work go to wast just because the balance team went nuts and destroy his most played characters, think about those before destroying other people hard work.
    I’d rather buff everyone that is heavily affected by armor(if they really need it, like Reaper) than nerfing armor itself.

I’m unranked(dislike the entire concept) and my most played heroes were Roadhog, Phara, Lucio and Mercy.

I forget about Junkrat sometimes, I don’t see him very often at all other than in QP.

sym and torb’s potential power have increased as a result of their reworks. the problem is most people just dont want to play around what makes them strong.

a sym that coordinates a tele-dive with the rest of the team is incredibly effective. a torb turret placed in the right spot allows torb to roam freely and be a tankbuster.

Are they in a spot where they can be run with any comp/team? no. should they? i don’t know. I just know things are better than before.

hanzo’s storm arrows should be toned down. Widow’s grapple cooldown should be reverted. fan the hammer should be reverted. doomfist’s slam distance needs to come back

game has never been “completely broken” to me in terms of balance but it’s sad that most of the nerfs/buffs to a hero arent even targeting the specific issues they have as identified by the community. Nobody asked for a buff to FtH, they wanted mccree to be able to roll midair and perhaps a cooldown reduction.

PTR changes? DVa nerf won’t make her less effective but it will allow people to play with ultimates with higher success rate. Reaper will dominate ranks up to diamond.

Rank hovers around 2.7k. I have accounts that main support (zen, ana), tank (winston, rein) and dps (doomfist, pharah)

Hero balance:
Good except Ashe requires not a patch, not a rework but hotfix.

My highest SR account is just under 3900 and my lowest is (I think?) 3200. I’ve been doing a lot of flexing lately, mostly hitscan DPS, offtanks, and off supports. I’m not a good main tank or main support.

I’ll just sum them up one by one

Ana: I think she’s okay, but I don’t like how powerful anti nade is. Right now, it’s kind of a necessary evil, because it’s one of the only things that really hard counters how powerful healing is outside of a one-shot character.

Ashe: I think she’s okay but annoying. I don’t think her gun is harder to aim than mccree’s (bugs and FOV change aside) so it doesn’t really justify being able to oneshot headshot someone with a mercy boost, not in my opinion at least. Her dynamite is pretty annoying but I don’t think it’s broken or anything, same for bob.

Bastion: a meme, should stay a niche meme pick

Brig: even though she was a mistake that the producers of the OWL probably pushed for to keep things spicy, I don’t think she’s too broken anymore, but she’s still super annoying.

DVa: I’ll always think she’s the best offtank unless they nerf her utility or give the other offtanks more utility.

Doomfist: I’ll always think he doesn’t belong in overwatch in his current state. He’s under powered, but he should stay a niche meme pick imo, kinda like old hanzo.

Genji: I don’t like that he’s a nanoblade bot now.

Hanzo: I don’t like that he’s so consistent now. In the past, when a hanzo was nailing headshot after headshot, it was like “woah that’s a good hanzo” but now it’s like “oh that’s a hanzo”

Junkrat: I don’t see enough junkrats being played to have an opinion on him rn

Lucio: I’ll never complain about lucio honestly, not unless they rework him to be broken. I did prefer old wallride though.

Cree: FTH buff was a meme, just leave it at that

mei: I think she’s a bit too easy to get value out of, I would like to see either smaller projectiles or a breakable self iceblock

mercy: I don’t think she’s engaging to play, her healing is underwhelming, blizzard PLEASE just take the focus of her kit away from rez

moira: I think she should be able to heal through shields again, honestly

orisa: I don’t know how to fix her and make her as good as rein. I think, maybe, you could have a mechanic where she can reposition her shield much more often, but you won’t get full HP (if it’s already damaged) unless you wait long enough? I dunno. I don’t think her shield in its current state will ever be as great as a rein.

pharah: Same as junkrat I don’t see her that often so I can’t speak on her balance that much. I think she’s pretty easy to kill, and even a good pharah is still locked into some pretty predictable patterns. I wish she had a way to thrust herself down towards the ground and maybe horizontally.

reaper: Blizzard doesn’t even understand reaper at this point

rein: Not broken, but doesn’t have any good competition, especially with dive being gutted

roadhog; I like him, but prety bad when enemy runs 3/3

76: I don’t think he’s in a bad spot, I think 3/3 is just too popular for him to be good.

sombra: I never liked her kit, I wish they would make her gun and mobility better and then make hack/emp a bit less impactful. I personally don’t think sombra is hard to outplay, but she’s really annoying for your main tanks. As she is now I think she should honestly be a niche pick and not meta

sym: a niche pick, she should probably stay that way I think, it would be very annoying if she was in every game

torb: I like em but I’ll always think builders are doomed to fail in this game. Either doomed to fail or doomed to be op.

tracer: Pretty underwhelming if even two people on the enemy people decide it’s time for you to stop playing tracer. I would like to see 400 damage bomb back, but I doubt blizzard would backtrack on that.

widow: I like widow when she’s in a small percentage of games.

winston: He’s still very balanced, but not when the enemy is running 3/3. You may as well swap in most situations.

hammond: I think he just needs his name changed officially. >:(

zarya: I think she’s actually fine. She isn’t broken or OP outside of 3/3, but in 3/3 she definitely feels too strong. That isn’t a zarya issue. That’s a “we don’t need to run DPS because they’re trash against 3/3” issue.

zen: He’s fine.

If you’re playing in a 2/2/2 game, none of them individually feel broken right now. My issue with the balance of the game is that, if you’re in a group that knows how to play 3/3, you have almost no reason not to. I’m not saying the average plat lobby should go goats and expect to win, even high diamond don’t even know how to play goats half the time. They just rage at each other because nothing’s dying and they don’t know why in my experience. The problem is though, is that very specifically because the characters are balanced in a 2/2/2 environment, they are very underwhelming in a 3/3 environment (as far as DPS) and very powerful (as far as tanks/healers). I don’t know the best way to fix that so I won’t really comment on it. I just know that when you no longer have to run dive on maps like gibraltar, maybe something’s horribly wrong, yeah?

tl;dr: Most of the characters are balanced, I think.

If only they tune down snipers a bit and this game would close to being as good as it use to be.

How can you tune down a class you don’t even need to fight?

After the next patch:

  • Tracer will be unstopable in the matchmaker, and in pro games where goats isn’t the optimal strat.
  • Orisa will actually see more use because of Bastion and Hog being a lot better.
  • Sym will be used on some variations of the bunker comp.
  • Reaper will be a beast in low ranks but still meh everywhere else, he really needs a skillful altfire instead of just a increasing a number, since he’s boring af.
  • Every support except for Moira will be viable.
  • Hammond + Zarya combo might get used more due to Zarya not getting hindered by armor nerfs and Hammond being able hit armored heroes extremely hard now, helps that he somewhat counters Rein.

What do you mean???

Symmetra. Too many weaknesses, geoff the lead hero designer talked alout about that he doesn’t like hard counters and a hero havng many weaknesses, So i hope they buff symm.