Those who still play Sombra, why?

…yes. they should. Because she’s doing the job of 3 heroes.

Therefore she has no place she should be shining

You dont understand what a tiering system means. If a hero gets out performed by pretty much every “mid-tier” then shes not mid-tier.

I disagree. Mid tier in a game of niches and counters means worst unless they are overpowered somewhere.

See, brig on launch. With mid tier stun, aoe heals, and shield… But altogether making an overpowered mess until nerfed.

Also mercy.

There’s no specific place for sombra.

So she’s in the place of soldier before soldiers buffs.

Too generic and therefore unabusable in specific places.

She’s the new soldier imo.

Generic. Bland. With no real area of expertise

As someone who almost exclusively plays Sombra, I can second you: there are games where I completely carry the team. Doesn’t mean the character is strong.

I agree that she might need some buffs, but I’m more worried by what they’ll do to her than where she is. I’d rather she stays off meta in all ranks than have her transformed into something she’s not.

The only tier Sombra belongs in is “candidate for worst hero in the game” together with Bastion. Your own made up criteria dont matter. Nobody cares about tiering part of a kit, if the package isnt perfoming.

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I mean…all criteria is made up

Yours included.

Imo…she is performing as designed.

No, i dont make up criteria. I just compare her to the rest of the cast. Performance is the only criteria i look at because its the only one which objectively matters.

Imo your criteria of performance…is flawed

And therefore your conclusion is objectively biased

Hack should be replaced with something else - ok, so perhaps keep the ult since ults are allowed to be annoying, but a sombra that decides to pick on you for a whole game (often happens as a tank like Sigma) is just there to ruin your game. I have quit several QP games after the 5th or more hack. Come back from spawn, get hacked, die, come back from spawn, get hacked, die, … leave.

Ana sleep has a similar problem except luckily people generally wake you up pretty quickly. Abilities where you lose control of your character for more than a moment (let’s say, 1 second) are not good for the game.

Looking at the entire peformance in every rank of the game is flawed? Okay mate. Imma head out.

I’m sorry if you’re trying to compare anything that isn’t performance, that is bias. Is she better than Widowmaker because I want to make this about rate of fire?

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Looking at nothing but cherry picked views and not considering players versus hero?

Getting mad at someone who literally has a history of agreeing with you, because my mind has changed and now dissents?

Acting like an authority with nothing concrete is given to anyone in this game?

K. Bye

Performance isn’t some black and white thing.

If it was track…sure. you can see everything.

But it’s not.

Sombras performance matches where I expect her to when I consider more than just… Hurrr Durr she no auto win

I don’t disagree that maybe Sombra needs some buff, or a power redistribution. But players still play her wrong even after more than 3 years. You are likely to see a Sombra plays her kit wrong more often than not. I don’t remember the last time I see a Sombra and think: this dude/dutchess knows the hero very well, all I see is mute Sombras and invisible Sombras even to her team 9 out of 10. You can’t charge it up to an UP kit when you see such bad players, it’s like seeing everyone plays full DPS Moira and still wonders why Moira is so bad at healing.

“You see” so youre just talking about the Sombra in your games right? However, even the “good” Sombras which climb in rank arent performing compared to the other heroes. GM players know how to play the game, but at average they dont perform with her even though they play game where situational awareness, gamesense. teamwork and aim is at its maximum. People tend to forget, if you get better at Sombra, youre getting matched with better opponents as well. Gold Sombra tend to lose more often than not to all gold other dps. Same goes for diamond. Same goes for masters. In grandmasters shes barely hitting 50%. Which still makes up for one pf the 5 lowest winrates in that rank.

Don’t talk about skill in this forums, these people really don’t like the sound of the word skill

Sombra is one of the few characters who should never really be allowed to be fully meta. Let her stay a niche pick. A Sombra meta would be terrible for everyone but the Sombra player.

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Yes, because that’s all I can do, seeing the statistics based on my own games and my own experience. No one here except the devs has access to a full picture of Sombra, including statistics and educated opinions. You are as biased and in the dark as the person next to you.

I’m no Sombra main, but even I can still have a lot of success playing her to her advantage, and not forcing her on my team. And it s so painful watching a Sombra not only force herself on the team while still having no idea of her optimal playstyles.

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I agree with you on the people playing her not using her well.

I just disagree on who is using her.

But for some reason everyone is acting like they are experts on her whole picture.

No one is. So we have to do our best to piece things together.

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You need to be vocal when playing sombra, calling out your hacks makes her at least 30% more effective. Shes heavily team reliant. Unfortunately a terrible flanker.

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