Those Mcree changes

That’s a big yikes from me. I don’t think theres a single DPS in the game that deserves a flat 20% damage buff. All of Mcree’s abilities and options are already really good, espeically after the latest changes to deadeye. I think he doesn’t need the 20% DPS buff, or any buffs at all in that respect.

The rest of the changes are pretty good though, although I don’t think Baptiste needs more ammo in his clip.


No one hits every shot


I do. :slight_smile:


For the record, it’s +25% DPS, not +20%. (assuming you ignore reloads)


I mean it takes just as much skill to hit with McCree as it does Widow/Hanzo so…


He goes through his healing faster than his damage so I get why they buffed his clip for heals


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I just tried hm out. He shoots so fast

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Ashe vs McCree just got more interesting now.


He can’t get to high ground, so he’s still a sad boi.


Well, he will be always awful there. I’m talking about in a 1v1 situation fight.

Where can I find these patch notes?

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Guess if was a good time to learn McCree.

That followup on flash will be even easier now lol

He’s the worst precision hitscan character in game and is one of the worst heroes in game in terms of winrate. He’s a garbage hero who’s only role right now in higher tiers is to counter Pharah on maps where Widow isn’t as good. Not to mention this is assuming the player still lands all of his shots, as his base damage hasn’t been affected and is still entirely dependent on player skill.

And you’re against buffing that?


Lowest winrate in the game btw

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The problem lies in how they are trying to improve Mcree. It’s a proven failure way to go about it. It didn’t work for Roadhog, it didn’t work for Bastion or Hanzo. Giving a hero that lacks utility and mobility more raw dmg just makes them broken and unfun to play against.

Either he does so much dmg he kills people quick enough for his own low survive ability to not be a factor, or he dies. You know good old one shot Roadhog days. Frankly I would of rather seen something like giving him a second flash bang or something, or you know fixing the bugs so the thing didn’t miss half the time and pass straight through people.


Anyone that has actually played McCree (and can spell his name) know it won’t increase his dps by 25% on anything but paper. Why? Because literally no-one holds his fire to actually shoot once every 0.5 seconds even now. What you do is flick and obviously you’ll try to shoot as fast as you can but aiming takes priority and often the shots are fired more than 0.5 seconds apart.

This change will increase his damage overall a little and McCree players will need to completely learn the rythm again. Biggest dps increase will come in 2 situations. 1) Against tanks where you can actually hold fire and 2) Follow-up to flash as it’s now easier to double tap instead of fan, which I’m sure the whiners like OP would prefer instead of just flash fanning as it still takes more skill to do.


McCree was already my second most played dps, guess he will soon move to first!