This will be the 6th christmas event

She has never repeated a legendary one at an event … many other heroes have. They have a VIP priority pass and she can’t? , double standards.

The same song with Mercy always tires, other heroes repeat skins and have more than her and I do not see complaints, really, you tire.

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Just make Dva Mech a giant Shiny green christmas bauble with candy cain arms and legs and make sure glittery snow shoots out the Mech’s a$$ and reindeer bells jingle when you use thrusters.

D.Va has the most legendary skins in the game?
Ball really needs some love.

Dva does not have the most legendaries in the game…tracer, widow, and mei do.

Bruh is a Christmas Dva skin actually on the horizon? :flushed:

I hope you are right considering the Halloween ones were indeed very good.

So about that skin…

And Bastion…

Bastion: 25
Widowmaker: 25
Mei: 24
Reinhart: 24
Tracer: 24
Mccre / Cassidy: 24

Bastion & Widow the kings, and they keep getting skins every year …

Everyone there in the Blizzard Art Department does an AMAZING JOB at Costume and Outfit design! Everything from the Armor Sets in World of Warcraft to Overwatch. it is ALL amazing and well done. It was the real reason why we spent HOURS doing Sunwell, Ulduar and many other Raids

It is very amazing that folks there can take a Character design and Make them Larger Than Life. That is a special Talent and Ability that is like no other!

I really feel that I know I bring this up more than once. That skins/cosmetics should and have both an ability to Unlock them in Game with long Grinding, but with the option a person to spend like a buck or 2, to unlock each individual skin would be really amazing!

One of the things I have always wanted to see this company offer is a yearly Fund raiser with Pink Mercy, since Cancer research should never be forgotten. To me it is sad that folks scalp the prices for this, but really though. That is another thing that really was nice of Blizzard and it means a ton to me. My Aunt died of Cancer the week of that Mercy Cosmetic Skin release. But it was such a nice thing that was done there at Blizzard.

And I should put an “honorable mention” that the Fans keep saying “life guard mercy” ftw. For summer games. (+1 in chat).

I would advocate that always keep your artists inspired for more Character Costume Designs and say “thank you” for taking time to make these characters special.

Sure, we don’t agree always how the path of the games are going. But that drive for Appearance and design is what helps tell the story.

:sunglasses: :+1:

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(or any ball skil plz its been so long since weve gotten a legendary)

I don’t care about which hero are getting a Christmas skin if Dva finally get the Legendary (or Epic) Christmas skin she deserve so much.
But there’s something worse than D.VA without Christmas skin imo : the Archives skin.

Blizzard, in the D.VA animated short since August 2018, we saw D.VA with a little black jacket and a white cap.
Why it’s not already in the game as an epic skin for D.VA in Archives event or for a challenge seriously ?
It’s just here in front of your “blind” eyes since 3 years now (4 years soon) and we’re still waiting…

What are you waiting for, Blizzard ?
Or are you telling us it takes you more than 3 years to add a jacket and a cap on D.VA default skin, change the hairstyle and recolor the meka in black ?

Dont you guys only need Winter and Archives?

Bastion is pretty easy to make skins on… since he is technically a walking armor

Widow… well… you know… the lady has to show off her 2 great beautiful assets.


That is all

remember, you all asked for this.

It is not bad but it just didn’t worth the wait imo. If it was released for the 1st or 2nd year I woudl probably have been fine with it.

and exactly why I hate “blurf blurf NEEDS a skin” threads. Cause there’s always someone who says it’s not what they wanted or not “worth” it.

I think they should just do what they’ve been doing and there’s no reason to change making skins as they’ve been conceptualized, approved and finished.

Dont you have enough to beat off too at the moment?

There wouldn’t be such threads if all heroes were getting skins on regular basis instead of few getting more skins than everyone else.

Some heroes literally got a skin for every event and more within the firs 2 years.

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And you would hate the skins even more because they would be pushed out on quota instead of “it’s ready”. You then would not get a new skin GUARANTEED for your favorites until their “turn” rolled around again.

People pointing fingers at other characters skin counts are the exact type of people who would whine that they didn’t like what they got this go around.

If it is not good sure. But here is the thing. Waiting more time without a skin doesn’t guarantee a good skin. And also now that I know is missing an archives skin, I have no interest sitting around waiting for surprises because I know the next possible skin is like half a year away. Every of her seasonal skins so far has been released ~1 year distance from each other.

It is kinda ironic that her default skin is still some of the best one in the game even after all the waiting.

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