This will be the 6th christmas event

This being the rub. The skins are never going to be good enough for all. Especially those who think a character “NEEDS” one , and if they made them scheduled then the quality wouldn’t be enough for peoples expectation when their characters turn rolled around. THere’s no point to gate skin releases on a schedule when the same complaints will be leveled anyway.

Making deadlines and quotas near guarantees that certain skins will be produced simply because they have to be and forced into tiers they probably shouldn’t be in.

There’s already likely a quota for how many legendaries MUST be released every event and so forth, how much less creative and interesting would the skins be if instead of 32 possible characters getting one, it was 4 ?

And so now … you’ll schedule your next amount of playtime to be near to when your characters skin is coming out? Sounds like a hard sell to a company who wants you coming back, as regularly as possible.

highly debatable.

I’m highly dubious at the latest one, It looks like she’s wearing a bad wig and stuffed into a costume for a christmas stage play. But she’s had many really good skins during events.

But you have the great luck that dva is not forgotten and every year you have a skin insured, Mercy is one of the most iconic and popular heroes of the game and he is totally forgotten, in a few months it will be 2 years since his last legendary.

I agree, that’s the only skin that I use on her :clap:

The art team has stated the opposite actually, in regards to Bastion. They need to model three skins in one for a hero who morphs their appearance depending on their form, but they need to keep the theme of the skin and make it look good. D.Va is to a lesser degree but she also had a similar challenge in designing skins.

Not really what I expected (hoped for the Skin from from the artwork), but it is still pretty damn nice :relaxed:

we got our wish on a skin