This will be the 6th christmas event

im not surprised widowmaker has so much skins since i have all of hers and the ones you pay for PLUS some owl team league ones. in my personal hero gallery i be like dam she has so many skins :grinning: (i have 49 skins with widow)

never knew she was tied with bastion

woah back up there. content? too much to ask for. get out.

DVA and ball. I can feel it in the air!

yea if i was a gambling man i would bet on getting a christmas skin this year since she has never got one

hope i dont jinx it

Dva and Hamster I am 99.9% sure they will have skin.

My prediction:

1 - Dva
2 - Hamster
3 - Genji
4 - Ashe / Bastion
5 - Widowmaker / Mei
6 - Brigite
7 - Orisa

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Hamster should have either/and a Christmas ornament and Snowball skin imho.

Can we get a Hammond snowball legendary and reindeer Orisa skins?

As i read these comments there is a legit a reason why im saying dva should get a skin(preferably a legendary).

Its not fair to see heroes like Ashe, Sigma, Moira, who came out wayy later to get an epic skin, legendary skin or even both before game launch heroes like D.Va and even Genji who have yet to get even just one winter wonderlands skins.

Do i think bap, hammond, and orisa should get skins, yes. But if that means heroes like D.Va and Genji get passed up on a skin for the 6th time in row for winter wonderlands, well that is not fair. If anything D.Va and Genji should be prioritized for a winter wonderlands skin before them.

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Look, I know I said this about the Halloween skins but…

The Winter Wonderland skins this year are straight fire. Both Jodie and I were fairly stoked when we first saw them :slight_smile:

Can’t wait for you all to get your mittens on em!

Now excuse me while I flee the forums after teasing you all :stuck_out_tongue:


Moira keeps talking about Mercy in the spawn room despite no Mercy on your team and sometimes even the enemy team.

“You know, despite our differences, I still respect your work, Doctor Ziggler.”

She says this when Mercy is nowhere to be seen in the spawn room.

Is this bugged, or intended? I noticed we got a lot of new voiceline interactions, like with Lucio + Torb. So perhaps some of them aren’t working as intended.

Either that, or this is intended and Mercy lives rent free in Moira’s head.


Small problem here

You were right to say that halloween skins were actually amazing, so now you have my hopes up.

How could you do this to me?


mei already has christams skins thouhg

If andy says winter skins are amazing, then I trust andy’s taste. Halloween skins didn’t disappoint.

Dva winter skin please :eyes:


When does the Christmas event start? :thinking:


Ngl the entire skin needs reworking. It’s just so ugly to me. Borderline worst skin the game along with a number of Mei’s skins. (poor mei mains, always getting bottom tier skins)

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Oooh, now you got me fidgeting in anticipation, because out of all the threads discussing/asking for Winter Wonderland skins, you responded to this one: a D.Va thread.

How am I going to sleep tonight now?? :open_mouth:

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Moira is a tsundere, obviously.

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I personally prefer heroes who don’t have a Xmas Legendary, deserve a skin. (e.g DVA, Genji, Orisa, Pharah, etc.)

Mercy already had an Epic and a Legendary for Christmas though. She had a Legendary from every Seasonal event, Lore event (Valkyrie), Charity skin, both OWL & OW Contender skins.

It happens when a Mercy is on the enemy team.
Not intended, but quite useful if you know it :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is quite useful information actually.