This video showcases how mercy is fun, and how wrong mercy mains are

Animetic doesn’t hate Mercy. She just thinks the nerfs don’t address the core Mercy issues and they are making her less fun to play. (At least that’s what she said in some of her tweets before)


If I remember the video correctly, he mainly talks about Mercy being balanced. I can’t remember if fun is mentioned anywhere in that video though.

Sorry, I was replying to two people in quick succession. :stuck_out_tongue: She still has a lot for players to learn if they’re willing (which most aren’t. They just assume what is right in front of Mercy is all she has. No skill. While she actually has many tricks to be more successful than other Mercy players. As much as Genji, etc.? Nah, but still).

The next one was replying to somebody saying something about Mercy being fun, just look at the video, so I was correcting them stating that video poster actually dislikes Mercy.

Sorry for the confusion. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I feel asleep 3 minutes into the video but those 3 minutes looked fu…n… zz.zzz…zzzz


I don’t think it matters whether the OP posts a video of a player who may or may not enjoy Mercy. The point the OP was making is that Mercy is more than just “fly in the sky and hold left click” and that Valk is “more than just spectator mode” and posted a video of a player who does a lot more with Mercy than what the playerbase would have you believe.

Imagine someone saying Rein is boring because all he is is “hold up shield”, and then I post a video of a Rein player doing so much more than just holding his shield up, proving that there’s a lot more to his playstyle. You then may point out that the person I posted footage of, has stated that he hates playing Rein, but that literally doesn’t matter at that point. Because the point of the video is to show that there’s more to this character’s playstyle than what people say, regardless if the example I’m showing is coming from a player who happens to hate the character.


I could be wrong because I was just quoting someone else’s understanding of the situation, but I agree with your statement that there is still room for tweaking things around. I don’t think another rework is the key, just a subtle redistribution of numbers really.

Tweaks , numbers , everything would be appreciated if it means fixing this mess of a Rework.

I’m watching this and all I’m seeing so far at about the 5 minute mark is the kind of stuff I’d do in QP as I do OG Mercy challenges for fun which might get me reported and rightfully so if I tried doing that crap in comp.

See, I don’t think it’s a mess and I think her “identity” can still be secured with the abilities she currently possesses. But now we’re treading into a matter of preferences which is not worth arguing over. I don’t look at you or anyone else any less for not liking the rework’s direction as a whole.

The things I hate in this rework is that every nerf lately hits the wrong parts of her Kit.
Instead of the healing , they should have changed/nerfed Rez because we all know she was mainly picked for it.

The buff on the PTR is - MEH.
It still doesn’t fix her. Just creates another problem- Do you heal or shoot in order to get your Ultimate faster? (People found that you get your Ultimate quicker if you shoot instead of healing) I guess the age of Battle Mercy is near.

Apparently it is, because mercy mains did it with “objective surveys” and famous mercy main youtubers.

So let me guess, the idea of fun is subjective but when it comes to balance, ONLY mercy mains opinions and feedback, that agree with those 2 specific youtubers, should be taken in consideration, right?

Got it.


I do 100% agree that Mercy is more fun and active now, with increased comlications to her kit without contradictory ability layouts. HOWEVER, I think the primary complaints Mercy mains have is something quite dfferent, which they rarely seem to bring up.

Valk has more of a multitasking playstyle.
Mass rez is boom-or-bust.

It’s like telling a Reaper main to enjoy Symmetra, or telling a Rein main to enjoy Orisa. While they have similar roles in a team, how they achieve those roles are quite different, and enjoying one playstyle doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy the other.

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LOL more complicated, that’s funny.
An ult that makes you so hard to hit that it takes GM level hitscans to even give you a threat and a rez that is nothing but checking whether you can get it off or not and nothing else tactical about it

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That is understandable, I was just making a claim towards to “fun” aspect referenced in the OP. We can’t make that claim from the footage because the person of that footage also dislikes Mercy. But I get what you mean. That isn’t what you were focusing on. You were focusing on the utility of Valkyrie.

I play very similarly to Animetic (also a GM Mercy), so I know how to use Mercy’s kit to its full potential, but I still hate Valkyrie because it takes literally no skill to use. As I told you before, I definitely don’t mind those who like it! But I would prefer it be removed, even if it was at the expense of res (that’s how much I hate it). But I can still say I love everything else about Mercy and respect those with opposing opinions. :slight_smile:

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She has literally stated she doesn’t like Mercy due to all of the nerfs, and in a video on YouTube, Buckle even explicitly says, “Sarah doesn’t like Mercy.” But this is for the reason you said, they aren’t nerfing the correct parts of Mercy. They’ve ignored what’s fundamentally wrong with her.


I’m sorry, I posted before I was finished btw. Please read my edit. It agrees with you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, Then why does she still play her then?

She has made comments that she doesn’t think she is skilled enough as Widow to actually play her in comp, but as for other heroes, supports, etc., I’m not sure. I have a feeling it is a mixture of she isn’t as comfortable with other heroes or she doesn’t think she’s good enough. Also, most of her demographic is Mercy mains. She probably feels obligated to play her.

She stated in a comment on YouTube a few months back that she doesn’t play Mercy nearly as much as she used to, and she only really plays her while she is recording. :confused:

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  • It still requires good decision making to get of certain rezes. Team coordination and communication is also key for many.
  • Her ult is more applicable in more situations, meaning you have to decide which situation it will get the most value in, like mass res.
  • Her ult empowers her weapon as well, rewarding mechanical skill more than mass res did, resulting in having to make the decision to go aggro & duel/secure kills or stay passive and keep team alive.
  • Her mobility options have increased, increasing her skill ceiling.

No, not really. Melke is right, this rework only made her less engaging and fun.

  • Valk removes the need of target prioritization, since it heals everyone in an area.
  • It also removes the need of GA’ing in the middle of the fight, because you can just float far away from it, with the flight and added beam range. Thats literally the opposite of her gameplay.
  • They removed Mass Ress because “they felt it encourage a Main Healer to stop healing”. Now they make her gun better so she she can stop healing to fire? Another contradiction.
  • New Ress is terrible because you don’t pull a Ress off if you are good, you pull a ress off if the enemy team is bad because she can’t move. She’s literally standing still for you to kill her, thats not counterplay and takes no skill from the Mercy player.
  • The added mobility adds skill ceiling? By Making it easier for her to survive…? What?