This video showcases how mercy is fun, and how wrong mercy mains are

Actually, right now many Mercy mains are complaining about the PTR buffs, calling them “not a buff, just a partial revert”, and saying that Valk is a horrible and skilless ult. Many have quit Mercy or refuse to play her in comp. So I wouldn’t say “Every other Mercy mains” are “Adapting and making the best of it”. Yet Animetic is one of the few Mercy players who is going against them, on her twitter and youtube she wrote:

" Mercy is getting a buff! That’s awesome!!:innocent: I mean they didn’t have to, but I’ll take it! 15% faster Valk AND better healing in Valk? That’s insane! People underestimate how much you can do in Valk. I often use it to harass backlines for a second to create confusion to win fights."

She’s also one of the few Mercy mains who has managed to stay GM after the nerfs, probbably because she focuses on being good and utilizing Mercy’s kit instead of blaming Blizzard for bad performance. :tea:


Too bad you’re using a video of a Mercy main who hates Mercy - Animetic. She has publically stated she doesn’t like Mercy currently, and her friend Buckle said in one of her videos that she hates Mercy.

So to use a single video of hers and claim “Mercy is super fun, look at her go”, you may want to know how the person posting the video actually feels about the hero before making that claim.


So you want me watch another person have fun doing something I dont like? I mean… ok I guess? Yet that doesnt make me want to play Mercy again nor does it change my mind about her being in a bad state. Plus I dont think Animetic is really fine and content overall with Mercys current version. Of course I cant speak for her and dont know what exactly she wants just stating that pretty much every Mercy player dislikes where she currently is.


I followed ALL of Animetic’s streams in the past month (that video is the matches she publishes on YouTube). You can also watch all the VODs on ther Twitch channel, btw.

She fell from GM three times, fought hard to get back there, then dropped again, being unable to stay at GM - that video was made right after the last match of the season on Tuesday, when she finally regained GM after much struggle together with her new partner Titan (xFatKing), as Buckle said a month ago he didn’t want to team with her anymore.

In many matches at Masters, where she lost despite playing amazingly, she typed in chat “I CANNOT PLAY A BETTER MERCY. I CANNOT”. Does that sound like a FUN character?

And she only managed this last week to get a great streak of wins that allowed her go from the 3700s to end at 4012 SR.

Point is, despite being one of the best - if not the very best - Mercy player around, she simply CANNOT keep herself at GM rank. Always drops, despite making amazing plays.

So, if a player like her can’t keep herself in GM with Mercy (though she flexes Lúcio, Moira, Brigitte and sometimes Ana as needed), please think if there isn’t something wrong with that character.

(in fact, she typed in the last stream that she considers playing Ana as ‘Easy Mode’)

Animetic’s struggle since August was nothing short of dramatic to watch, fighting against all odds to merely stay at GM (and falling down all the time, except for a good session early on, where she hit a season max of 4107 before falling like a rock). The tension before every competitive stream started was palpable.

The best mains of other characters DO NOT HAVE this struggle, btw.

And while the great string of wins was AMAZING (AYAYA), trust me that the fight the whole season was anything BUT fun.


This thread is about Mercy being fun, not how viable she is. Prior to her latest nerf, she still had the exact same playstyle and was viable at GM.

I wish I had recorded some of my games as Mercy (I’m also GM). They look similar to Animetic’s, and I would LOVE for people to learn how to use her to her fullest potential. She is very easy to pick up, but she definitely takes a lot of skill to master in terms of how Animetic plays her.

One time on Illios Lighthouse, I was really low on health, so I jumped off the edge while tether healing my, GA bunny hopped above the lighthouse and survived on 15 HP. Waited for some regen, jumped down and ressed our McCree, and then we won the fight.

Most Mercy players would’ve died there because of a lack of understanding on how to fully utilize her kit. Or they have prefer beam target off (which MASSIVELY reduces your survivability).

I have many stories about the crouch bunny hop saving me also, specifically during a Rein ult, but that one is my favorite to tell.

The person literally stated, “that is anything BUT fun.” And hearing Animetic’s strife, she has grown to hate Mercy since around the January nerf. She doesn’t enjoy Mercy, she plays her because a majority of her fans are Mercy mains. She publicly stated she hates Mercy a while ago, yet plays her anyway.


Okay, but that still doesn’t sound like she’s bored of the character. There’s a difference between unfun due to boredom, and unfun due to frustration.

She has stated she hates Mercy due to the nerfs. They were necessary. There isn’t much they can do with Mercy anymore; therefore, she is going to continue to hate Mercy until she is reworked. She said she is bored of Mercy and doesn’t find her fun anymore, as well as her friend Buckle stating in one of her games, “Sarah doesn’t like Mercy,” after somebody said something about Mercy. This is why she has been picking up Widow and other heroes. She doesn’t want to keep playing Mercy.

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“In the face Rez” is some of my specialty rez’s or the sneak and Rez that’s a good one. The wrap around a corner to hide and Rez that’s always a fan favourite.


That’s how Overwatch works, though. Even if you play amazingly, you have 5 other people on your team who can make mistakes which lose you the game. No hero in this game can solo carry a game, especially at higher SR where a single teammate’s mistake can lose the entire game.

Also, what does losing a comp game have to do with a hero being fun? I love Mercy and think every iteration of Valkyrie has been more fun than Mass Rez. Fun is subjective.

Animetic is a great Mercy player, I love her videos and her gamesense and movement is great. But gamesense and movement is not all it takes to be an amazing Mercy, you need to be commanding the battlefield with your call outs. She is NOT one of the very best for the simple fact that she doesn’t ever use her mic. Custa, Neptuno, and ArK (3 of the best OWL Mercys) have all said multiple times one of the strongest parts of Mercy’s kit is being able to see everything that’s going on in the game. You have a much broader view of the game and teamfights, and a good Mercy player should be making call outs and telling their team what to do and what ults to use or not use. Mercy players can carry purely will Callouts. Jayne (an analyst and shotcaller) recently did a stream where he went Mercy and had 5 bronze teammates, and they cleanly won the game against 5 other Bronze and a t500 purely because of the team following Jayne’s callouts. Mercy is the ultimate enabler hero, she can heavily increase your chances of winning by relaying information that she sees to the team.

By refusing to use a mic, Sarah is always putting herself at a disadvantage, especially as a Mercy main. Why do you think she never really ended in top500 even in the seasons where Mercy was OP? But not using your mic as a GM Mercy, you’re losing so much value which could increase your chances of winning. Asking for peeling, telling your team what ults the enemy has available and will be using next fight, what ults you should use or save, where to position, who to dive, etc. has always been the job of the support players.

I mean, I believe that a Mercy main DID recently hit the #1 spot on the competitive ladder…Although I don’t know the reliability of that statement but Stylosa was talking about it.


They were also playing Brigitte and Ana.


Well then there’s this player.

Point is, some people enjoy playing Mercy this way and find it fun. Most people who complain about Mercy being boring say things like “Valk is spectator mode. All you do is stay in the backline and tether someone” etc… which just means you don’t know how to play Mercy. This is what the OP was talking about.

im not going to sit here and tell you IF shes fun or unfun…but this is exactly why the fun argument is never going to lead to any changes to Mercy…when even the Mercy community cant agree on whether she is fun or not, why would they change her?

and of course people are going to say she was changed because she was “unfun”…but theres a BIG difference between soldier players, tracer players, tank players, other healer players (pretty much all corners of the playing community) saying a game mechanic is not fun and a fraction of one specific community (mercy in this case) saying it…

if the entire community was saying it it would be one thing…but when even amongst you guys you cant agree…theyre never going to change it because of it…especially not if that character works in game too (which is a separate argument)

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I don’t have fun at all playing Wrecking Ball. Does that mean he is unfun ? I don’t think so, people who enjoy him and practice him can be super strong, I recognize that, I don’t enjoy him myself that’s all.
And if you love a character, you won’t stop playing him, or else, there wouldn’t be D.Va mains anymore.

I find Mercy a lot of fun! Especially her base kit. I personally hate Valkyrie, but I’m not going to condemn anybody for enjoying it! But I was stating the fact that he/she cannot state “Mercy is tons of fun!” with a single video of gameplay from a person who openly hates Mercy. It’s grasping at straws to find anything to “prove” Mercy is fun without even knowing who the Youtuber is or how they even feel about the hero they’re playing. They just assumed she plays Mercy a lot, she must like Mercy.

Ah that makes more sense. I was wondering why in one post (your reply to mine) detailed how skillfulness can take you very far while in the next you were saying that Animetic hates playing Mercy.

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People complain about Mercy’s Valkyrie being unfun because it takes away every skill that Mercy requires and makes it tons easier for the player. Like some people say - there’s no challenge.Also you can’t really make a difference between bad Mercy and a good one.

I think they should remove AoE healing in Valk but increase it’s heal potential to like 70/75/80. That way it would be more skillful for the player. I think it’s a Good start.



So I guess I can’t have fun with mercy anymore if I’m not as godly as animetic with her insane critical hit ratio, GM level game sense and GM competitive teammates with good team compositions? Like… idk quickplay? The most played gamemode?

You won’t be getting any “technical resses” off in QP because nobody will care. Your teammates will scatter and force you into the open just to heal them with valk and then you get high nooned/aimbotted. You can juggle healing all you want, but your dva will still die anyway because she’s solotanking lel. Ana would have no difficulty healing a dva.

Even animetic still only has 50.71% winrate on mercy. Why would anybody have to be that godly with mercy just to have a loser winrate on GM that they will eventually drop rank with when they could just be playing Ana and press Q to win with the bazillion genji mains found on GM right now?

Then there’s enemy ana to consider who’s whole kit is “no fun allowed for other supports”, then new torb who’s turret us a big “screw u mercy” and it stops being fun and games when mercy is still underpowered as long as Ana keeps having her must pick status for being overbuffed and havign a better resurrection.