This toxic attitude towards "low skill heroes" HAS to stop

Look at some of the first few responses in this thread.

All of these toxic people jeering about how Ana now has a higher pickrate, gloating about now their superior skills are now where they “deserve” to be. Who the hell gets off like this? Acting like we wanted Mercy to be a must-pick, when it was Blizzard who gave her an OP rework and nerfed Ana to the ground?

Please, just cut it out! You’re not some superior god just because your healer has to aim.


Well, I mean, if a player has good aim, and they pick a hero that rewards them for having that extra skillset, they should obviously get rewarded with better performance. This is just a basic fact of a FPS game.


Except, Overwatch is not your typical FPS game and it never has been.


Nobody is being toxic though?
Saying that high skill heroes should be stronger than low skill heroes at the high ranks is a perfectly reasonable opinion.

Imagine McCree having equal or less value than Junkrat. There would be no reason to play McCree because picking him would essentially just be playing the game in hard mode, without any extra reward.


I know it isn’t typical, but it still an FPS game. There would be no point in it being an FPS if there weren’t any aim based heroes.

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“Overwatch is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment”


Man if Junkrat had hitscan grenades…

Honestly this is a HORRIBLE example. Junkrat is pretty hard to play in higher ranks. People know how to avoid him and counter him so he’s pretty trash.

But it’s ok if you want to keep your “low skill heroes” in the trash and out of your higher rank matches.

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But he doesn’t. Look at the Hanzo rework, it made him an easier McCree with more reward. He’s a projectile based hero without the downsides of being a projectile based hero. You’re right though, i could have used a better example there.

That’s what makes him balanced.

I’m not saying that low skill heroes should be trash.
I’m saying that high skill heroes should be stronger when mastered.

not sure why you are saying that Junkrat has an easy time aiming.
He has one of the hardest projectiles to land right now. (slowest, smaller than visuals, arcs)

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WHAT? You’re telling me Junkrat doesn’t have hitscan grenades? Well crap I thought he did.

But he’s not. He’s almost never picked because he can’t do much. Very rarely will you find someone playing him. It’s like Symm and Sombra.

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I was just confirming what you’ve said… I wasn’t trying to play captain Obvious. I was trying to suggest that if he had it, there would be no reason to play McCree.

He’s picked more on average than Tracer :man_shrugging:
Not saying he shouldn’t get a buff, but i can’t really call him underpowered when he’s used more often than Tracer is in the low to mid skill brackets.

Go play COD or Counterstrike if AIM means that much to you.

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Just to be clear, dps are rewarded very handsomely for good aim, often with instakills our outlandish damage potentials. Like a mccree that just bangs out 3 headshots which he can pull off in 1 second from the time he pulls the trigger the first time till the last time takes 7 seconds for a winston or brig to pull off. Not that low aim heroes dont have ways to reward themselves for strong positioning and gamesense, since most can achieve cleave damage. I dont think anyone would argue that winston zapping 3-4 people at once and not getting destroyed is no less easy than a headshot. Its kinda poetic really how well players are rewarded for taking advantage of the mechanics that you are required to excell with a hero. And before aomeone gets butt hurt that you have to stand in the right spot with dps too, you do, but dps also have more range and damage giving them more, easier approaches to fights making the requirement and benefit of these skills less valid aposed to a hero who require them just to even get in range, let alone engage the enemy and survive for a more extended period of time to achieve the same value as widow sitting in the same spot she always does taking pot shots.

They didn’t get better by getting better. They got better by the competition being nerfed.

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“Fight for the future and clash on the battlefields of tomorrow in this vibrant team-based shooter.”

-Overwatch store page

Where’s your source?

I do play CoD actually, but I still prefer Overwatch and fortunately, there are plenty of characters where aim is an important skill. That being said, I still agree that a lot of people who act as though aiming is the best skill since sliced bread are annoying, this is not much better. You do not need to berate people who can aim just because a lot of people who can aim berate more “game-sense” orientated players. The solution is to just accept that there are different skills that allow you to excel in Overwatch which is why it is among the most fun FPS games out there.

Honestly, I am so much better at CoD (at least in my experience with the Black Ops 4 beta) because of all of the other skills that playing Overwatch allowed me to develop. Ironically, I am much worse at sniping despite being a Widow main. Lul.

All I know is that there has to be some sort of whipped cream and cherry on top for cranking in extra mechanics.

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I’ve always viewed Ana as a strong off healer, not really a main healer choice.

She needs to land shot reliably, has to reload, if she misses the grenade your probably boned, can’t really manage multiple allies in a fight the way other healers can, and has a general hard time helping the team/teammate recover from a hard hit that doesn’t result in immediate death. Thankfully they removed the chance of being body blocked by allies that don’t need healing.

these people are right a super skilled ANA player should not be beat by a mercy who doesnt haver their monitor on.

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