This pharah nerf

Can it just go to console? (At least the damage remap shouldn’t go to PC)


And yes, it is a nerf

so, its a nerf because ONE man/woman says it is


I mean, he’s the #1 pharah

Also it’s pretty clear it’s a nerf

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I’d rather listen to Fareeha :man_shrugging:


He’s not the number 1 pharah. He admitted that he relies on splash damage to kill people and get ult. That means he can’t aim for direct shots. That is why he called it a nerf.

The Pharah mains who get more direct shots called it a buff like Fareeha


Fareeha kinda got the damage values wrong by mistake - she mentioned that the damage for directs and “almost directs” is the same when it’s actually lower for almost directs.

Mind you, It may well be a buff for Fareeha’s playstyle because she dives more, but it’s still an overall nerf to the character.

My friend whose a Pharah main says it’s a buff. It’s much easier to land direct hits now.

How ?
The rockets travel exactly the same speed…


They shoot faster. Meaning if you get in close the speed of the projectile won’t matter and the knockback being reduced means you can follow up with a second direct hit really fast.


That’s all it took for permanent invisibility to be considered a nerf from what I can tell


The reduced knockback COULD be a factor - but the ability to shoot faster doesn’t mean much when you have to actually account for the target’s movement.
If it was a hitscan, it wouldn’t be as much of an issue, but predicting the rockets requires an extra little amount of time - which makes the higher firerate less meaningful against anything but barriers and tanks.

Jeff stated that they’re raising her skill floor, while also making sure she doesn’t dominant in lower ELOs. This change will hopefully let people shine who are actually good with her.

It should be easier to predict direct hits if the knockback isn’t as significant.


Wait for owl players to dominate games like eagles swooping in and out of every fight.

owl games df comes flying in, uppercuts, direct hit rocket from pharah dropping out of the sky at over 9000 miles per hour.

It’s gonna get wild folks. Plus I don’t think blizz is capable of doing anything but overbuffing characters.

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If they wanted to raise her skill floor effectively - they should have upped the damage of the impact from 55 (the new value) to 75 - giving her a 140 damage per rocket.
That way - a direct + near miss does 205, while landing 3 rockets right at the enemy feet does 195 - not QUITE enough to kill a 200 HP hero.

That’s how you solve the splash damage issue and actually reward skill without outright nerfing her.

As it stands, this is an overall nerf.



I don’t remember people bringing this point up when it was Hanzo we were talking about.

The increased projectile speed helps a boat load. It also puts more aggression on her counters which in turns makes it harder to counter her.

Learning where and when to aim projectiles comes with time and is pretty easy over all. After you figure that out, it makes her better overall.

Maybe her skill floor was raised, but so was the ceiling.

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Well it is nerf if you relay on splash. If you can land those directs you arent affected. It rise her skill floor make her less dominant below platinum and balance her on console. Honestly it is good move.


We did have the two week~ omnic crisis period - which I think was one of their fastest nerfs ever.

Her projectile speed wasn’t buffed, the rate of fire was.