This pharah nerf

They didn’t increase the projectile speed.
Doing that WOULD have been an actual buff.

What they did waws increase the RATE of fire - which is not.

The rate of fire is still a huge buff and still does the same things I said above. The ability to reduce the active time her counter has to fire at her makes her more prominent in the game.

Of course, I did play her on the PTR to test all of this.

Edit: Let’s not forget she is also getting three seconds knocked off her concussive blast cooldown.


More rockets…

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Didn’t they say their intention was to bring their powerlevel down or “move their power to other parts of their kit”?. When they say they buff someone, they always have.

So far, both Valkia and Seagull seem to think this is an overall nerf.
Having played her on PTR and on live since launch, I happen to agree.

The idea of “making her more skill based” would have worked if they gave her 140 damage on direct rockets.
That’s how you rebalance a character.

Instead, they made her more effective against barriers, and not much else.


That still doesn’t make DIRECT hits more likely…

The ability to AIM makes direct hits more likely. Blaming the ability to aim on her kit is dumb.

This is coming from a person who played Hanzo from launched and knows about the inconsistencies of projectiles.

By changing her direct hit and NOT changing her splash damage bit increasing her splash damage would make the character beyond broken with the fire rate buff.

This doesn’t sound like an issue with Pharah to me. This sounds more like people not wanting to adapt the playstyle or have to aim.

That doesn’t really solve the issue that console players are facing, though. They wanted to make her harder, not more forgiving.

It literally does, more rockets means more chances to land directs…it also means more chances to land indirects.

It’s a decent change to her as it rewards skill regardless.

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I’m not saying to change the directs without changing the splash - I’m saying change the directs to ACCOUNT for the change in splash.

Right now, on live, you can kill a 200 HP hero with a direct and a near miss.
You can also kill them with 3 near misses.
You can’t do that on PTR - you need 2 directs to kill at least.

The change I’m suggesting would ensure she’s STILL capable of killing a 200 HP hero with a direct and a near miss - And even be able to kill a 250 HP hero with 2 directs (you can’t do that on live).
but you would NOT be able to kill a 200 HP her with 3 near misses.

You up the damage of directs to raise the ceiling
You lower the damage of splash to raise the floor.

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That wasn’t what people considered the nerf it was the range where she gets spotted that quickly got fixed

Pharah isn’t Hanzo fire rate doesn’t do anything for pharah at all

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The ability to completely ignore the point of a post is strong with this one.

only even masters and GM pharah’s are having issues with it so clearly something didn’t go as planned.

Yea that actually was a nerf but people were upset about much more than that. Movement speed and a destroyable TL are the first two I can think of

It was also make her a tank buster and slaughterhouse for people that can aim direct hits.

They changed her splash to account for the fire rate. That makes perfect sense as in turn, more rockets will even out the damage as more sources of damage are being thrown out.

Raising the damage of direct hits doesn’t increase a skill ceiling. The ceiling is already there provided rockets do more damage on direct hit. Increasing direct hit damage and fire rate damage will break her.

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The ability to aim projectiles is highly dependent on both Rof and travel time. If the Rof outpaces the travel time by to much the distance between the player and the target has to be reduced to compensate in order to get the information BEFORE the next shot is available.

Reducing the distance means less requirements need to be met on travel time prediction which makes the accuracy requirement overall lower.

Which means that new Pharah will be LESS aim reliant and more spam reliant. Instead of placing shots thoughtfully from 25m away and accounting for travel time players will be at 10m and spamming shots at easy to not miss range.

So this is not a buff for more accurate pharah’s. It is a buff for spam at Cqc.

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That’s because your “point” was basically “Git Gud” - which is a non-argument to make when discussing character balance changes.
You’ve got Valkia, who’s currently the number 1 Pharah player on Overbuff - and HE’s telling you this is a nerf.

You gonna tell him “Git Gud” too ?

As a non competitive Pharah main with top 5% accuracy out of all Pharah players (according to masteroverwatch)…

It’s a nerf when medium/long range fighting style and a buff when playing aggressive divebombing style

Screw the fire rate no one asked for that and i’d gladly trade it for another 20 damage when i land a direct THAT would feel rewarding this doesn’t.

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