This Isn't Going To Be A New Thing Is It?

I think that encouraging people to pay a specific whitelist of “hype men” (for lack of a better phrase) might not be the move.

Have y’all considered Viral Marketing strategies? Overwatch was originally successful because of its mass appeal and meme potential. The game is and has always been a meme, characters included!

I think Overwatch 2.0 takes itself WAY too seriously while being astonishingly out of touch with the layman, and this marketing strategy reflects that.

This is why your marketing team is seeing backlash, and it’s time to go back to the drawing board.


this is the new “don’t you guys have phones?”

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Bad take from BTC. Sounds super resentful; though he always does. I’ve reviewed the list of streamers and I’ve heard many of them say good and bad things of the beta itself, while historically very critical about the game. Some names are up there for the viewership draw but many of these don’t break past the 100 viewers mark on a very good day. So making six figures our of Twitch/YouTube? I seriously doubt it.

This thread is just trolling. Support your favorite content creator or an up-and-comer if you’d like. Otherwise donate to a charity and stop being so salty.

You poor thing. You have to sit here and watch an event occur that you don’t even have to pay 1ms of your time paying attention to, much less participate in. How will you ever survive? Some people have it sooooo rough.

Whoever their marketing team is for Overwatch 2 needs to be fired. They have butchered every step to this game’s marketing so far.


Well, seeing how you take time out of your life to defend this company and confront me with your “haha” toxicity I guess I could be worse off. :slight_smile:

It’s like they’re trying to make Twitch+OWL happen so hard, for MAXX CORPORATE PROFITZ!

Yep. They’re saying you could spend more than $500,000 to get a character fully leveled. So much shame @ Blizzard!

I see this more as “Let’s ask the fans of our game to crowd fund our marketing by having them pay our contractors (the streamers advertising the game) for us.” and I cannot get behind that, especially coming from a business turning over over $8bn.


This is kind of true. I mean, there are a lot of belts and whistles around how marketing works and why it’s done this way but it describes very well how it can be perceived.

Personally I would have preferred to have Blizzard sponsor the event by putting a Blizzbot on each channel gifting 10 subs per minute for a couple hours and enabling drops to get the skin (after tuning in for about 2 hours). That way, the investment comes from Blizzard, people get a skin and Twitch viewership goes up and up and up.

how about, you know, just not teaming up with “content creators” and marketing the game the traditional way.


Probably. Blizzard doesnt care about you

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The traditional way is less effective for certain audiences. Good or bad the industry has moved on since 1999 and this is just Blizzard catching up to the times. We’re at a point in time where even people like my 45 year old father are watching Twitch streamers ocasionally. It isn’t some niche thing that only 15 year olds like.

Honestly I gave Twitch a try for a good few years and now it just really is not my thing. Of course I want to collect all the best skins for my favourite character - But it’s a game so why would I do something I dislike for its benefits?

Also, why is a streamer like XQC listed when they were booted from the OWL and have a history of bad behavior including language and discrimination. If Blizzard is really standing behind this new pillar of inclusivity it should do due diligence on the people they promote for their content.

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Name the last big game nintendo broke records with?

Ill wait. :neutral_face:

It isn’t some niche thing that only 15 year olds like.

I’d be willing to bet my next paycheck that the overwhelming majority of people watching “content creators” are 15 years or younger.

And you would be objectively wrong.


Ok buddy, whatever you say.

Twitch has grown close to 3 million unique users per month, and about 150 million a year. Twitch is ranked 37th for the highest global internet engagement. As far as demographics go 59% of those users are 25 or older. Yeah though feel free to ignore stats that are inconvenient for you. :slight_smile:


Uh huh. How many of those users are “just chatting” with the scantily clad attention seekers vs how many are actually watching gameplay. The “just chatting” category, right now, has 730k viewers with the next closest being valorant at 280k.

If you took more than a cursory glance at this you’d see that the highest viewed people in just chatting are mostly people that traditionally do play games like Asmongold on break or just wanting to chat with their audience. People that watch streamers typically want to interact with them. That’s one of the advantages of the live format and “just chatting” takes full advantage of that. This is also part of the reason that marketing through streamers is largely more effective.

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