This is without a doubt the worst state OW has been

And none of those is player numbers, or how much money is coming though the store.

People have hated on Overwatch since day one. I can find people in season 4 saying overwatch is dying and won’t make season 6.

That doesn’t mean they were not making money hand over fist with it, because they were.

OW2 has made crazy money, and continues to do so. It is in no danger of shutting down at all.

Has Blizzard been a bad place to work? sure. Has the CEO really screwed things up? sure.

But that doesn’t mean overwatch itself is in anything like a bad position. Could it have been in a better position now? sure.

But it is STILL one of the most popular games of all times, and it is crazy for people to think otherwise.

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Yes, and that’s going to be the game’s downfall.

Now that it’s F2P, it’s flooded more and more with smurf accounts, and they don’t buy anything. If we assume that most players are buying less from the shop, as so many players claim, that means more players but less revenue.

That sounds like an awful investor report coming in Q1 2024. It’s all over in a year, at least as we knew it, before MSFT does something drastic.

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the game was making money when abandoned, but if you have to knee jerk the talking point, even when someone says not to confuse ‘A with R’.

Like companies don’t sell when meeting goals, same is true for bethesda, it’s doesn’t mean they arn’t making money, it’s simply means they have bottomed out to a point selling is more attractive.

Paladins makes enough money to pay their lowest dev 6 figures and they arn’t doing great atm.

Saying OW is doing poorly when every real bit of evidence shows it, isn’t saying it’s dead, it’s simply being mishandled and well doing poorly.


It is funny since when I ask what people would do differently, they give a list of things which would have actually killed the game.

That is why I don’t think they are making bad choices. Sure the soon to be ex CEO has, that is absolutely without a doubt. But team 4?

Is this a case of rose-tinted glasses? This game has always been off balance from its characters to the maps. The only noticeable difference for me in OW2 is that everything costs money now and that competitive is less transparent than it used to be.

You can go play a custom 6v6 mode to see that it isn’t nostalgia for yourself. I know there was a thread around here that had some custom codes.

(I searched “custom 6v6” and found this)

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The issue currently is that they don’t have someone with direction and leadership to push the game.

So before they had a bad boss, now they will have no boss.


Let me see how long you stand on this sill till the day they hard nerf sombra.

The choices balance team have made are extremely bad ones.

Having Orissa bastion be the fall back heroes has totally neutered Winston in qp.

We are joking if we think this kind of bad wr based balancing philosophy is good.

Making games insufferable on the casual front is unhealthy on many levels.

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Like someone else replied to you in this thread, my friends list is also a ghost town and have pretty much dropped off the game entirely.

As someone who works in the corporate business world but detached from current overwatch I enjoyed reading your posts in this thread as they seemed fairly objective and interesting for someone like me, who without looking into it also assumed profits would be down based off the internets overall perception of the current game.

It does make me sad though because I agree with your earlier comments that change is highly unlikely to happen if boardroom graphs are truly trending upwards - thanks for the insight


This is the last official statement we have regarding this

*Blizzard continued to engage the Overwatch® and Warcraft® communities with live operations in the second quarter. While engagement and player investment in Overwatch 2 declined sequentially in the quarter, the Overwatch team is looking forward to the August 10 release of Overwatch 2: Invasion. This will be the largest seasonal update yet, planned to include new PVE Story Missions, a new game mode, and a new hero progression system as well as an additional hero.

Concotting anything else is just the ild goose chase.

Sure we can all make guesses but that’s what it will be.

Like i can guess based on stream counts views and q times to say invasion was a failure and current season Halloween bp and le serafim was what got them good sales etc

But it’s all just guesses.

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I like Flashpoint but it is bad for battle pass grinding where doing more shorter games is better. 3:2 10+ minutes matches is not what you want when you grind.
After BP is done it is fun IMO

The game has been constantly strangling itself with its horrible balance for years. The people balancing the game are not qualified for their jobs.

Does anyone even like flashpoint ? Like whenever I get a flashpoint game, it’s usually half empty with players instantly leaving as soon as they get in.

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I enjoy it in competitive where your teammates are more likely to not be… You know. In quick play, it sends shivers down my spine. I have no clue what is so difficult about going to point, but apparently it is some next level demand.


Only because Invasion and they’ve even said that in the estimates.

But since Invasion, OW2 is officially the worst reviewed game on Steam and the least played AAA game on Steam

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Do you have a link for that? I strongly doubt Q1 2023 saw the worst earnings for Overwatch ever, and I double-doubt that they said that publicly.

From what I can see they said this in their earnings report Q1 2023:

First quarter growth was broad-based, with net bookings increasing year-over-year in each of our five largest intellectual properties: Call of Duty®, Candy Crush®, Warcraft®, Overwatch®, and Diablo®.

Meaning they made more money from Overwatch in Q1 2023 vs Q1 2022 (net bookings is effectively equal to revenue), so how could Q1 2023 be the worst quarter ever?

It’s worse than awful. It’s arbitrary.

quality > quantity

The new lazy mythic wont save the game.

I personally think the game is heading in the right direction slowly but surely. They’re removing more and more annoying things in the game which I think had a positive effect on the health of the game. Although I do think that they went overboard with some heroes.

Roadhog being slightly more relavant again made tanking more fun for me. Because I no longer have to avoid picking hog if I want to win. He’s still probably one of the worst tank in the game, but no longer am I outright throwing just by picking hog. On top of that, he lost his one shot combo which sucks for hog players, but made the DPS player happy so it’s a win-win.

The only thing I feel like that could be improved is the general balance of the game. Some heroes especially in the DPS roster are too overtuned while others are either only strong in niche situations (symmetra) or if you’re really good at the hero.

Hanzo and widow for example, seems good on paper because you can one shot. But most of the time, you just get out-valued by generic heroes like S76 because of how much pressure sustain damage can have over one shots. Some flankers like tracer feels a little bit too underpowered/excessively difficult to play because of how much sustain buffs supports have gotten.

I also feel like they missed the mark when it comes to Sojourn’s design. I wish her primarily fire’s projectile speed was a bit faster, because it feels clunky shooting with it. Maybe it feels clunky because of the spread instead of projectile speed? In any case, they need to make her primarily fire feel good to shoot with.

I also feel like her secondary fire still does too much damage on crit. Doesn’t it do like 195 damage on crit when fully charged? I feel like it should only do like 160 at most but with no fall-off.

Regarding supports, I still feel like giving them the support passive was a mistake especially on heroes like ana. I miss the days when I had to choose between healing myself with a nade, or taking a risk with half HP and using the nade aggresively on enemies.

There is less risk-reward decision making to be made now that you can passively heal yourself. What they just needed to do was nerf busted DPS from the beginning. Because overpowered DPS flankers and hitscans like OW2 beta sojourn/S76/sombra/genji are one of the primarly reason why supports received their passive to begin with to help them survive.

Last but not least, they need to fix the matchmaker as well which is one of the most complained about on this forum and yet nothing is being done about. They’re finally getting around to fixing that in S9 so that’s a relief.

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I’ve been saying this from god knows when that people should stop blaming kotik cause it’s the horrible balance patches that contribute to the overall game experience and kotik got nothing to do with that

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