"This is what we consider content ---> "

It is clear they are buying time, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

I mean…they are cool…they have been super popular on social media in how they look, the only thing I see people complain about is the price of them…but before when they were first revealed everyone went crazy. Mercy twitter was going insane (which is rare, you know how hard they are to please), same with Genji and Rein and Reaper and Zen and Dva players…

Exactly, I don’t know why people are having a cry when the end is clearly in sight.

The fact we’re getting anything is nice tbh… :slight_smile:

That’s how I’m looking at it…maybe get people to spend some of their credits too… :thinking:

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Perhaps, I assumed they likely had no new skins for the archives event which would look pretty bad for them. Yet having no event would look even worse.

Yep. I think this was a fairly quick solution to:

  • get some ‘new’ skins out
  • get people to spend credits
  • give people something to do during the beta phases :slight_smile:
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while complaining about 1-trick ponies ruining the game with zero irony.

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I swear to god I keep see this quote over and over again.

Yall ever written an essay?

I mean… no one is twisting your arm or making you buy it. There’s also no one forcing you to play the game if you’re that aggravated by it.

Modern problems require modern solutions :man_shrugging:

i mean

its not like we’ve been wanting another archives lore piece for months, even years.

or more content for that matter

easy demands for a billion dollar company :man_shrugging:

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I’m just saying, “wanting” seems to be a losing battle at this point, especially when it’s clear they’re mainly focused on OW2. But hey, i’m not your dad, want away

And you don’t think I know it’s already a losing battle?


This is what I get for replying to yet another forum user who loves to copy the words “I mean”

That’s the spirit! I’m just here to help you realize you don’t care, so you don’t waste your time bashing your head against the wall making fruitless forum posts.

I mean… it’s the least I could do :joy:

OW2 or the 5v5 balance patch?

I want to see what they do with part 2 and 3 of the event. Because this is just part 1 of the 3 part event. But I agree that I’m not thrilled. I’m more excited about potentially getting the exclusives I missed than the recolored skins.

“I see a pink D.va and I want her painted White? No colour anymore I want her to turn White?”

I see the years go by with nothing new in Overwatch
I have to turn my head
towards another game

Now I see a line of recycled skins
and they’re all painted White
With old skins and my playtime
Both never to come back.

Lol. To be fair that rein skin is garbage and bland.

That’s 100% what will happen. OW players are an addicted and delusional bunch, and Blizzard needs to feed players into their PVP, so they’ll just accept that happening. I cannot stress this enough-

There are infinitely better games out there with better PVE, better balance, and better devs.

It’s just that the OW crowd has wholly forgotten that other games exist.

I haven’t forgotten, I came to Overwatch as a PvE specialist. I took time off of Overwatch 5 months after OW launched so I could spend like 6 months focusing on a PvE game. The problem is, and I can’t stress this enough, that those other games don’t have Ana. Ana is the light of my life. She alone makes Overwatch worth it to me. If she didn’t exist, I would spend like 75% less time on Overwatch.

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I get this as a Rein OTP, but as far as PVP is concerned the game has shifted into a direction where he is wholly unplayable, and I expect him to be worse in the sequel. The same could happen to your “chosen hero” but at that point the PVE will exist and hopefully be fully accessible every day so it won’t matter.

But I’ve been leaving OW since there is currently no PVE and most of the heroes I like (Rein, Lucio, Winston) feel wholly unplayable ATM and moving forward with PVP.

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