This is the worst this forum has ever been

Honestly the decisions Blizzard has made this time is excessively divisive, changing a game where all characters, modes, and maps are free. To a system where you have to unlock/pay for them was bound to cause this level of hatred. Honestly the only thing that surprises me is people that stick up for this some how seem to be confused they are being hated on.


Ah yes, the “forum celebs.” Wasn’t a fan of any of them. Bootloxes was cool though.

Here’s the thing. I actually am upset about the BP.

I even talked about it long before it became relevant again due to the hero component because battlepasses in general aren’t something I like.

But honestly… The current discourse really turned me away from wanting to discuss it much.

I think everyone should take a few steps back and a few deep breaths.

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The only way to get blizzard to alter course, which is a long shot anyways, is for us to make a big enough ruckus that they think it will effect the bottom line.

If heroes are no longer on battlepasses, the people who play OW2 win.


Everything on the forums is divisive because it always devolves into two groups. People stop interacting with arguments and start just attacking groups instead in replies. Nuance gets tossed out the door almost immediately.

You can’t put the blame on blizzard for this one(well maybe you can for a lack of moderation) since it happens all the time.

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Dont blame lack of moderation, blame lack of communication. A lot of this would have been side-stepped with simple dialogue from the devs.

Instead, they let anonymous twitter trolls be an excuse to hide.


I don’t really agree. When for example support in OW2 became the flavor of the month discussion, it was literally people insulting healbots and people insulting pew pew DPS mains.

It ALWAYS devolves into this regardless of situation. I don’t think communication can fix this.

In this particular instance should blizzard be communicating better? Yes. Will it help anything when it comes to the forums behavior? No.

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That is how forums have always been, and probably always will.

I can because they did for this one.

In addition for the reason you stated in that they lack moderation, they lack communication on this, they have known for days now that every corner of the OW ecosystem is angry about this.

They don’t clarify and say nothing, have zero moderation. People may diveluge into isums and treat each other like dirt, but the reason things have gotten this far? Blizzard is more than enough to blame for a part of it. The only thing to argue about at this point is how much is theirs to blame.

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Well, I think Andy stated before that the forum community overall does not like change. OW2 is a change.

I personally am not compelled to start an “Orisa 2.0 appreciation post” because my stance on the matter is undetermined. And I wouldn’t be surprised if other people who check the forums are in similar mindsets. Why celebrate something unknown and prone to drastic change?

There IS stuff people can and should be excited about, like Sojourn mains, JQ enthusiasts, and Kiriko hype trains. But if the forum community is as Andy stated, those aren’t necessarily good things.


AndyB also said that they knew certain changes on the forums would be met with great hositility and they considered that an acceptable outcome and that they consider the forums to be small thus doesn’t matter.

Honestly saying something like that is bound to make people feel insignificant, and that what they say doesn’t matter. It makes people jaded and angry, and ultimately leaves them like how the forums have become.


He said the quiet part out loud.


I don’t think there is really anything for people to “wait and see” about. The main issues, for most, are related and boil down to heroes locked behind BP and Overwatch 1 getting taken away. The latter has become much more of an issue because of the first. Both are confirmed.

If you look at the threads devolving into shouting matches, it’s the same handful of crap-stirrers that insist you must like the game because blizzard can do no wrong. Been on here for a few days and it’s clear as day that those people exist just to dogpile and shout any blizzard dissenters into submission. And as a new poster or infrequent poster, I would have absolutely been driven away without knowing it’s the same handful of people if I wasn’t so upset about this BS hero lock.

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I really enjoyed reading that I was “freeloader” for disliking the changes by someone who tried to act like they were Mother Theresa and only trying to be positive. Meanwhile, I’ve spent enough money on Overwatch merch to buy the game at full release price, 30-40 times over.

It would be devastating if Overwatch died, but it seems like ActiBlizz is trying to tank their IPs one by one. Overwatch is just the next on the chopping block. They’re blinded by temporary profit and think that because the F2P cashgrab model works in the short term, it will carry over to the long term. Those games come and go just as fast. They don’t get long term players, they don’t get people devoted to their characters, they have no real “community” that sticks around. No way in hell anyone would be playing Apex or Fortnite or whatever else if they didn’t get content for 3 years like Overwatch. But most of us did. And now, after all this time, they’re trying to kill the game. It damn sucks.


Bet they retire the forums entirely once 2 drops.


The thing about F2P is that all these other games are just purely scummy.

They want to emulate FNs success so badly but all they do is actually make their games cost way more than FN. And while I don’t like what FN has done to the industry, I know that if you’re going to emulate a business model, you either make things the same price as the one who started it or you make it cheaper not more expensive.

If they did even this much they’d get more money but instead they choose to do the opposite if not worse entirely!


Without bookmarks, I’m going to have to screenshot SunsetHippo’s apple pie recipe.

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I love Overwatch, I play it when ever I can almost every day.

If any word of criticism comes out of me it’s out of my burning love for the game and that I actually care about it.

If you’re “shilling”, to me it sounds like you don’t love the game that much, because it you did, you would feel worried just like me.

Seeing people here defending the radio silence treatment they’re giving us makes me sick.

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and prime of Brig and goats ?

I find some of the things he says so insufferably…toxic? Arrogant? I’m not sure, that I just dismiss it all. Communication from Blizzard is not just scant, but consistently disingenuous.

At the end of the day, that’s kind of how I treat the forums in general. A lot of people are just playing a parody of opinions and discussion, because nothing really matters here, nobody really is listening, and even fewer care. When I stop finding it entertaining, I just take a break. I mostly hang around here for a few people I think are cool.

I think we’ve entered a point in the cycle where we aren’t just the jilted lover, but we’re the jilted lover that just got asked for a loan from the jilter. People have set their opinions and now all that’s left is to scream them into the void. When OW2 comes out, the old players leave, and the new ones join with those that stick around, things should get a lot more peaceful. I’m going to call this the denial and anger part of the grief period.