This is a joke right?

Honestly, I don’t have the highest respect for the OWL Junkrats. They’ve got good aim and good gamesense, but their positioning is garbage.

The only exception to this is Jake because he actually knows how to use the trap.

So many bad players asking for sym nerfs.

Shes a 200 HP CQC character with ramping damage and easily destroyed mobility.



gets a 7% damage nerf that was probably compensating for the bug that was fixed and a skill floor increase. suddenly the hero is NERFED totally unplayable :rofl::rofl:


why? Some heroes are just boring to watch. More importantly, they are boring to play against, there is nothing skillful about losing a 1v1 to a Symmetra.

Not everyone deserves the spotlight and the idea of “she hasn’t been meta for too long!” is a very naive one.

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I’m not surprised at all. Symmetra is another victim of Blizzard’s terrible balance philosophy. A game balanced around biased feelings will always be utterly unbalance.


The funny part is is that sigma can literally retract his shield and not give her charge. I-

ok. now revert the tp plz

IKR. even better you can just play 2 off tanks that way, sym has no shield to destroy.

It’s almost like there are two tanks that can absolutely destroy sym. I think it’s some Korean girl and a monkey but I think blizzard forgot their names.

They literally said that they were going to keep an eye on Sym’s and Zarya’s damage after fixing a bug with how their beams dealt it out.

Now that they’re actually addressing the problem they literally said would likely come up, you’re really surprised?

You people never cease to amaze.

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Not to stir the pot. But, it’s probably going to. If you disliked the Sym nerf, word around the community is that they’ve been working on Moira changes and possibly a rework of her kit due to her power in lower ranks. Again, just speculation. But, it seemed like the thread could use a new area to throw rocks at.

I am 100% here for the nerfs. I hate playing against her, she’s super duper annoying. If we’re running off statistics, Hanzo and Widow are also balanced so…

in fact, across all ranks both have negative winrates sooo

YES again big brain gamer back with the big brain logic.
you only forgot that there are 5 other people in the team and sym having TP which can completely destroy the dive.
i think you’re a fake gamer. negative IQ gamer. smh

Get 6 more nerf patches then we’ll talk

Sincerely mains

To be fair, every game always has the weakest pick or one that is considered generally a weak pick and it usually is the odd niche hero. Doesn’t make her useless, pretty sure the players that one trick her tend to be pretty skilled at playing her.

Oh really? Please show us where you see a 90% pick rate.

I’ll wait.

Have they ever reverted a nerf though other than the one to Ana’s nade eons ago?

They HATE symmetra my dudes. Its that simple.
Now devs can come right here,and right now replying to me telling me they dont hate her ;they would lie and nobody would believe them.

Unless your main hero is a shimada , or is a french hot woman, you aint getting any luck.


Except Storm Arrow has received significant nerfs…

It only took less than 2 weeks for her to see some gameplay and she’s nerfed again. My beloved Queen… God I hate this game so much. They favor DF, Hanzo and Widow but the second Sym starts to slightly dominate they tune her down. It’s ridiculous at this point. I have no word for this balance team.