This is a joke right?

Junkrat takes actual skill to be effective in OWL though.


Give sym her spotlight.almost every support in the games been meta. Even the tanks. It’s sym time to shine.


Hit the nail on the head.

Sym will still stomp booty in QP and Competitive, so I’m not crying for her.

You can tell over time which heroes they personally like playing themselves and which they don’t.


Nope. never. Ever do.

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I’d be a sign of bad game design if they buff her just so that she can be meta.

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That’s the thing, she didn’t even become meta. she just went from grade A pile of crap to ‘she’s somewhat okay now’.

That’s what stings the most. Many sym players were breathing a sigh of relief for a little bit because the community was A LOT less toxic, not because she was suddenly Sym = Autowin.


Not a Sym main, but mate I actually get excited to watch her played in OWL, really after years Im bored out of my mind watching the classic dps run around, even GOATS was more interesting to watch by this point.
Mei reaper (as much as I hate what they made reaper into),is more fun to watch at this point.
It was about damn time for heroes like sym to get their time in the spotlight.

The sad part is shes good in large part simply because people run double shields with Sigma and Mei allowing her to ramp up her dmg and pressure them safely.

But god forbid a hero thats not a poster child gets to be viable, not even broken or op just viable cause the meta enables her.


Very rare event. Blizzard usually just ignores the feedback and pushes on ahead. Then they wonder why portions of the fanbase are upset with them.


Like how much damage does Reaper do to shields? If the infinite ammo is the problem revert that…

I’m the only one finding it funny when everyone cries when a really easy to play hero gets nerfed cause it’s awfully strong, and when a high skilled one gets a little change everyone cries it’s broken?

Sym was insanely strong since live roleq, I won’t be surprised if her pickrates were about 90%.

She is really good live, and this ptr is trying to tweak down her damage, they haven’t killed her, just lower her DPS a bit, shouldn’t do that much.

If you feel a significant change, it is probably because your aim is not good and you are affected by the beam size change - and the beam is already compansating.

The nerf is needed.


Eh? she was literally in every match since last live update.
Like 90% pickrate of smth.

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Hero becomes mid tier pick with changes?

Better nerf symmetra.

But hanzo, widow and doom dominating on ladder and owl with ohko bull**** is perfectly acceptable.


They rescinded the Moira fade buff lickity split

Just giving a very recent example is all

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These TWO sym nerfs were so bad. They should’ve just shrunk the beam to make her feel more rewarding to aim with, damage nerf was overkill.

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…She’s literally not but I gotta see the receipts on the “90% Sym pickrate” lmao

Considering almost every support and all tanks have been meta. And most Dps I see no issue with sym have meta play. Also, let’s not kid are selves when has this game ever not had bad game design.

Easy to play? Lol, her pick rate was sub 1%.

90%? Where? Sym only does big damage when she in level 3, which she has wait 3 seconds to get.

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