This has got to be the blandest tank release

I remember smiling ear to ear when playing Wrecking Ball for the first time. He was just a wildly inventive concept that has never truly been done in a game before. Even Something like Winston was wholly unique for his weapon to his movement style.

Now weve got a hero that is a retread of old ideas.

Mei Wall
Doom Block
Another shotgun tank :roll_eyes:
Crappy Winston Dive

The only thing hes got going for him that wasnt ripped off is his autoaim needler.

I’m incredibly dissappointed but not surpised.


He’s so fun to me. Love how fast paced and fluid he is. He has such a high APM it makes it feel like you’re doing something every second of the game :hugs:

Ball is “cool” and “unique” but rolling around most of the game and running away half the time to go find a healthpack is pretty boring IMO


I truly think that the audience for this game is no longer the OW1 audience. This opinion of yours is baffling to me.


You’re disappointed in everything


Is he out for testing?



I spend a few minutes in the training range trying to get wall, leap, slash, melee, shoot down.

Cause that’s gonna wreck people.

There’s a little knockback on his leap/slash that’s going to really mess people up. And you can shoot WHILE you fly through the air and still follow up with the slash.


how much health and armor does he have

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Not OWC. That was when they knew how to make a game. In fact OWC is the most fun I’ve had in years.

I think this is part true wrt tanks.

Other heroes esp dps and supports have more or less been the same.

The people who main tanked in ow1 was a different kinds crowd that was willing to be patient, strategic and disciplined.

The one in ow2 is just fat raid boss crowd.

I don’t like your overwatch channel much but today he made a nice comparison.

The kinda players who wanted to play tank in ow1 was the type that like playing darksouls eleden ring etc wanting that challenge before reward.

The current crowd is more of just a high apm dps.

Obviously this doesn’t apply to everyone but more of a generalization.

You can see the difference in apm of tanks in both games .

There you were marking your territory making space and controlling it.

Now it’s just constant high apm brawl and cd cycling to get kills.

That said neither model has succeeded in getting more tanks, but atleast I would say ow1 had relatively more tanks somewhat.


Rude as usual. Why are you still allowed here?

Awesome thanks going to check now :smile:

As a hanzo tracer main I will probably like him a lot ,:joy:

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I think it’s 425 white, 225 armour.


I literally have thousands of hours on OW1 and was GM multiple seasons ? Just because I enjoy when OW is fast paced and fluid that means I don’t enjoy OW1? I’m confused lol

I love hyper mobile heroes and have always mained them. I don’t love playing tank but I recognize how fun Hazard is. He’s gonna be super popular!


Yesss! Go try him he’s fun!!


He’s not hyper mobile. Thats why his kit doesnt work. Hes a weird in between ehre his kit is hyper close range but his kit has no tools to get there. And his damage is quite poor when he does.


He has a dash on a 4 sec CD lool

And when he’s not dashing he has 80% damage reduction Ram block that deals aoe auto aim damage in a cone in front of him


And it doesnt cover any real distance, which is my point.

Again not ot mention that his kit is 98% retreading old ground. It’s just lame.

You are a mercy main with fast paced obsession.

Obviously you will like hazzard, I will probably too as a hanzo tracer main, that doesn’t mean another person can’t dislike that direction Espe if they are a old tank main, it’s always worth listening to older tank players to get them back.

Doesn’t have to be hazzard but maybe his feedback may make blizzard think something for him with the next hero.

Not op specifically but that general sentiment

Gamedevs always need to listen to complaints while they don’t have to make the solutions suggested , diagnostics of the problem will help them solve it.

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I think it’s a balance between mobility and range like hanzo.

It’s why I like hanzo a lot

It’s constant action.


Which I think is beside the point. IT could be the most and engaging kit ever made, but it still is not HIS kit.

The devs clearly have no idea how to make heroes anymore without trodding out old ideas. Wecking Ball was one of the most unique heroes in any game I’ve every played. Zarya was a unique way to do a caster tank.

This guy is just every other tank put in a blender.

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