This gatekeeping is scary

Can I just say, I read the other post…and this one.

You claimed that people are derailing the topic or harassing you. Im sorry, but I just don’t see that.

What I do see is people voicing their opinions.

We can all agree that Mercy is a very HOT topic (not the edgelord store) and has been for a while. So naturally you WILL get a lot of pushback.


Practice account, I don’t mess with anything much over here other than that. I learned to separate accounts just because of these sorts of responses (I’ve seen too many fools who use stats to try to bully others, not my cup of tea.)

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Was going to question how much you knew of mass Resurrect. :stuck_out_tongue: Guess not. I mean, I don’t intend on arguing with someone who wasn’t even here when mass Resurrect existed. :sweat_smile: No hard feelings. :slight_smile:

Yeah and Ive said repeatedly, as a flex player and not a Mercy main, that mass rez should come back but only if:

  • there is a los check
  • Ana’s grenade can prevent it from working on corpses splashed.
  • Sombra can hack corpses to prevent them being rezzed.
  • Reaper can eat souls again to prevent rez if he gets there first
  • Widowmaker’s vvenom mine ticking at time of death prevents rez.
  • other healers also get some for on rez (different style/different mechanics/not mass rez)

I can’t remember any Mercy player (or anyone else, for that matter) agreeing with me. But no one has been rude or acted as if I’m not allowed to express my opinion.

Well, one exception to rude. All the Mercy threads that Ive commented on being locked and thrown into a garbage heap to be ignored into perpetuity, regardless of the conversation that was occuring there… that was rude.

Maybe that would be acceptable if there was a method for forum users to private message someone on the forums (if that exist I haven’t discovered) but all those conversations were basically burned because of that decision.

Withdraw support if unhappy; its the universal language. Its why I refuse to buy even one lootbox.

Otherwise, acknowledging “cult threads” is sad if you don’t care for them, as is anyone - blizzard included - for trying to “silence” them. Its the internet, and people will do whatever makes them feel legitimate.

Mercy isn’t rocket science to play man, I hate to break it to you but she is one of the easiest characters to play in the game, particularly with how OP she was for so many months. Also considering SR abuse back and how OP Mercy generally has been, I wouldn’t brag about being a one trick-GM mercy player. :rofl: Not that it really matters, like I said I hate to break it to you but Mercy is the easiest character to play in OW, you are not some genius or anything.

Not to mention you are literal proof of why this thread exists. Basically unless I have 400+ hours on Mercy (shudders at the thought), I can’t comment on balance. I guess only blatant one-trick-Mercy players can comment on balance about Mercy, the rest of us cannot.

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I was told my opinion isn’t important and that I’m a troll because when I shared my opinion about Mercy i did’t have 100+ hours under my belt along with being labeled as a Mercy hater.

Funny thing is that person they called troll suggested that damage boost no longer affects hanzo’s ult and that her healing output should be reverted way before they were implemented… guess that troll knows more about how to fix an issue than you do.

Also I suggested rescently that her healing beam should disconnect when she breaks los also got called a troll along with mercy hater.

But hey only time will tell.
Funny someone that doesn’t main Mercy understand her more than you and I’m probably a better Mercy player than half of those trying to shush my opinion.

You just literally proved OP was right…

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Well, this is valid. These people are speaking with experience. You need some qualifications to have merit for this particular argument. Especially when comparing past-Mercy to the current Mercy. If someone doesn’t have experience with Mercy from Before, then who are they to tell veteran Mercy’s that her present design is superior? They cannot. They have no experience to suggest such a thing with true objectivity. Some Mercy Veterans like her the way she is now, others want a revert.

I mained Mercy from Season 1 - 4. I quit her after they altered her design, and became a DPS main. I personally enjoyed the Mass Rez Mercy more and would prefer her to be reverted, but that’s just me. She was more fun and had game changing potential. Now she’s a mobile healing beam that people spit on and wipe their feet when she’s dead. I had maybe 250 hours on her. She was my first main to reach Master’s.

The Bible is something that is constantly questioned, researched, and has varying opinions of how it should be interpreted. It’s also seen many different forms over it’s existence. I don’t see the relevance of what you’re implying with this statement.

She has a low skill floor, yes. But there’s a massive difference between a Bronze Mercy and a GM Mercy.

Have I missed something? The only Mercy SR abuse that I know of is Hide n’ Rez, and Mass Rez was removed nearly a year ago. So, how would they have kept their rank for nearly a year if they relied on a SR exploit?

Also, Mercy was picked in every match when she was reworked. If you were the better Mercy, you’d most likely win. So, basically, you’re saying that they were the better Mercy in a lot of their matches and subsequently climbed in rank? I also fail to see how some ‘boosted Mercy one-trick’ is managing to maintain their rank, considering Mercy isn’t OP anymore, and so they must at least be performing to a very high standard when they play Mercy, right?

Low skill floor.

It sounds like you don’t like Mercy. Correct me if I’m wrong though.

A 400 hour GM Mercy one-trick will have a lot more knowledge on Mercy, compared to a 60 hour Diamond Mercy player who (I’m assuming) has little time spent playing Mercy in Comp.

They never said you couldn’t comment on balance, they just said that they had more knowledge on Mercy due to their high play time on her and their high rank.

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^This is what people mean right here. Does it matter what their acct is? This person enjoys playing Mercy as she is, why the question?


Dude, seriously?

This isn’t the way to talk to people. It doesn’t matter how long someone has played Mercy. You don’t need a degree in Mercy play to “discuss”, not “argue” as you referred to it, about a player’s enjoyment of a hero. How do you not see that it comes off as elitist when certain mains talk to people in that way. As if their input isn’t good enough? THAT’S the attitude that is causing all the tension.


A person that just started playing yesterday and has an hour on Mercy has just as much right to express whether they enjoy her current version as a veteran of 400 hours does.


I was literally just asking because I already know that arguing with someone who’s never experience mass Resurrect is pointless. This has happened before… You’re overreacting.

OMG I literally just said that I was only asking because the person I was replying to was talking about mass Resurrect so I wanted to know if they had been around when mass Resurrect existed because their career profile wasn’t showing this much.

I checked this thread yesterday and it was flagged.

I see it again now and I still do not understand why it was flagged and the whole point of it.

Any fellow player willing to give tldr ?

You are still referring it to arguing, I see. Again their lack of knowledge doesn’t mean their opinion of Mercy is less valid.

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Your statement is formed in a way that makes it clear you don’t care about his input if he hasn’t been playing when Resurrect was Mercy’s ultimate. I’m saying he has a right to how an opinion on how Mercy is now.

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I’m not denying that. But you don’t need to be a top 500 one-trick mercy main to understand her kit or be able to discuss balance. Let’s be real here - she is the easiest character to play in OW. :smiley:

By only doing placements at last day of every competitive season. I actually have a Mercy main player like that in my friend list. She managed to ride the SR wave back then and get to GM only playing Mercy. She’s been doing her placements since then every season in the last day to avoid decay. She can only play Mercy :rofl: and she is not even that good of a Mercy, just her MMR got artificially high.

Read above to get an answer for this as well. Also if you perform well (in the old system) you would lose less SR and gain more when you win to the point it’s always a positive gain. This allowed even mediocre Mercies to climb by just pumping their stats doing mass rez.

I do like her, I play her when I think she is needed as evidenced by my hours. I shudder at the thought of anyone playing 400+ hours on any hero in a game with 28 heroes. I cannot imagine only playing one hero for 2 years.

Wrong again, I just didn’t ride the SR abuse wave back in whatever season 5 or 6 it was, read my post again. My current life-style doesn’t allow me to play as much as I could before and I don’t have the time to dedicate to competitive. Back then I didn’t want to artificially pump my stats, read above example.

It’s implicit, it’s implied. A lot of these people, said poster being a real prime example gatekeep you by saying Mercy isn’t even my top pick as if that is somehow a counter to my points. Again, I don’t need to be a Mercy one-trick nor GM to understand the game or to understand balance. Mind you, if you are gold and can’t deal with Pharah and think she is OP, that’s something else entirely. But being in Diamond, playing for 2 years and playing arguably every hero in the game consistently except Doomfist and Orisa is more than enough credentials for me to comment and have a well rounded analysis. I would take that any day over a 400+ one trick mercy main that played 2 years nothing but Mercy. That person literally has the bias glasses permanently ingrained in their face, no offense.

On the contrary, if they haven’t played mass Resurrect but are going to say something about it, it is very much relevant. that is just my opinion though.

Yeah, I don’t care… He’s talking about old Mercy when I don’t know for sure if he has played old Mercy given that his career profile resembles that of a smurf.

Again, it’s not that deep. I respect his opinion but him saying

Will be irrelevant to me if he hasn’t played Mercy. (He has btw, he told me). He seemed pretty cool about it.