This gatekeeping is scary

So now, instead of condemning the players that are doing the harassing, you’re condemning the OP saying that they brought this upon themselves?

What has the world come to?

Can’t you see that I have tried to ignore them. For the past several hours I’ve ignored them but every post I make they continue to spam and harass me.

Why are you trying to play victim??? You’re the one that stirred all of this up. This is a forum, no one is “gatekeeping”. Each side speaks out what they think, it’s called a discussion. You started the thread, you should have known it would stir things up. Also, there is a mute thread option. You could easily ignore people you don’t want to talk to.


The thread by RevertMercy is nearly double the length of yours, provides a different outlook at the same topic as yours, and it’s “copy and paste” because it’s satire. And also stop playing the victim when you even actively call out people to come at you when in your thread, "Mass Rez promoted ‘Suicide Playstyle,’ you said “NB4 Mercys come at me saying that I’m ignorant or don’t have an opinion.”


I used to sympathize with Mercy mains, but there are many of them that refuse to have a proper discussion with others. They immediately get defensive, sarcastic, and seem to only respond to people with videos as a clear dig at them because they don’t want to join the “revert or riot” bandwagon. It’s ridiculous.


Yes, you brought this upon yourself. Just go look at the Mercy threads you made

This is your problem and every problem has a solution:

  1. Apologize to these Mercy players here or make a thread apologizing to Mercy players. Maybe they will accept it or not. :man_shrugging:

  2. Continue to ignore them

Or you can continue to do what you do, but it won’t stop the problem between you and Mercy players.

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Pretty sure harassing someone, regardless of reasons, shouldn’t be allowed here.

Disagreeing with him is not harassment. :confused:

Edit: Don’t know if there’s anything else because I don’t keep track of all the replies here.

True, but that also means stereotyping Mercy mains to be “gatekeepers” and calling them all cultists.


I never said it was, but I have seen Mercys who derailed other people’s threads because they take issue with the poster in question for something that happened in a different thread. I think that’s pretty crazy.

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True but same can be said vice versa. Tu quoque is not just exclusive to Mercy players.

There are a vocal minority within the Mercy mains that do follow this sort of metality though.

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It’s recently been a vocal minority of them, and it’s getting harder to ignore when you see 20 posts about it.

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I’ve seen Mercy haters do that too, not Mercy specific.

I dont see how stating a fact, without saying who I’m talking about in particular, is harassing.

Fact of the matter is they exist, I’m not saying each and every Mercy main is doing it, but there are those who do. Just like there are other mains that have a few bad apples among their group. The point is it shouldn’t be allowed regardless.


I was the one who requested a link to said post, because I wanted to read it myself so I could decide for myself what was going on.

DvaSlays isn’t out to get you because they gave me what I asked for.

Thank you btw DvaSlays.

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This is what they do. They take a generic post and imply it’s only for them and take it personally.

Good luck.

As a main (and lover) of the winged healer lady, and (I try to at least, in tandem with Moira for my second choice) to use her primarily. I am actually quite fine with the way she is right now, save for one thing. She should have a slight bump back up in HPS (55HPS, anyone?)

Otherwise, I’m saddened by the fact that some people are so trapped in that bubble of nostalgia that they can’t just learn to love and accept her the way she is in the here and now. She is a great MAIN healer and will continue to be one for quite a long while.

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Current Mercy has been here for a year. I don’t think it’s nostalgia… Also, is this your main account???

This is what they do. And you wonder why no one is taking you seriously.


Of all the people to say that…