This gatekeeping is scary

OP was shut down and falsely flagged by people in different threads by the Reverts just like everyone else.

OP decided to finally speak about the blatant disregard for the community a certain sub-group of Mercy players have by making this thread.

OP managed to survive the hive-mind Revert Mercy assault and this thread actually got a moderator’s plasma shield upgrade to withstand zerling attacks.

TL/DR Finally a thread that survived and exposed the blatant disregard of a sub-group within the community falsely reporting and silencing anyone with a different opinion and promoting Revert/Rework of Mercy to make her OP again.

Legit any hero that’s broken then fixed can do this…

No hero has ever been broken as much as Mercy was mate, not by a long shot.

Some heroes certainly have been broken enough to climb with… Lmao, I’m already thinking of all those Junkrat mains…

The OP admitted to false flagging in a previous thread. He’s being a hypocrite if he’s going to complain about false flagging (not that it’s good).

I ugh, want to believe that the dev group is as capable of understanding the forums as much as we do.

Not sure why we needed that ‘one thread’ to speak or prove such thing.

Every hero has a ‘forum gang’ which is of course, the minority compared to the overall audience of the game.

I think if it’s a revert Mercy thread then it isn’t false flagging because those are all spam in a can yo

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As a toxic DPS Hanzo main who constantly screams “rEEEEEEEEEEEEEE REZZ MEEE!!1!” into my mic and thats all i use it for i kinda want mass rezz

Well, this is kind of an example on differences between people and why some Mercy players are torn up about Mercy becoming less fun to play. I enjoy getting really good with one hero the same way I enjoy learning one version of photoshop really well (I don’t like to upgrade softwares, phones, or other technologies unless there is a new feature I really need).

I enjoyed playing Mercy for around 200 hours (my second highest hero had like 6 hours and there were like 18 heroes I never even tried). I completely understand that Mercy needed balance nerfs, and I absolutely agree that people without experience playing Mercy can comment on balance fixes etc. What I’m not ok with is people claiming that “Mercy is fine now” because she’s balanced, when I and many with me think that she might be balanced, but she’s not fun and therefore she’s not fine. And I completely accept that there are those who think Mercy is fine, both from an enjoyment and balance perspective. But I will continue to fight for changes that makes Mercy more fun for me to play, because ultimately I want to have fun while playing the game however selfish that might sound.

He literally didn’t say once in his post that they should “shut down all talk about her”

This is against CoC and certainly looks like false flagging…

I guess you have to know all about the CoC if you skirt around breaking it for a hobby


Hahaha, I was literally about to say the same. The Neon dude also keeps talking about CoC giving his professional advice, when he literally false reported me for a real life threat and managed to get me silenced before a mod intervened and proved me innocent.

Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish

Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters

These are things some Mercy mains have done, as well.


Ooohhh, I get it know. My response to this isss,

Someone else already called him out for this. I just copied and pasted it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not all Mercy threads fall under this…

I’m sorry, Mercy threads get made to start fights?

I didn’t say all. Im not sure why you keep assuming I mean all Mercy threads.

The second point is in regards to the vocal minority Mercy mains who have entered other people’s threads to derail them.

This is the quote I linked, the one you responded to:

He literally says that he flags anything mercy related as spam which is considered to be abuse of the flagging feature.

I don’t even address them directly

No matter what, it’s a trap

Everything they say is bait and nothing they say is good.

I am not that person, I don’t see why you’re assuming I do the same thing. I’m saying that there are some vocal minority Mercys that also fall under the definition of spam.